Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    How America Began—In the Words Of The Ones Who Began It

    Published: Thursday, November 21, 2024

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    Most Americans today have no clue as to how our country really began. The controlled mainstream media, American politicians and even many evangelical pulpits are not telling the truth about America. They are feeding the people of this country with distortion and downright deception about our great patriot forebears.

    If there was ever a time in post-Colonial American history when the American people needed to know the REAL story of their nation’s inception, it is NOW. And to know America’s true history, we must read the writings that came from the hearts and minds of the men who made that history.

    And that’s exactly what the book we call THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS does.

    THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS contains the REAL story of America—the story that politicians, public schools, the propaganda media and even most pastors don’t want you to know.

    We began offering the very popular FREEDOM DOCUMENTS over 20 years ago, in which we compiled dozens of the greatest documents of American history in one beautiful volume. I say beautiful, because the cover on this great book will complement any library, dining room table or nightstand.

    We print THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS twice a year, and supplies run out quickly each time.

    So, this column is the announcement that THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS ARE AVAILABLE NOW.

    This is a gift that will keep on giving for as long as a person lives. And it’s a gift that will truly make one proud of our unique American heritage.

    THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS includes 57 of America’s most important historical documents and 212 full-size (8½ x 11) pages. 

    This volume of documents is an almost perfect compilation of the most important documents of liberty and constitutional government ever produced. And it is available only here.

    THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS includes such documents as:

    *The Earliest Formal Protest Against Slavery

    *New York Sons Of Liberty Resolutions On Tea

    *Dr. Joseph Warren’s Account Of The Battle Of Lexington

    *Of Monarchy And Hereditary Succession, From “Common Sense,” By Thomas Paine

    *Richard Henry Lee’s Resolution For Independence

    *The Kentucky And Virginia Resolutions Of 1798

    *Andrew Jackson’s Veto Of The Bank Bill

    *Declaration Of The People Of Texas

    *The Mayflower Compact

    *The First Thanksgiving Proclamation

    *The Rights Of The Colonists, A List Of Violations Of Rights, And A Letter Of Correspondence, By Samuel Adams

    *The complete text of Patrick Henry’s immortal “Give Me Liberty, Or Give Me Death” speech

    *The Declaration Of The Causes And Necessity Of Taking Up Arms

    *The Northwest Ordinance Of 1787

    *The Virginia Bill Of Rights

    *The Articles Of Confederation

    *George Washington’s Farewell Address

    *Texas Declaration Of Independence

    *Ron Paul’s Farewell To Congress

    And many more.

    The poem about Paul Revere’s ride and the letter written from within the Alamo by William Barret Travis to the people of Texas are in the book, along with, of course, the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. We have also included some of the heartfelt and historically revealing letters between John and Abigail Adams and prayers of George Washington.

    Again, there are a total of 57 of the most important liberty documents in U.S. history included in this giant compilation.

    THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS also includes many instructive introductions. The introductions by themselves are great history lessons.

    THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS is assembled with a ring spine for easy copying.

    Now more than ever, these great historic documents explain the heart and soul of REAL America.

    This unique compilation of America's greatest documents is available nowhere else. It is an excellent resource for high school and college students—as well as homeschoolers.

    The Tennessee State Supreme Court ordered several copies of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. Plus, a county sheriff in Montana recently ordered copies for each of his deputies. I believe you will be just as pleased as they are with this wonderful compilation of American documents.

    You can have these great documents at your fingertips in one beautifully bound, easy-to-read format. These are the documents that gave birth to the greatest free nation on earth. Again, nowhere else can you find these documents complete in one volume under one title.

    Our supply is very limited and will not last long. This is our special Christmas printing.

    More than ever, this volume is a must-read for every American patriot. For the price of one family night at the movies or a couple of Chicago pizzas, you can have the great documents of American history delivered to your door.

    Thankfully, there is no increase in printing or shipping costs this year. The price is $41 for a single copy or $31 each if you purchase two or more, plus $12 shipping for each book. Example: If you order two books, the total price is $86 ($31 x 2 = $62 plus $12 x 2 = $24 shipping, for a total of $86). The shipping costs quoted are only for domestic orders; international rates vary.

