Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Entries for 2011

    Ron Paul Is The Only Presidential Candidate Who Gets It
    The recent passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and the reaction–or better, lack of reaction–by the GOP’s Presidential candidates is a perfect example of how it will not matter to a Tinker’s Dam which Republican candidate wins the nomination, unless that c...
    Published: Thursday, December 29, 2011 :: Columns :: 4041 Views ::Article Rating
    A Christmas Miracle?
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation’s great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country’s greatest historical documents, but we did it...
    Published: Thursday, December 15, 2011 :: Columns :: 3694 Views ::Article Rating
    Let My Column Promote Your Products And Services
    (If you are using Internet Explorer and are having trouble viewing the graphics below, try viewing this page in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.) What began as an extension of my radio talk show has mushroomed into one of the most visible voices for constitutional government, personal liberty, and...
    Published: Thursday, December 8, 2011 :: Columns :: 4095 Views ::Article Rating
    No Wonder America’s Founders Distrusted Standing Armies
    It is well documented that many of America’s Founding Fathers had a very real and deep-seated distrust of standing armies–and for good reason. They had just fought a costly and bloody war for independence, which had been largely predicated upon the propensities for the abuse and misuse o...
    Published: Thursday, December 1, 2011 :: Columns :: 7304 Views ::Article Rating
    My Thanksgiving Prayer
    That first Thanksgiving in the fall of 1621 saw about 50 Mayflower Pilgrims and 100 native Indians come together for a celebration feast consisting of a variety of homegrown vegetables–including corn, squash, beans, barley, and peas–along with wild turkey and venison. The precise date is...
    Published: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 :: Columns :: 4253 Views ::Article Rating
    I Am Now A Candidate For Montana Lieutenant Governor
    On Wednesday, November 16, 2011, Montana Republican gubernatorial candidate Bob Fanning and I held a press conference in downtown Kalispell, Montana, and announced that he and I are running for Montana Governor and Lieutenant Governor in the 2012 Montana elections. Needless to say, I am very honored...
    Published: Thursday, November 17, 2011 :: Columns :: 4818 Views ::Article Rating
    “The King’s Chapel, And The King’s Court”
    A couple of weeks ago, I brought a Sunday message, which was taken from the Old Testament Book of Amos, chapter 7, verse 13, entitled, “The King’s Chapel, And The King’s Court.” In this chapter, the chief priest of Bethel, a man named Amaziah, scolded the prophet Amos for del...
    Published: Thursday, November 10, 2011 :: Columns :: 3812 Views ::Article Rating
    HR 1505: Giant Land Grab For The Police State
    Montana Republican Congressman Denny Rehberg lent his support for ceding more power and authority to the federal government’s emerging police state by supporting HR 1505, the “National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act.” This monstrous bill empowers the Department of Homela...
    Published: Thursday, November 3, 2011 :: Columns :: 4091 Views ::Article Rating
    Tennessee Joins TSA In Creating Random Checkpoints
    In 1836, former frontiersman and congressman Davy Crockett led a band of volunteers all the way from their home State of Tennessee to San Antonio, Texas, in order to join up with William Travis and his small company of soldiers, and help defend the Alamo–and Texas independence–from Mexic...
    Published: Thursday, October 27, 2011 :: Columns :: 4315 Views ::Article Rating
    A Suggested Survival List
    It’s once again time for my annual survival list column. One does not have to be a prophet to know that we are on the precipice of some potentially catastrophic–or at the very least, challenging–days. In fact, most of us are already in challenging days, and some are already endurin...
    Published: Thursday, October 20, 2011 :: Columns :: 6333 Views ::Article Rating
    Feds: States Have No Rights
    In a recent column appearing on, Kurt Nimmo succinctly and correctly pointed out that the federal government’s usurpation of State sovereignty, jurisdiction, and authority is worsening. The current case in point is the recent open letter to all firearms dealers by the ATF. Nimmo b...
    Published: Thursday, October 13, 2011 :: Columns :: 3891 Views ::Article Rating
    Freedom Lost
    Many times I hear the ostriches among us exclaim, “What freedoms have we lost? America is the freest country on earth.” We have all heard that, right? Of course, part of the problem is that, thanks to our education system, media, and churches, many Americans do not even know how to defin...
    Published: Thursday, October 6, 2011 :: Columns :: 5830 Views ::Article Rating
    Economic Bad Times Just Beginning
    A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to attend a private gathering of influential conservative leaders just outside Washington, D.C. While many differences of opinion were expressed on a variety of subjects, there was one subject on which every single attendee was unequivocally united: the US econom...
    Published: Thursday, September 29, 2011 :: Columns :: 3920 Views ::Article Rating
    War On Terror Or War On Freedom?
    A recent major investigative report by the Los Angeles Times sheds light on what all this “war on terror” is actually costing–and actually accomplishing. According to the report, “A decade after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, federal a...
    Published: Thursday, September 22, 2011 :: Columns :: 5126 Views ::Article Rating
    Are Evangelical Christians Warmongers?
    I’ve been an evangelical Christian since I was a child. I’ve been in the Gospel ministry all of my adult life. I attended two evangelical Christian colleges, received honorary degrees from two others, and taught and preached in several others. I’ve attended many of the largest evan...
    Published: Thursday, September 15, 2011 :: Columns :: 5739 Views ::Article Rating
    More On Government Gunrunners
    My column last week focused on the federal government’s covert program to directly supply firearms to Mexican drug cartels. The program was discovered by a congressional investigation after a Mexican gang using a firearm–or firearms–supplied to it by the ATF, murdered a US Border P...
    Published: Thursday, September 8, 2011 :: Columns :: 5435 Views ::Article Rating
    Government Gunrunners
    Not that the national media notices much, but the federal government under President Barack Obama has been supplying guns to Mexican drug gangs for quite a spell. With only a few print media bothering to cover the story, Obama’s Justice Department has been discovered secretly supplying firearm...
    Published: Thursday, September 1, 2011 :: Columns :: 3904 Views ::Article Rating
    Jackie O., A “Conspiracy Nut”?
    Tapes that were recorded within months of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination and that have been sealed in a vault at the Kennedy Library in Boston are soon to be released. In the tapes, former First Lady Jackie Kennedy reveals that she believed Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and o...
    Published: Saturday, August 27, 2011 :: Columns :: 4753 Views ::Article Rating
    “Come Out Of Her, My People”
    It is no hyperbole to say that the vast majority of today’s churches do not remotely resemble the New Testament pattern. In the first place, the Church was never intended to be a government corporation! Yet, that is exactly what every 501c3 non-profit “religious” organization is: i...
    Published: Thursday, August 18, 2011 :: Columns :: 5368 Views ::Article Rating
    We Don’t Need Another George W. Bush
    Last Saturday, Texas Governor Rick Perry unofficially launched his 2012 Presidential candidacy in Houston (in my opinion). Speculation is he will officially announce his intentions this weekend in South Carolina. If he does declare his candidacy, many election-watchers say Perry will become the GOP ...
    Published: Thursday, August 11, 2011 :: Columns :: 5059 Views ::Article Rating
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