Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Unity For The Sake Of Unity Alone Is To "Unify" Around Nothing...Or Anything," By Rick Jore
    Dear Friends, "Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost." - John Quincy Adams  When it comes to watching political party politics play out, being "on the outside looking in" can ...
    Published: Thursday, December 7, 2023 :: Documents :: 584 Views ::Article Rating
    Tim Sheehy: Democrats’ Perfect Choice To Run Against Jon Tester, By Roger Koopman
    Run a scowling, frowning fat cat against a smiling, beer-drinking fat rancher, and the fat rancher wins every time. The ever-so-clever establishment wing of the National Republican Party has created, ex nihilo, The Perfect Candidate.  To defeat Senator Tester? No.  To defeat itself, and...
    Published: Thursday, December 7, 2023 :: Documents :: 544 Views ::Article Rating
    An Open Letter On The Covid Crisis From A Medical Doctor
    99.9% Survival Rate Does Not Equate To A Crisis—You Are Not Following Science And Data By Forcing Masks On Children By Ann Bukacek, M.D. Attachments above share the CDC Montana data in July and September of this year. You can see the per capita survival in Montana is 99.9%, and...
    Published: Thursday, September 16, 2021 :: Documents :: 3230 Views ::Article Rating
    Charles Spurgeon on Christian War Fever
    Charles Spurgeon on Christian War Fever (Excerpted from various sermons; edited by Laurence Vance) “Long have I held that war is an enormous crime.” “So combustible are the materials of which this great world is made, that I am ever apprehensive of war. I do not account it ...
    Published: Monday, June 3, 2019 :: Documents :: 2186 Views ::Article Rating

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