Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Why Almost Nothing Changes When Republicans Are Elected
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Before digging into the title of this column, I need to call your attention to what I said in this column of February 8: As I said, among the millions of illegals that have ent...
    Published: Thursday, March 7, 2024 :: Columns :: 3865 Views ::Article Rating
    Joe Biden Should Be Charged With Treason For Refusing To Secure America’s Borders
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Almost everyone—including Democrats—knows that Joe Biden and his family are guilty of several acts of criminality, any one of which are impeachable offenses. One thing you ...
    Published: Thursday, February 29, 2024 :: Columns :: 2829 Views ::Article Rating
    Super Bowl Churchianity
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) On Super Bowl Sunday, February 11, tens of thousands of “churches” all over America shortened services, canceled services altogether or turned their worship services into m...
    Published: Thursday, February 22, 2024 :: Columns :: 3062 Views ::Article Rating
    VIVA, Tucker!
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) By sitting down and having a prolonged, meaningful, televised, face-to-face discussion with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson likely delayed global nuclear war. ...
    Published: Thursday, February 15, 2024 :: Columns :: 2865 Views ::Article Rating
    U.S. Government Gives Millions To Jewish Group To Escort Illegals Into America
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Peggy Hall writes the report, and she begins saying, This story really needs to come with a vomit warning. Indeed, it does. Then again, just about everything coming out of Washin...
    Published: Thursday, February 8, 2024 :: Columns :: 5783 Views ::Article Rating
    Benjamin Netanyahu: Forerunner Of Messiah Or Ambassador Of Hell?
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Writing for Veterans Today, Dragan Filipovic wrote a fascinating and very enlightening report on Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entitled Bibi: A False Messiah. ...
    Published: Thursday, February 1, 2024 :: Columns :: 3617 Views ::Article Rating
    The Genocide In Gaza Is Illegal, Incomprehensible, Inexcusable, Infernal, Inhumane And Irredeemable—And Evangelicals Are Responsible
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Make no mistake about it: Israel is not fighting a war of self-defense in Gaza; it is waging a war of ethnic cleansing, extermination and genocide. Chris Hedges makes a strong ...
    Published: Thursday, January 25, 2024 :: Columns :: 4172 Views ::Article Rating
    The Covid-19 Vaccine: “The Antichrist Of All Products” — And Biden Taking U.S. To War As Congress Does Nothing
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) While the vast majority of evangelical pastors and leaders were out front promoting the Covid-19 “vaccine” (and getting paid by the government to do so), I was one of an ex...
    Published: Thursday, January 18, 2024 :: Columns :: 3703 Views ::Article Rating
    More Revelation About October 7 And The “Israel Exception”
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Since the Hamas attack against the Israeli military on October 7, Israel and its controlled propagandists in the Western media have repeatedly referred to the attack as an act of &ldqu...
    Published: Thursday, January 11, 2024 :: Columns :: 3804 Views ::Article Rating
    Has Israel Sealed Its Own Destruction?
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Contrary to the beliefs of a majority of evangelical Christians, the Zionist State of Israel created in 1948 is NOT resurrected Biblical/Prophetic Israel. It is an atheistic, antichris...
    Published: Thursday, January 4, 2024 :: Columns :: 4881 Views ::Article Rating
    A Personal Note
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Please forgive me, but I am taking this week off from my regular column.  For today, please allow me to remind you of several important items that I strongly believe are extrem...
    Published: Thursday, December 28, 2023 :: Columns :: 1746 Views ::Article Rating
    The Birth Of Christ And America
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) This Monday is the day in which we commemorate the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I love quoting John Quincy Adams at this time of the year. On July 4, 1837, he spoke ...
    Published: Thursday, December 21, 2023 :: Columns :: 2808 Views ::Article Rating
    The Eight-Hundred-Pound Gorilla Is In EVERY Room
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Everyone talks about the eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room. But almost no one talks about the eight-hundred-pound gorilla that is in EVERY room. In fact, most people want to pret...
    Published: Thursday, December 14, 2023 :: Columns :: 12574 Views ::Article Rating
    The War Criminal And Mass Murderer That Many Evangelical Leaders Adored
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) The Wicked Warlock of the West is dead. Henry Kissinger has gone to his eternal abode. Kissinger was the quintessential warmonger. He was the warmonger’s warmonger. He was per...
    Published: Thursday, December 7, 2023 :: Columns :: 3153 Views ::Article Rating
    News Flash For Ralph Reed, James Dobson, Robert Jeffress, Jonathan Falwell, John Hagee, Richard Land, Jack Graham, Et Al.
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) News Flash: Israel is NOT a Jewish state; it is a Zionist state. Judaism is NOT the Old Covenant religion of Jehovah; it is the antichrist religion of the Pharisees. The promise to Abr...
    Published: Thursday, November 30, 2023 :: Columns :: 14599 Views ::Article Rating
    The Thanksgiving Heritage Of America
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) From the earliest days of America’s history, our forebears offered frequent and fervent prayers of thanksgiving to God. In our giant compilation of America’s great historic...
    Published: Thursday, November 23, 2023 :: Columns :: 1591 Views ::Article Rating
    The REAL American Story
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) The controlled mainstream media, American politicians and even many evangelical pulpits are not telling the truth about America. They are feeding the people of this country with distor...
    Published: Thursday, November 16, 2023 :: Columns :: 2143 Views ::Article Rating
    Remembering The USS Liberty: Naval Hero And LIBERTY Survivor At LF This Sunday
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) The USS Liberty is lumbering in international waters. It is flying a brand new 8’x5’ flag, which unmistakably identifies it as a U.S. vessel. The ship’s markings are ...
    Published: Thursday, November 9, 2023 :: Columns :: 2509 Views ::Article Rating
    What Really Happened On October 7? Is Mike Johnson A True Pro-Liberty Speaker?
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Let me remind readers that whenever the entirety of the mainstream media, politicians from both parties and religious leaders from both the right and the left start talking from the sa...
    Published: Thursday, November 2, 2023 :: Columns :: 4141 Views ::Article Rating
    “Erasing Palestine”
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) The world is watching the genocide of an entire people right before its very eyes, and the sound of global indifference is deafening. If any other nation in the world was carrying out ...
    Published: Thursday, October 26, 2023 :: Columns :: 5037 Views ::Article Rating
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