Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    The Kosher President

    Published: Thursday, November 14, 2024

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    Donald Trump is now America’s President-Elect. As I said previously, I fully expected that Trump would win by a comfortable electoral margin and that it would be a clean sweep for the GOP.

    As a result of the big Republican win, most evangelicals and conservatives are predictably acting like the Millennium has arrived. Despite everything that has transpired since the dawn of this century, despite the Tea Party movement during the Ron Paul years, despite the ubiquitous bumper stickers pasted to the vehicles of conservatives that said, “I don’t believe the mainstream media,” today’s evangelicals and conservatives are still trapped in the artificial left-right paradigm.

    Republicans: Good. Democrats: Bad. That’s everything you need to know.

    But think about this: During the first 24 years of this 21st century, we’ve had 12 years of Democrat presidents in the White House and 12 years of Republican presidents in the White House. Tell me, what difference has it made? No matter who was president, America continued to fight Israel’s wars, play the role of the world’s policeman, bully foreign governments (including political assassinations), build its global empire and steal minerals and oil from foreign countries. America’s national debt continued to rise exponentially, deficit spending continued to rise exponentially, the surveillance/police state continued to expand and the economic wellbeing of average working families continued to deteriorate.

    And regardless of Trump’s anti-climate change rhetoric, there is no doubt in my mind that he will accelerate the Green New Deal.

    In response to my pre-election column two weeks back, I received several emails from angry Christians who said: “Chuck, if you turn your back on Donald Trump, you are turning your back on God.” These are the same folks, of course, that have repeatedly told me, “Chuck, if you turn your back on Israel, you are turning your back on God.”

    Folks, if that is not idolatry, I don’t know what is.

    God’s Holy Word says absolutely nothing about turning one’s back on a politician—a corrupt, blasphemous politician at that—being tantamount to turning one’s back on God. Neither does Zionist Israel have anything whatsoever to do with Biblical Israel. In truth, God Himself is the One Who has turned His back on Old Covenant Israel and, by so doing, destroyed that nation FOREVER. The State of Israel in Palestine today is a devilish counterfeit.

    What God’s Holy Word declares is that those who turn their backs on JESUS are turning their backs on God. (John 3:18, 36; 10:30; 14:6, 9; Acts 4:12; I John 4:2, 3)

    But many evangelicals and conservatives have elevated partisan politics in general and Donald Trump in particular to God-like status.

    At the time of this writing, Trump has announced but a few names he has appointed to his administration. But the ones he has appointed are just more of the same—especially regarding foreign policy. I am reminded of the sagacity of Dr. Ron Paul: “Personnel is policy.”

    What I’m seeing happening at this early stage is Trump filling his administration—especially the key positions—with uber-Zionists. As I have noted—and Trump himself has often declared—The Donald is the most Zionist president America has ever had; and I am confident that this second term of Trump’s will be dominated and controlled by Zionist influencers to an even greater degree than was his first administration.

    But, of course, on the whole, evangelicals and conservatives have zero comprehension of the satanic evil that Zionism represents. In fact, most of them enthusiastically embrace and endorse all things Zionist.

    By nature, Donald Trump only knows one way to operate, and that is to bully people by intimidation and brute-force to do what he wants them to do. That has been Trump’s modus operandi during his entire life—professionally and personally.

    And I can say the following with confidence: The United States is not what it was in the 1990s and early 2000s. We are NOT the superpower of the world. America’s military and economic global hegemony has deteriorated much. America no longer has overwhelming military superiority over Iran and Russia. And those nations—along with several others—cannot be intimidated into submission by the U.S. anymore.

    If Donald Trump tries to bully Iran—or bomb Iran—into submission, he will launch World War III. And when that happens, cataclysmic devastation will envelop the world, including here in America. Oh! And in the process, the State of Israel will be completely annihilated. But at that point, no one will care—not even John Hagee.

    The American people gave Trump a landslide victory mainly because they are sick and tired of fighting these stupid (Trump’s word) wars. But Trump appears to be filling his administration with uber-Zionists with his early selections of Marco Rubio as Secretary of State, Kristi Noem as Secretary of Homeland Security, Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor, Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense, Elise Stefanik as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. and uber-Christian Zionist Mike Huckabee as U.S. ambassador to Israel. Appointing Huckabee to be ambassador to Israel is tantamount to putting a convict in charge of the prison. Any hope of a new Trump administration promoting peace in the Middle East is beginning to look like nothing more than a pipedream. These are the kinds of people who will lead us into more and more dangerous wars and also attempt to suppress the freedom of speech (Project Esther) here in America.

    Here is further food for thought on the subject from W.M. Peterson:

    “You can’t tolerate Pharaoh, so you’ll vote for Nebuchadnezzar, and then go to God on your knees and ask for blessing and protection. God is not mocked! He doesn’t support evil, whether “lesser” or any other type.”— Michael A. Hoffman

    How strange, eh? Trump wins the election and all’s quiet on the Western front. No Antifa or BLM thugs tearing up major cities; no suspicious activity at the polls or meaningful cases of voter fraud; no histrionic media warning about the impending ‘rise of fascism.’ Nothing! It’s almost as if Trump was the deep state’s candidate all along, something I have contended since October 7, 2023.

