Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Kudos Candace!

    Published: Thursday, December 19, 2024

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    I must confess that I am only vaguely familiar with Candace Owens’ podcasts. I have never watched a single program. But I understand that she is a very outspoken conservative who has a very large following. I assume that she is strongly pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, anti-surveillance state and anti-perpetual foreign wars. But if I’m assuming incorrectly, I’m sure readers will set me straight. I’ve also heard that Candace is pro-Trump; but I don’t know if she is a Trump toady. I hope not.

    So, why am I devoting today’s column to lauding her?

    During one of her podcasts last week, Candace interviewed my good friend, President of the USS Liberty Veterans Association and co-author of the must-read book Remember The LIBERTY!, Phil Tourney. I was told this interview was viewed by almost five million people.

    Kudos Candace!

    During her interview with Phil, she demonstrated great understanding and discernment regarding the evils of Zionism and Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza. I also take note that she demonstrated raw—and rare—courage to speak out against the war crimes and atrocities being committed by the perfidious Israeli state.

    Kudos Candace!

    Then I discovered that she had recently separated herself from uber-Zionist Ben Shapiro’s media network over the Israel issue.

    Kudos Candace!

    Anyone who would partner or align themselves with Ben Shapiro would be partnering or aligning themselves with an open blasphemer and antichrist.

    Some time ago in an interview with Joe Rogan, Shapiro had the following exchange:

    Shapiro: You know, from a Jewish point of view, we don’t believe in the divinity of Christ. There you can make an argument that the Gospels, which are written, signif…

    Rogan: He was just a prophet…

    Shapiro: No, no, no. We don’t even believe he was a prophet.

    Rogan: What do you think He was? What do you guys think He was?

    Shapiro: I mean, what I, what do I think he was historically? I think he was a Jew who tried to lead a revolt against the Romans and got killed for his trouble. Just like a lot of other Jews at that time who were crucified for trying to lead revolts against the Romans and got killed for their trouble.

    Rogan: So, He became a legend and story and became a bigger and bigger deal as time went on.

    Shapiro: Yeah, you get a group of followers, and then that gradually grew, and then there was…

    Rogan: Do you think He was resurrected?

    Shapiro: No, that’s not a Jewish belief.

    What utter blasphemy!

    Shapiro denies Christ’s deity, denies He was even a Prophet, accuses Him of being a criminal who “got killed for his trouble.” He denies the vicarious death of Christ for our sins. He rejects Christ as Israel’s Messiah. He denies Jesus’ resurrection. He speaks of Jesus in the most vile, loathsome terms.

    THIS is the antichrist that so many evangelicals follow.

    Shapiro often cites Maimonides, who is Shapiro’s biggest hero (he quotes him constantly). Maimonides was a 12th-century Jewish rabbi; his writings are regarded as canonical to the Talmud. He said that Christians are idolaters and pagans.

    In his interpretation of the Mishnah, Tractate Avodah Zarah 1:3, Maimonides writes:

    Know that this Christian nation, who are making the claim of a messiah, with all their many different sects, are all idol worshippers and all their holidays are forbidden, and we deal with them regarding religious issues as we would pagans.

    And he adds:

    Therefore one must know that in every one of the Christian nation’s cities which has an altar, meaning their house of worship, it is a pagan house of idolatry without any doubt.

    Maimonides also said:

    The Christians are idol worshipers and Sunday is their religious holiday, therefore we may not trade with them on Thursday and Friday of every week, and needless to say on Sunday, which is forbidden everywhere.

    Maimonides, Shapiro and Netanyahu are all Talmudists. When they speak of the “Torah,” they are not speaking of the five books of Moses; they are speaking of the Talmud. Have you done any research into what the Talmud teaches about Jesus?

    Sanhedrin 106a says Jesus’ mother Mary was a harlot: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also, in footnote #2 to Shabbat 104b of the Soncino edition, it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus' mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men.

    Gittin 57a refers to Jesus as being boiled in "hot excrement."

    But I digress.

    Needless to say, Candace touched the third rail. And almost immediately Zionist influencers everywhere began condemning her.

    The New York Post reported that the Zionist extremist hate group StopAntisemitism had given Candace their Antisemite of the Year award. Candace shot back on her X post:

    Obviously I will prepare an acceptance speech for my show tomorrow. So many people to thank.

    Kudos Candace!

    Christian Zionists crawled out of their Israeli bunkers to castigate Candace.

    An Evangelical leader has urged churches to cut ties with Candace Owens following her statements on Israel and Jews that resulted in Australia and New Zealand denying entry to the political pundit.

    Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of the nonprofit Proclaiming Justice to The Nations who served as special envoy to the United Nations for the World Council of Independent Churches, condemned a series of remarks from the 35-year-old Owens about Israel and the Jewish people that many deemed antisemitic.


    Christian Zionists in the U.S. are the world’s biggest enablers of the perpetual ethnic cleansings and genocides against the Palestinian people over the past 76 years. They are the backbone of the power and influence of the Israel lobby in Washington, D.C. They are the backbone of Israel’s control of the U.S. Congress and White House. They are the backbone of the Israeli-dominated mainstream news media. And they are the cause of the collapse of conscience and humanity among evangelical pulpits and churches.

    Zionism (Jewish or Christian) is a cancer. It is eating away the body politic of countries and the body politic of churches. It is the great antichrist delusion (II Thessalonians 2:11) and bewitchment (Galatians 3:1) in the world today.

    And almost all of our country’s politicians, pastors, journalists, newscasters, newspaper editors, writers, entertainers, talk show hosts and podcasters are helping to spread this cancerous disease. Not many have the conviction and courage to resist the ubiquitous Zionist juggernaut. But thank God, Candace Owens is one of them. She is a modern Daniel or Deborah who possesses the courage of a lion in the face of a pack of hyenas.

    Kudos Candace!

    In the event that Candace herself might discover this column and read it, let me caution you, dear lady, that Donald Trump is himself an uber-Zionist who would throw you under the bus in a millisecond, if he felt you posed too much of a threat to the Zionist machine, which owns him.

    In the meantime, Candace Owens is an oasis of truth in a desert of lies and corruption. She stands head and shoulders above her peers. She joins the company of champions, such as Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie.

    Kudos Candace!

    © Chuck Baldwin

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