Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Palestinian Christians: Suffering Alone And Ignored By The Body Of Christ

    Published: Thursday, January 30, 2025

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    For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. (I Corinthians 12:12, 13)

    And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. (I Corinthians 12:26, 27)

    The title of this column bears the same title as my homily last Sunday, which is taken from the above Scriptures.

    The New Covenant has made all who come to faith in Christ one body: the Church, the Body of Christ.

    Scofield Futurists (aka Christian Zionists) say that Christ is two bodies: the Body of saved Gentiles and the Body of Jews, saved or unsaved. Futurists are still living in the Old Covenant.

    But the New Covenant Scriptures are clear:

    There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:28, 29)

    I submit that as a whole America’s evangelicals are spiritually schizophrenic.

    On the one hand, they spend countless time and money sending missionaries around the world. On the other hand, they are completely deaf and dumb to the plight of Palestinian Christians—all of whom are members of the Body of Christ.

    But why are evangelicals deaf and dumb to the plight of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Palestine? Because the persecutors are Israelis, who evangelicals erroneously believe are God’s chosen people.

    Again, they believe Christ is two bodies: The Gentile Christian Body and the Israeli body, Christian or not. They further believe that the Israeli body can commit any crime, mass murder or genocide against the Christian body—with the blessing of God. Of course, it wouldn’t work the other way around. If that’s not schizophrenia, tell me what is.

    The truth is, the Israeli attack against the Body of Christ in Palestine is an attack against the Body of Christ everywhere.

    I hear Christians saying, “Things are going to improve with Donald Trump in the White House. See, there is already a ceasefire.”

    Bravo to Trump’s Executive Order (EO) freeing the January 6 protesters. Bravo to his EO releasing the documents from the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK. He also needs to unseal the documents from the assassination of Malcom X, 9/11 and the attack on the USS Liberty.

    No doubt, Donald Trump will do some things that conservatives will like—including some things I will like. Conservatives and evangelicals are Trump’s base; he is required to mollify them in one way or another, as he made many promises to them.

    The one Person Trump didn’t bother to take an oath to is GOD. Donald Trump did NOT put his hand on a Bible when he took the oath of office.

    But regarding Palestine: First, there is no ceasefire. Israel has merely shifted the battlefield from Gaza to the West Bank. Plus, if Trump truly wants to bring peace to the Middle East, why is he sending 1,800 2,000-pound bombs (“Bunker Busters”) to Israel this week—during a “ceasefire,” no less? If any of those bombs are used against the Palestinians, Trump will be as guilty of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity as Joe Biden.

    Second, Trump has filled his cabinet and top executive leadership positions with uber Zionists—many of them Christian Zionists (Mike Huckabee, Elise Stefanik, Marco Rubio, Kristi Noem, Mike Waltz, Pete Hegseth, Pam Bondi, Sebastian Gorka, Steve Witkoff, etc.).

    Now listen very carefully to what Trump told a reporter in the Oval Office shortly after he was inaugurated:

    Reporter: How confident are you, Mr. President, that you can keep the ceasefire in Gaza and conclude the three phases of the deal?

    Trump: I'm not confident. That's not our war; it’s their war. But I'm not confident. But I think they're very weakened on the other side.

    Not our war? Either Trump is a blooming idiot, or he is a pathological liar (probably both). Every missile, every bomb, every jet, every tank, every piece of intelligence, communications and surveillance is marked Made in the U.S.A.

    Plus, if it’s “not our war,” why does Trump say, “They’re very weakened on the other side”? Trump talks out of his rear end. In his two-sentence response to that question, he—probably without even realizing what he was doing—completely contradicted himself. If it’s “not our war,” then there is no “other side,” because we wouldn’t have a side.

    This is quintessential Donald Trump.

    Gaza, boy. I looked at a picture of Gaza. Gaza is like a massive demolition site. That place is…it's really got to be rebuilt in a different way.

    Wow! Trump “looked at a picture of Gaza.” He’s the President of the United States, and he “looked at a picture of Gaza.” Obviously, he didn’t take a close look at the hundreds of thousands—NOT tens of thousands—of dead bodies that WE, the government and people of the United States (through our tax dollars), have helped Israel slaughter.

    I wonder why Gaza looks like a “massive demolition site.” Because that’s what it is. Israel committed mass ethnic cleansing, mass murder and genocide (meaning international war crimes and crimes against humanity) using U.S. bombs and jets to destroy virtually all of Gaza’s infrastructure, making it unlivable.

    Reporter: Do you plan to help rebuilding Gaza?

    Trump: I might. You know, Gaza is interesting. It's a phenomenal location on the sea. The best weather. You know, everything's good. It's like some beautiful things could be done with it. But it's very interesting. But some fantastic things could be done with Gaza.

    Reporter: How do you see the future in governance for Gaza?

    Trump: Well, it depends. I can't imagine you could have…well, you certainly can't have the people that were there. Most of them are dead. [Emphases added]


    Trump’s going to help rebuild Gaza “in a different way.”

    “It’s a phenomenal location on the sea. The best weather. It’s like some beautiful things could be done with it. . . . Some fantastic things could be done with Gaza.”

