Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    2024: The Year Evangelicals Took Fellowship With Devils

    Published: Thursday, January 2, 2025

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    I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. (I Corinthians 10:20 KJV)

    The title of today’s column is the same as the title of my message last Sunday. I invite readers to watch it. It was my annual end-of-the-year message. The title of this column (and the message) succinctly summarizes what happened to a large percentage of evangelicals during the past year.

    Most evangelicals labor under the delusion that modern Judaism is the same as the religion of the Old Testament Israelites. It is not. Modern Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees who hated and crucified Jesus (Acts 4:8 – 12) and persecuted and murdered His apostles and the Early Church. Modern Judaism is a mixture of the oral traditions (Matthew 15:3 – 9) of the Christ-rejecting Pharisees and the occult teachings of Kabbalism and Chabadism.

    If you have studied our Israel Messages and Prophecy Messages, you know that modern Israel is NOT Biblical or prophetic Israel, nor are the Ashkenazi Jews populating Palestine God’s Chosen People.

    But let’s set that reality aside for a moment. Even if you believe that the Ashkenazi Jews in Palestine are God’s chosen people, does that mean you should condone and justify their wickedness? Jehovah Himself, the One Who chose Old Covenant Israel, did not condone and justify their wickedness. He utterly destroyed the nations of both Judah and Israel for their wickedness. The Assyrians, Babylonians and Romans were God’s instruments of judgment against His chosen people.

    Born-again Christians are Christ’s Chosen People (John 6:70; Ephesians 1:4; II Thessalonians 2:13). Should evangelicals condone and justify everything professing Christians do?

    If someone you know who professes to be a Christian committed premeditated murder, would you condone or justify it? Would you condone and justify it if they committed serial murders? Would you condone and justify it if they set fire to hospitals, schools and churches? Would you condone and justify it if they committed acts of torture and barbarism against little children and babies? Would you condone and justify it if they tortured and raped little girls, young women and elderly women and men?

    Of course not.

    Yet, all these things are being committed by the Israelis against the Palestinians dozens and scores of times EVERY DAY! And evangelicals condone and justify these atrocities under the rubric that the Israelis are God’s chosen people.

    At this juncture, I believe it is very appropriate to quote Bethlehem Pastor Munther Isaac’s trenchant 2024 Christmas message:

    Last year I said, “Silence is complicity.” We are way past this now. Numbness is a betrayal to humanity, yours and to those in Gaza.

    And equally, we must insist that all who committed war crimes must be held accountable. We cannot normalize immunity, impunity. What kind of a world and future are we leaving our children if we accept a reality where war criminals go unpunished? Even actually emboldened? Where they openly boast of their crimes, and rather than being met with justice, they are met with applauses in the halls of Congress and defended by European parliaments? This is what's happening today. And they still dare to lecture us on human rights and international law.

    They tell us, “Never again.”

    “Never again,” to us is only a slogan. It's actually empty words, honestly. Because “never again” should mean “never again to all peoples.” “Never again” has become “yet again.” “Yet again” to supremacy. “Yet again” to racism. And “yet again” to genocide.

    And sadly, “never again” has become “yet again” for the weaponization of the Bible and the silence and complicity of the Western church. “Yet again” for the church siding with power, the church siding with the empire.

    And so today, after all this, of total destruction and annihilation and Gaza is erased, unfortunately millions have become refugees and homeless, tens of thousands killed. And why is anyone still debating whether this is a genocide or not? I can't believe it.

    Yet even when church leaders simply call for investigating whether this is a genocide, he is called out, and it becomes breaking news.

    Friends, the evidence is clear. Truth stands plain for all to see. The question is not whether this is a genocide. This is not the debate. The real question is: Why isn’t the world and the church calling it a genocide?

    It says a lot, when you deny and ignore and refrain from using the language of genocide. This says a lot. It actually reveals hypocrisy. For you lectured us for years on international laws and human rights. It reveals your hypocrisy. It says a lot on how you look at us Palestinians. It says a lot about your moral and ethical standards. It says everything about who you are when you turn away from the truth, when you refuse to name oppression for what it is.

    Or could it be—that they're not calling it a genocide—could it be that if reality was acknowledged for what it is—that it is a genocide—that it would be an acknowledgment of your guilt? For this war was a war that so many defended as just and self-defense. And now you can't even bring yourself to apologize.

    The genocide will end one day. And soon, we hope and plead. But history will remember where people stood. History will remember what they said. They cannot claim they did not know.

    And this is why we insist that this is more than Gaza or Palestine. It's much more than that. In Palestine we find the intersection of colonialism, supremacy, the logic of “might is right,” militarism, racism and religious fundamentalism. All of these come together in Palestine. Palestine is a human and moral cause. And for the church, as one of my friends said, it is a theological crisis.

    Amen and Amen, Pastor Isaac!

    In truth, just about all the evil emanating from Washington, D.C., these days is the result of evangelicalism’s theological crisis: a flagrant crisis of truth regarding faux Israel, the New Covenant people of God and End-Times teaching.

    America’s politicians have lost their conscience because America’s pastors have lost their conscience.

    What the Israelis are doing in Palestine is the work of devils. And the Israelis that are doing this work are the workers of the devil. And the U.S. government—the White House and U.S. Congress—are themselves engaged in the work of devils and are themselves the workers of the devil.

    And worst of all, evangelical Christians in America have taken fellowship with devils.

    Now in Syria, where Christians were provided with religious liberty and protection by the Assad government, Christians are being butchered and slaughtered by Sunni Muslim jihadist terror groups—groups that precipitated many thousands of America’s young men and women being sent to their deaths by their government to fight the war on terror.

    But now those same terror groups are financed, trained, equipped and supported by the U.S. government—the same U.S. government that sent American soldiers to their deaths fighting. 

    The de facto head of Damascus today was an al-Qaeda/ISIS/al-Nusra terrorist with a ten-million-dollar bounty on his head by the U.S. State Department. That bounty has now been rescinded, of course, as he is the U.S. proxy leader in Syria.

    This radical Sunni Muslim terrorist in Syria is now forcing Christians to renounce their faith at the point of a gun; and women are being bought and sold in open slave markets.

    And yet again, America’s evangelicals condone and justify these devilish works of darkness, as they believe it all benefits Israel. How it impacts their brothers and sisters in Christ is of absolutely NO consequence. THAT, my friends, is why Pastor Isaac calls Palestine a theological crisis.

    Furthermore, the U.S. government has been systematically arming, training and equipping terror groups of all types and unleashing them against Christian populations all over the world for decades—during Democrat and Republican presidential administrations.

    And once again, America’s evangelicals are just fine with it.

    If America was serious about ridding the world of terror organizations, it would abolish the Central Intelligence Agency, because the CIA is the biggest terror organization in the world. It foments more conflict, upheaval, displacement, death and destruction than any other organization on the planet.

    2024 brought America to the point when it is utter hypocrisy to suggest that God should bless America. The best we can do is plead with God to be merciful to America, because all over America churches are doing what the Corinthian church did in the days of the Apostle Paul: They pretend to take the Lord’s table, while they simultaneously feast at the table of devils.

    As the Apostle Paul also told the Corinthian Church in that same passage in First Corinthians:

    Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils. (Verse 21)

    The prospects do not look promising, but I pray that 2025 will be the year that America’s evangelicals begin walking away from their fellowship with devils. If they do not, I’m afraid that 2025 will fare no better than 2024 for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East and Eurasia.

    Neither will it fare better for America.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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