Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    U.S. Launches Third Proxy War, This Time In Syria

    Published: Thursday, December 12, 2024

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    Here we go again: The War Party in Washington, D.C., has launched its third proxy war against Russia and Iran, this time in Syria.

    Let me start by encouraging readers to watch my brief 10-minute video analysis of the invasion of Syria here.

    Mind you, this invasion has been in the planning stages for months—or even years. The invasion itself was conducted by a fanatical jihadist Sunni terrorist group that is a splinter organization of ISIS, ISIL and al-Nusra called Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). Previous to this Western-led invasion on Syria, HTS was categorized by the United States as one of the top ten terrorist groups in the world. Of course, the Islamic terror militias ISIS, ISIL and al-Nusra were initially created, equipped and trained by America’s CIA, Israel’s Mossad and Turkish intelligence. The staging area for this invasion into Damascus was in Idlib, Syria, which was under the oversight and protection of the Turkish government.

    The invasion was organized and implemented by the governments of five countries: the United States, Great Britain, Israel, Turkey and Ukraine. Many of the ground forces that participated in the invasion of Southern Syria, including Damascus, were Ukrainians. Ukraine also supplied the drones used in the invasion.

    Here is a spot-on analysis of the Syrian situation from Ben Norton:

    The United States spent billions over years arming and training militants in Syria, many linked to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

    Current US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan admitted back in 2012 that “AQ [Al-Qaeda] is on our side in Syria”.

    In December 2024, armed extremists overthrew the Syrian government and seized power in the capital Damascus, in an operation sponsored by NATO member Turkey.

    This assault was led by a rebranded Al-Qaeda militia that espouses a fanatical Salafi-jihadist ideology.

    Some of the Al-Qaeda-linked “rebels” who now rule Syria told the Israeli media that they “love Israel”. They vowed to establish a new pro-Western regime in the country.

    Israel has for years given weapons and other forms of support to extremist “rebels” in Syria, including Al-Qaeda. They successfully toppled the government of President Bashar al-Assad, who had refused to recognize Israel and had provided military aid to resistance groups in the region.

    The Salafi-jihadist militants who seized Syria’s second-biggest city Aleppo in late November, and subsequently took over Damascus on December 8, were portrayed sympathetically in Western media as “rebels”, but they were led by rebranded Al-Qaeda.

    The main armed group that conquered Syria is called Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which emerged out of the country’s Al-Qaeda affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra (also known as the Nusra Front). This was previously the largest branch of Al-Qaeda in the world.

    HTS superficially distanced itself from Al-Qaeda as part of a Western-backed public relations campaign to depict itself as more “moderate”. Neoconservative think tanks in Washington have whitewashed HTS leaders as “diversity-friendly jihadists”, but they still maintain the same fascist ideology.

    In fact, despite this cynical rebranding effort, the US government officially recognized HTS as a terrorist organization in 2018, adding the extremist group to its previous designation of Jabhat al-Nusra.

    Terrorist designations like this, nevertheless, have not stopped the US and its allies in Israel, Turkey, and the Gulf monarchies from providing support to Al-Qaeda-linked groups in Syria.

    HTS had previously established a de facto government in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province, where it ruled with an iron fist, with direct assistance from NATO member Turkey.

    The rebranded Al-Qaeda militia used Idlib as its base of operations to launch the assault on neighboring Aleppo in November 2024. Major French media outlet AFP reported that Syrian “opposition sources in touch with Turkish intelligence said Turkey had given a green light to the offensive”.

    After taking Aleppo, the extremists moved south and captured the capital, overthrowing the government.

    Israel’s far-right Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took credit for the victory of the rebranded Al-Qaeda death squad.

    In the aftermath of the overthrow of the Syrian government by HTS, President-elect Donald Trump said, “This is not our war.” What a joke! Trump is either staggeringly naïve or he surreptitiously supports this military action in Syria. I believe it’s the latter, as Trump sees it as a means of facilitating his plans to extend U.S. involvement in fighting Israel’s wars when he takes office. As Norton documents, Washington, D.C., is neck-deep in this war. I would speculate that Washington, D.C., is neck-deep in over 90% of ALL the wars and conflicts worldwide. 

    If a president—any president—truly wanted to promote peace in the world, he would dismantle the CIA, because the CIA (along with Britain’s MI6 and Israel's Mossad) is the biggest instigator of war in the world.  

    The American people need to wrap their heads around what’s going on here. For over two decades, we were told that the Islamic extremists within ISIS, ISIL and al-Nusra were America’s greatest threat—our greatest enemy. We fought the “war on terror” to destroy this part of the “axis of evil.” Thousands of American lives were lost (and are still being lost) in this “holy” war. Now, the United States is directly supporting the same extremist Sunni group it had branded as terrorists just a few years ago.