    BUT, “You certainly can’t have the people that were there [Palestinians]. Most of them are dead.”

    This is NOT the language of a peace-loving president; this is the language of a greedy billionaire land developer who is willing to slaughter and/or displace millions of innocent men, women, children and babies in order to make a fortune off of beautiful beachfront property with perfect weather by building vast amounts of expensive properties.

    And let’s not forget that the U.S. and Israel can also make trillions of dollars off the natural gas, oil and whatever minerals are lying under the ground in Gaza.

    Think I’m making this up? Read this report in the The Times of Israel:

    US President Donald Trump says that Jordan and Egypt should take more Palestinians from Gaza, where Israel’s war against Hamas has caused a humanitarian crisis.

    “I said to him I’d love you to take on more because I’m looking at the whole Gaza strip right now and it’s a mess, it’s a real mess. I’d like him to take people,” Trump says about his call with Jordan’s King Abdullah.

    “I’d like Egypt to take people,” Trump tells reporters, adding he would speak to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday.  “You’re talking about, probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing and say, ‘You know it’s, over.’” [Emphases added]

    Trump is saying it out loud: He intends to displace the remaining Palestinian people in Gaza to the U.S. puppet states of Egypt and Jordan and depopulate Gaza of the Palestinians.

    “We just clean out that whole thing [Gaza].”

    Trump has now revealed to the whole world—including the Palestinians he lied to in Michigan to obtain their vote—that he is a racist and supports Israel’s ethnic cleansing. This is also part of Trump’s deal with the Israeli government and Mossad asset, billionaire Miriam Adelson, for the hundred million dollars they put into Trump’s election campaign.

    It’s interesting that Trump used the figure of “a million and a half” Palestinians to be displaced. I have no idea where he is getting that number, but let’s suppose for a moment that his number is correct. That would mean around a million Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli genocide against Gaza, not 40,000 or even 200,000. The population of Gaza before Israel’s genocidal war began was in the neighborhood of two and one half million. Or maybe he is intending to keep a few hundred thousand Palestinians in Gaza to act as servants for the new billionaire class that will be moving in.

    Can we expect to see a new Trump Tower in Gaza? If Trump has his way, Yes.

    The Zionists put Biden in office to do the dirty work of helping Israel commit genocide against the Gazan people and completely destroying the infrastructure, making Gaza unlivable.

    Now the Zionists have put Trump in office to do the work of moving the remaining Palestinians to U.S. puppet countries (Jordan and Egypt) in order to allow the U.S. and Israel to develop the beachfront property of Gaza on the Mediterranean Sea and seize the oil, natural gas and minerals that exist there—and to also help Israel seize the land in the West Bank.

    USMC General Smedley Butler was right: “War is a racket.”

    Let me briefly pause right here to say, all I have written to this point is from the U.S. and Israeli perspective. But I must interrupt myself to recognize that much, if not most, of the Zionist-sponsored Western narrative is completely false and out of touch with reality.

    The truth is, a small unsophisticated resistance movement (Hamas) in a tiny strip of land (Gaza) that is occupied by a sophisticated, nuclear equipped military (Israel), which was enthusiastically supported financially and militarily by the most powerful nation on earth (United States) has thoroughly and convincingly defeated both Israel and the U.S.

    It is extremely likely that Benjamin Netanyahu and his government will not survive this defeat. And Trump’s plans for Gaza are delusional.

    Have you seen the new videos out of Gaza? The devastation is unimaginable and horrific beyond description. But did you also see the Hamas fighters returning their prisoners of war? They emerged as a stronger and more popular fighting force than they were before Israel began its genocide. More importantly, did you see the Palestinian people? They endured more hell on earth during the last fifteen months than most countries on earth will experience in their entire existence, and yet they emerged with almost superhuman resilience, endurance, tenacity, willpower and strength.

    These people are not going to let Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Steve Witkoff take them anywhere. Through their pain, suffering and loss, these plucky Palestinians may have just succeeded in creating a new Palestinian state for their posterity and put that final nail in the coffin of Zionism. It can’t happen soon enough.

    Now back to the point of this column:

    None of the wars in the Middle East/Northern Africa could have happened, none of the mass murders of civilian populations—including tens or hundreds of thousands of New Covenant Christians—could have happened without mass support from evangelicals in the United States. I’m talking about Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, the West Bank, etc.

    The truth is, contrary to the Apostle Paul’s admonition, “And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it,” there is little suffering or caring being exhibited in America’s evangelical churches regarding the suffering of the members of the Body of Christ in those countries. Why? Because Israel is the country that is causing the suffering.

    I’m convinced that if Israel attacked the United States, America’s evangelicals would support Israel. I can say that because they already have. When Israel attacked the USS Liberty, it attacked the United States. And to this day, evangelicals defend, excuse and justify Israel’s murder of the Sailors and Marines on board the Liberty.

    Again I say: This is the legacy of Cyrus Scofield; this is the legacy of Dispensational Futurism; this is the legacy of Christian Zionism.

    Can you now begin to see the importance of a true understanding of Christ’s New Covenant, where “there is neither Jew nor Greek: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus”?

    © Chuck Baldwin


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