    My MAGA friends assure me the vote for Trump was simply ‘too big to rig’ and that his victory is cause for uninhibited celebration. Our broken election system that garnered so much attention just four years ago has miraculously been restored and conservative Americans can once again place their faith in the democratic process. Hallelujah!

    Both candidates in our two-party system are wholly dependent on wealthy Jewish donors for campaign financing and, therefore, pledge their allegiance not to the country they’re elected to represent, but rather a criminally-insane foreign state whose interests, more often than not, diverge significantly from our own. Trump hardly differs from a Hillary Clinton or John McCain in this respect.

    Following October 7, 2023, a noticeable shift in the attitudes of many Establishment insiders occurred. Influential Jews in finance, politics and media, who forcefully opposed the MAGA movement in the past, began throwing their support behind the erstwhile ‘new Hitler,’ eventually raising hundreds of millions of dollars for his presidential campaign. Among his many newfound supporters is Silicon Valley’s Jacob Helberg, a lifelong Democrat and former benefactor of Pete Buttigieg, who became a top financial contributor to Trump in the aftermath of October 7. Helberg is a senior advisor to Alex Karp — the Jewish CEO of Palantir Technology — and was instrumental in the passage of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, legislation which forced the sale of social media platform Tik Tok due, in all actuality, to its “anti-Israel bias.” Palantir (founded by Karp and JD Vance’s political mentor Peter Thiel), has very close ties to the state of Israel and has provided the Israeli Defense Forces with surveillance systems used to spy on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as unsuspecting people around the world.

    The wealthy individuals who have cozied up to Trump over the past 12 months are single-issue voters, and that issue is Israel.

    It’s probably safe to assume that the millions of dollars Trump receives from people like Helberg and Thiel {not to mention Miriam Adelson’s $100 million} motivates his rhetoric about deporting “anti-Israel protestors” and bombing Iran more so than any deeply held philosemitic convictions. Many of his supporters, however, fail to make this connection, and as a result, adopt similar attitudes and opinions to those their hero has been paid so handsomely to express. Indeed, the major benefit of a Trump presidency from the perspective of these people is his unprecedented popularity, which automatically ensures countless supporters for the Zionist cause. Had Kamala Harris been installed as America’s 47th president, I honestly believe a majority of Trump’s base would’ve quickly grown tired of watching material and financial aid go to Israel, thus creating a fissure in the Zionist edifice and potentially leading to an overdue reckoning with the Jewish Question. As it stands, Trump will likely live up to his billing as history’s most pro-Israel president and he’ll almost certainly be granted a free pass by his supporters, who seem to view him in the same starry-eyed way as a child views his favorite athlete or movie star.

    I probably wouldn’t agree with Mr. Peterson on everything, but his understanding of the evils of Zionism is spot on. And right now, the enthusiastic acceptance of Zionism by Christian evangelicals and Republican conservatives—and the power that Zionism wields over America’s federal government (and many State governments)—is the single biggest threat to America’s future.

    Peterson began his missive by quoting my good friend Michael Hoffman (author of the blockbuster must-read book Judaism’s Strange Gods). So, I’ll conclude my missive by quoting him as well.

    Unless he {Trump} turns over a new leaf — and every human being deserves the benefit of the doubt at the start of a new chapter in life — based on his past record (not rhetoric), Trump is not the good guy in this war.

    He is assuredly the vessel into which we have poured our outrage and discontent. He is outwardly the symbol of resistance to the psychic dislocation which has battered us for decades. Trump personifies our hunger for recompense and a course-correction of the American ship of state.

    There’s a worm in that apple, however. Trump is suffering from a double mind. He calls Liz Cheney a war hawk and yet continues to ally with Mike Pompeo, one of the most foreign-war crazed of the Neocons. In his first administration Trump promoted Mr. Pompeo to CIA director and Secretary of State. He remains close to him now.

    Donald Trump has been given the opportunity of a generation to avert global war and restore at least a modicum of prosperity and constitutionalism to the United States. And I will be praying for him, as the Scripture tells me to pray, that, due to his decisions, we may lead a quiet and peaceable life. (I Timothy 2:2) That is my prayer for each president we elect.

    The problem is, as long as our politicians and pastors are controlled by Zionist-inspired Israel-based prophecy doctrines—including unconditional support for the State of Israel—there will be no peace.

    And, tragically, despite the golden opportunity that sits before him, Donald Trump is not only a Zionist; he is the kosher president.

    P.S. My two latest message DVDs, which I believe are paramount in importance to the days in which we live, are now available.

    The first one is entitled All Nations—Including America—Are Accountable To The Natural Laws Of Our Creator.

    The second one is entitled The Rapture: A Deceptive And Destructive Doctrine.

    I urge readers to watch these messages and share them with everyone they can.

    Also, let me remind you that THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS can now be pre-ordered. The publishing date is November 21, and those who have pre-ordered will receive the FIRST copies once we receive them from the printer.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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