Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Entries for 2001

    Is This The End Of Christmas In America?
    All across America, Christmas is being expunged. In spite of the events of three months ago, there is little room for Christmas in America's public life. In fact, Christmas seems to be losing ground even faster than in the past. School districts across the country are forbidding students from p...
    Published: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 :: Columns :: 4179 Views ::Article Rating
    What Is Bush Hiding?
    During the election season last year, I warned my listeners and readers that should G. W. Bush get elected, he would never allow Congress or the American people learn the truth about Bill Clinton's copious acts of criminality. In other words, Bush would continue where Janet Reno left off: there ...
    Published: Friday, December 14, 2001 :: Columns :: 4178 Views ::Article Rating
    Not All Heroes Are Honored
    The horrific events of September 11 gave rise to many acts of heroism by numerous brave Americans. Many of these stouthearted souls have been duly honored. However, not all heroes are so honored. Some are left to suffer the devastating consequences of their courage alone and are totally forgotten. O...
    Published: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 :: Columns :: 3150 Views ::Article Rating
    New World Order On Fast Track
    What Japanese bombers could not do in 1941, politicians and businessmen are doing in 2001: destroying U.S. sovereignty and independence. Their weapons are not sinking ships, but they are sinking American autonomy. Furthermore, a Republican administration has done nothing to circumvent or slow down t...
    Published: Friday, December 7, 2001 :: Columns :: 5182 Views ::Article Rating
    Let Me Tell You About My Family
    Tomorrow my wife and I will help celebrate our oldest son's 25th birthday. A few weeks ago, we celebrated our daughter's 27th birthday, and shortly before that, we celebrated our youngest son's 22nd birthday. I have often said that I would rather be a successful husband and father than a...
    Published: Tuesday, December 4, 2001 :: Columns :: 5550 Views ::Article Rating
    No Separation of Mosque & State
    Can public school students pray during class hours? Can they bring their prayer books to school? Can they utilize private rooms within the schools that are devoted to their prayer meetings? Will teachers alter students' class assignments and schedules to accommodate their prayer meetings? The an...
    Published: Friday, November 16, 2001 :: Columns :: 4627 Views ::Article Rating
    Are Americans Ready To Accept A Police State?
    Current trends seem to suggest that America may not be the "land of the free" much longer. In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, our federal government seems committed to the proposition that freedom is expendable if expunged in the name of security....
    Published: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 :: Columns :: 3219 Views ::Article Rating
    Take My Home-School History Test
    Earlier this year, some parents of home-schooled children asked me to teach their children a course in U.S. history. I gladly accepted the invitation. We just finished our first semester, so I thought I would share with my readers some of the questions that appeared on the final test. Here is a samp...
    Published: Friday, November 9, 2001 :: Columns :: 4072 Views ::Article Rating
    An Old-fashioned God & Country Day
    It was customary in Colonial America for pastors to deliver "election" sermons before or during national elections. To many Christians in early America, this was not only customary it was almost mandatory. Pastors would preach loquacious sermons on the duty of Christians to be involved in ...
    Published: Friday, October 26, 2001 :: Columns :: 3193 Views ::Article Rating
    What Is The Difference?
    Let me give you some background information about myself. I was raised in a strong Christian family. All the men in my family were tradesmen and were, therefore, members of various trade unions. As such, they were all proud, hard-working Democrats. So was I - until 1980. I switched my party affilia...
    Published: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 :: Columns :: 4483 Views ::Article Rating
    Why Is America Ashamed Of Jesus?
    America's Founding Fathers believed they were establishing a nation where Christians could work and worship freely. They made no pretenses to being agnostic or unbelieving. Early in our country's existence, Benjamin Franklin wrote a pamphlet called, "Information to Those who would Remov...
    Published: Friday, October 19, 2001 :: Columns :: 4468 Views ::Article Rating
    The Casualties Of War
    The late, great newspaper publisher, William Randolph Hearst, is commonly quoted as having said during the Spanish-American War, "Truth is the first casualty of war." If truth is war's first casualty, it certainly is not the last. Just look at what has transpired since the attacks of S...
    Published: Saturday, October 6, 2001 :: Columns :: 4154 Views ::Article Rating
    Must God Apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah?
    It astonishes the mind to realize how many professing Christians refuse to believe that acceptance of moral perversity leads to divine judgment. Such widespread misunderstanding of Holy Writ can only be attributed to a half century of impotent, shallow pulpits. Unfortunately, the consequences of suc...
    Published: Tuesday, October 2, 2001 :: Columns :: 4672 Views ::Article Rating
    Arm The Pilots (And Everyone Else)
    Airline pilots across the country are calling upon Congress and the White House to grant them liberty to carry personal firearms while on the job. This is only a reasonable request. Unfortunately, neither Congress nor President Bush seems willing to grant their approval. Instead, Bush plans to put a...
    Published: Friday, September 28, 2001 :: Columns :: 4177 Views ::Article Rating
    At What Price Justice?
    Our government promises to bring the perpetrators of the attacks against America to justice. I am all for that. My only question is, "What will it cost?" Let's look at the proposals already being touted: *Without the approbation of Congress or the Constitution, President Bush has crea...
    Published: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 :: Columns :: 3465 Views ::Article Rating
    Let’s All Apologize
    What did Jerry Falwell say that was so awful? It must have been something terrible. After all, Pat Robertson, Cal Thomas, Rush Limbaugh, even President Bush vehemently condemned what he said. Whatever he said must have been truly nasty because he quickly apologized. I hope he is now back in the good...
    Published: Friday, September 21, 2001 :: Columns :: 4609 Views ::Article Rating
    Feeding the Hand that Bites You
    According to U.S. Deputy Defense Secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, China is “almost certain” to become a world superpower, perhaps within the next twenty-five years. Wolfowitz warned that China could therefore emerge as a serious threat to the United States. He said, “I would say overall ...
    Published: Friday, August 31, 2001 :: Columns :: 4000 Views ::Article Rating
    Christians Practicing Pagan Customs
    Some have suggested that we have entered the “post-Christian era of America.” They are right. Despite the fact that millions of Americans regularly attend thousands of churches on any given Sunday, our culture has become decidedly pagan. Only a pagan culture would tolerate the legalized...
    Published: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 :: Columns :: 5316 Views ::Article Rating

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