Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Catholics Hide Homosexuality; Protestants Hide Adultery
    Much has been made lately concerning the reticence of the Roman Catholic Church to properly discipline its pastors who were known to be practicing homosexuality and pedophilia. Not only did it not properly discipline the guilty parties, it actually chose to cover up the transgression and allow them ...
    Published: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 :: Columns :: 3733 Views ::Article Rating
    Hope In God
    A reader recently wrote to me with some very interesting remarks. In a nutshell, he said the reasons that conservative Christians were "turned off" by my repudiations of President Bush's often liberal and unconstitutional policies were: 1) They know I am right, and, 2) The fact that I&...
    Published: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 :: Columns :: 3276 Views ::Article Rating
    The S.B.C. Funding The U.N.? Say It Isn’t So!
    It has been widely known that several major Protestant denominations have been financing the National and World Council of Churches for decades. It is further known that the N.C.C. and W.C.C. have been funding communist causes all over the world. In fact, church support for socialist/communist cause...
    Published: Sunday, May 5, 2002 :: Columns :: 3150 Views ::Article Rating
    More Facts Conservatives Will Choose To Ignore
    After reading one of my columns in which I documented numerous liberal policies enacted by President Bush, a Christian man wrote, "We are very proud of George W. Bush and what he has done for this country since elected. While we don't necessarily agree with him 100% of the time, we are so p...
    Published: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 :: Columns :: 3690 Views ::Article Rating
    From Ozzie Nelson To Ozzy Osbourne
    It seems that only a few years ago television brought Ozzie and Harriet Nelson into our homes each week. Then again, the current popularity of the MTV show, "The Osbournes," makes it seem like an eternity ago. Outside of similar sounding first names, there is nothing similar between the tw...
    Published: Friday, April 26, 2002 :: Columns :: 4540 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush In Bed With Homosexuals
    By now, we have a clear record on the Bush administration in regard to homosexuality. The record reveals that President Bush is more than sympathetic to the homosexual agenda. One could even argue that Bush has become (or always was) a proud promoter of that agenda. Here is the record; you judge for...
    Published: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 :: Columns :: 3439 Views ::Article Rating
    Who Are The Real Victims?
    A Washington Times report dated April 17 states, "President Bush yesterday voiced his strong support for a constitutional amendment to ensure the rights of violent-crime victims, saying judicial deference to criminals is 'not just, it's not fair and it must change.'" The repor...
    Published: Friday, April 19, 2002 :: Columns :: 2467 Views ::Article Rating
    Could Al Gore Get Away With This?
    Republican loyalists constantly told us that the reason we must support George Bush is that "he is better than Al Gore." Since taking office, however, Bush has successfully supported numerous liberal policies that Democrats such as Al Gore could never have gotten away with. Now, Bush is pr...
    Published: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 :: Columns :: 2437 Views ::Article Rating
    Is Bush The Antichrist?
    During the eight years of Clinton's presidency, I was repeatedly asked, "Chuck, do you think Bill Clinton is the antichrist?" (Of course, I answered no.) Therefore, it is more than interesting to me that since G.W. Bush became president no one has asked if I thought he was the antichri...
    Published: Friday, April 12, 2002 :: Columns :: 3443 Views ::Article Rating
    Is It Time To Secede?
    A recent column written by Dr. Walter Williams succinctly stated the constitutional case for secession. His history is accurate and his reasoning is sound. The bottom line is that the Founding Fathers fully acknowledged the right of states to secede from the Union should they choose to do so. Abraha...
    Published: Tuesday, April 2, 2002 :: Columns :: 2940 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Administration Signals End To Open Government
    Has there ever been a more secretive White House than the one that currently exists? I don't think so. The Bush administration signals the end to open government in this country. Just look at the facts: 1) The Bush administration invoked executive privilege to keep Clinton-era documents secret....
    Published: Friday, March 22, 2002 :: Columns :: 2828 Views ::Article Rating
    Why Churches Have No Influence
    One of the saddest stories in the Bible is the story of Lot. He lost his family to the judgment of God because he had first lost his testimony as a righteous man. His spiritual impotence ultimately doomed his own family. The legacy of Lot is the legacy of many (if not most) churches in America today...
    Published: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 :: Columns :: 2597 Views ::Article Rating
    Conservatism Is Dead – Is America Next?
    A column written by Joseph Sobran ( entitled "Defining Conservatism Downward" accurately describes the state of conservatism today. Sobran writes, "Once upon a time, conservatives stood for limited government, the rollback of the welfare state,...
    Published: Tuesday, March 5, 2002 :: Columns :: 2482 Views ::Article Rating
    Freedom lost a dear friend, and few people even noticed. A special word of thanks goes to my good friend, Howard Phillips, for telling America the story of this special man. His name was Dr. Jonas Mahleiro Savimbi. He was an Angolan patriot, an African nationalist, and Christian leader. The Marxist ...
    Published: Friday, March 1, 2002 :: Columns :: 3285 Views ::Article Rating
    Get Off The Bus
    An Agape Press article yesterday said that former Republican presidential candidate, Gary Bauer, believes the Republican Party is abandoning its stand against the radical social agenda of the Democrats. The story said, "Bauer indicates the signs of a major leftward shift in Republican philosoph...
    Published: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 :: Columns :: 3108 Views ::Article Rating
    There Is A Conspiracy
    Once again, a reader's letter intrigues me. He writes, "I find everything you say about a coming New World Order and One World Government extremely difficult to believe. For one thing, while you yourself obviously display no hate towards anyone, most other conspiracy theorists are anti-Semi...
    Published: Tuesday, February 19, 2002 :: Columns :: 4721 Views ::Article Rating
    Only One Thing Will Save Us Now
    A column written by Brannon S. Howse and published in the February 9 edition of World Net Daily is too significant to ignore. Howse examined the PEERS test put forth by the Nehemiah Institute, which annually grades the worldview of thousands of adults and school children. According to Howse, "...
    Published: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 :: Columns :: 4209 Views ::Article Rating
    Can You Imagine Such A Nation?
    We hear much today about the American dream. By "the American dream" most people mean buying a big house, driving an expensive automobile, or accomplishing some great feat. However, this was not the dream envisioned by the Founding Fathers. Remember that, for the most part, America's f...
    Published: Tuesday, February 5, 2002 :: Columns :: 4493 Views ::Article Rating
    It Might Not Take 50 Years
    Pat Buchanan's new book predicts the death of the United States (as we know it) within 50 years. His reasoning is sound and his conclusion is justified. However, it might not take 50 years. A few years back, I predicted that, if America continued on its present course, within 35 years pedophili...
    Published: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 :: Columns :: 3973 Views ::Article Rating
    The President’s Strange Heroes
    President George W. Bush has a propensity to lavish praise upon those who are the least deserving of it. This is very unfortunate, because it sends the message that people who break the rules and behave badly will still be honored. Furthermore, it tells people who try diligently to keep the rules an...
    Published: Friday, January 25, 2002 :: Columns :: 4535 Views ::Article Rating
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