    In truth, it was NOT the United States that defeated these Islamic terror groups; it was Russia and Iran, especially the dynamic and strategic leadership of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, whom President Trump assassinated while Soleimani was on a diplomatic peace mission on January 3, 2020.

    Scott Ritter said the following in a S.A.M. interview regarding the Syrian crisis:

    S.A.M.: It's a day-by-day reality that's rapidly changing on a day-to-day basis. So, with so many active war fronts, it's very hard for most people to keep up. And I'm wondering, is this chaos intentional in that could it have anything to do with Trump taking office on January 20th? Are there players who are trying to rush things before that date arrives? 

    Ritter: There's no doubt that there's an element. First of all, it's difficult to quantify Trump, because there's a world vision and then there's the fact that he's a tool of Zionism. He's built the most pro-Zionist, pro-Israeli administration imaginable. I mean it seems that you have to be an outright Zionist in order to get in here. It's ridiculous what he's done here.

    So, normally I would say, for instance, what's going on in Ukraine and everything with NATO is, you have the establishment seeking to Trump-proof their policies. That is, to create chaos, create disruption, commit the United States to a policy course that Trump won't be able to disentangle. And in many ways that may be what's happening here by getting the Turks and Israelis to prematurely initiate this offensive designed to shape events in the Middle East that will make it difficult for Trump to come in with a plan. Because literally the entire Middle East map is being redrawn politically and geopolitically as we speak.  

    What Trump thought he was going to be dealing with and what he's going to be dealing with are two totally different things. And this is probably deliberate on the part of those people who are trying to Trump-proof a policy.  

    But again, it's difficult to say because he’s put in the most pro-Israeli cabinet imaginable. So, these are people that have close ties to Israel, which means they have to be cognizant of Israel's strategic objectives in this offensive. Which means that actually in the case of the Middle East, this might not be something that is designed to entangle Trump but liberate Trump.

    I can't even begin to address objectively the political makeup of his cabinet, because it's the most anti-American cabinet imaginable when it comes to Israel, because it's literally sold out to Israel across the board.

    Hear Ritter’s statement again: “This might not be something that is designed to entangle Trump but liberate Trump.”

    That is one of the most profound statements I have heard from anyone regarding the overall subject of Donald Trump and Israel. In other words, Trump may have actually been the driving force behind the invasion of Syria, knowing it will better allow him to unleash his radical Zionist war agenda in the Middle East. Miriam Adelson is going to get her $100 million campaign donation to Trump back in spades.

    The bottom line here is that the United States has opened a third proxy war in Syria against Russia and Iran and in support of Zionist Israel.

    As a Christian minister, I look at all of these geopolitical events in terms of how they impact the lives and wellbeing of my Christian brothers and sisters in these regions, knowing that satanic forces constantly seek to persecute, punish, pummel and ultimately to see the New Covenant Church-Bride of Christ perish from off the earth.

    Zionist Israel—with the enthusiastic support of Christian Zionists in America—has tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Christians throughout the Middle East: in Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza. Now, Israel and its allies in the West are facilitating and actively assisting the torture and murders of tens of thousands of Christians in Syria.

    Say what you will about Bashar al-Assad, his personal faith system is that of the Alawite Muslims. As such, he was rejected as a heretic by both the Sunni and Shia Muslims. Therefore, as Syria’s leader, he was the most tolerant to people of all faiths of any leader in the Middle East. He allowed people of all religions to freely practice their faith, whether they were Shia Muslims, Sunni Muslims, Jews or Christians. And there are tens of thousands of practicing Christians in Syria.

    Now, our brothers and sisters in Christ in Syria face a horrific future of persecution, torture and death at the hands of the radical jihadist Sunni terror group that just took over Damascus, HTS.

    Thank you, Zionist President Joe Biden. Thank you, Zionist President Donald Trump. Thank you, Christian Zionist pastors John Hagee, Robert Jeffress, John MacArthur, et al.

    Sooner or later, a Just God will put a stop to these Zionist warmongers and avenge the blood of His martyred saints, as He did when He destroyed the Pharisees and their seat of power in Jerusalem and the Jewish temple in 70 AD.

    It can’t come soon enough.

    P.S. We have just released my latest Prophecy Message from Revelation 19 entitled Jesus Returns To Jerusalem And The Marriage Of The Lamb.

    Revelation 19 is one of the most highly regarded and misinterpreted chapters in the entire New Testament. I’ll simply supply this teaser: Christ’s return to Jerusalem in Revelation 19 is NOT the Second Coming of Christ at the end of the world. This message explains why.

    Find Prophecy Message Number 23 Jesus Returns To Jerusalem And The Marriage Of The Lamb here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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