    Remember, this is a BIG book.

    Simply mail your check or money order to:

    Chuck Baldwin Live
    P.O. Box 10
    Kila, MT 59920

    We also take credit cards. Obviously, this is the fastest way to obtain your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

    To order by credit card online or to learn more about THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, go to:


    Constitution Party founder and former presidential nominee, the late Howard Phillips, said, “THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS is must-reading for every American. It is essential that this volume be placed in every home in the country. I read my copy daily. We require our homeschooled children to study THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.”

    Here are some other personal testimonials of people who have purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS: 

    “Please thank Dr. Baldwin for THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. I could not put the book down, and through tears, renewed encouragement rose within me. I will be sharing this book for Christmas.”

    PC, Nashville, Tennessee

    “Got it yesterday. It is WONDERFUL!!!! Thank you for compiling it and making it available to us!”

    JB, Kensington, California

    “I will use these documents to teach my grandkids of our heritage.”

    DQ, Dallas, Georgia

    “My husband and I purchased THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS a while back for ourselves and decided to buy two more for our children. What a wonderful Christmas gift!”

    PH, Lexington, South Carolina

    “I already have a copy, but my husband just ordered two copies to give to two business leaders, and I am giving one to a friend and one to a pastor. Thank you for this magnificent compilation.”

    ND, Englewood, Florida

    “I was so pleased with the first one I ordered, I just had to get two more of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS to give to friends.”

    GB, Kalona, Iowa

    “I LOVE your FREEDOM DOCUMENTS book! It was the ‘text’ for educating my children in the documents essential to understanding what made this nation exceptional. Keep up the good work in publishing this. Please send me five additional copies.”

    EF, Pensacola, Florida

    “I’m ordering one for me and one for our local library.”

    GP, Kaunakakai, Hawaii

    “I’m looking forward to sending one of these to each of our seven children.”

    JN, Post Falls, Idaho

    “I have just started homeschooling my 12-year-old, and this is a perfect resource!”

    SM, Redlands, California

    “Thank you, Dr. Baldwin, for compiling this fantastic collection of documents. I have purchased copies for our children, copies for our closest friends and copies for the children of our closest friends. Again, thank you! Besides the Bible, this is the best book I have read in a long time.”

    RK, Austin, Texas 

    “You will be most happy to know that this morning THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS arrived. I went into raptures. I cherish my FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. Thank you, Pastor Chuck, for getting it into one binding and making it possible to hold such priceless documents for what is really a frugal price.”

    John, Queensland, Australia

    “I have begun reading through my copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. I must admit, I was somewhat skeptical of the price before purchase, but now that I am reading it, I understand what a bargain it is! Priceless!”

    KT, Massachusetts

    “THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS could save our country, if we can get enough people to order it.”

    WS, Mansfield, Texas

    “I just wanted to say that I received my order, and they are great! This is by far the best collection I have seen. I am a disabled Vet and would like to order 5 more to send to my children.”

    GB, Oakhurst, Oklahoma

    I believe you will be just as pleased to receive your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS as these people were.

    Again, here is the link to order THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

    Notice how many people are ordering THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS for their children, friends, pastors and community leaders. This is for good reason. We know the public schools stopped educating students regarding REAL American history decades ago. And, sadly, most private, parochial and Christian schools do not teach much U.S. history either—especially when it comes to the content of these great documents.

    The unfortunate reality is, if most young people do not read THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, they will grow into adulthood having never read the vast majority of these wonderful historical documents—the documents that define America’s very existence.

    More than one person has told me that once they started reading THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, they could not stop.

    These are the documents that came from the minds and hearts of the great men and women who birthed and built this wonderful country. I am sure that the Spirit of ’76 will swell in your heart, too, as you read THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS.

    Remember, this is our special Christmas printing and will not last long. Plus, a delay in ordering may result in the books not arriving before Christmas. So, order now!

    One more time, order THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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