Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Judge Roy Moore Is Coming To Pensacola, Florida
    It is our honor and privilege at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, to host Judge Roy Moore at our Tenth Annual God and Country Day celebration. The date is Sunday, November 2. The time is 10:00 am CST. Crossroad Church is located at 6800 Mobile Highway. Judge Moore will be the keynote...
    Published: Tuesday, October 7, 2003 :: Columns :: 4956 Views ::Article Rating
    Schwarzenegger Candidacy Demonstrates The Republican Party's Lack of Commitment To Conservatism
    If there is anyone left who truly believes the Republican Party is committed to genuine conservative principles, the candidacy of bodybuilder/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger to be California's next governor should be enough to set the record straight. Despite Schwarzenegger's extreme liberal vi...
    Published: Friday, October 3, 2003 :: Columns :: 3726 Views ::Article Rating
    Did The White House Leak The Name Of A CIA Operative For Political Retaliation?
    Syndicated columnist and CNN Co-Host, Robert Novak, is reporting that someone in the Bush administration has compromised the identity of an undercover CIA operative, and the motive appears to be political retaliation. According to CNN, the person identified as the CIA agent is the wife of former Am...
    Published: Thursday, October 2, 2003 :: Columns :: 3489 Views ::Article Rating
    When Preaching The Bible Is Outlawed, I'll Be An Outlaw
    A much under-reported yet critically important news story occurred recently in Canada. On September 17, Canada's House of Commons passed a bill that adds sexual orientation as a protected category in Canada's genocide and hate-crimes legislation. According to many religious believers and fre...
    Published: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 :: Columns :: 4639 Views ::Article Rating
    Finally, The Real Reason We Invaded Iraq Has Been Revealed
    Initially, the invasion of Iraq was sold to the American people on the premise that Iraq posed an immediate risk to the safety and security of the United States. We were told that Iraq had amassed Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) and if we did not attack first, we were sure to be victimized by terr...
    Published: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 :: Columns :: 4494 Views ::Article Rating
    The Federal Judiciary Is A Spoiled Child, And Congress And The President Are The Pushover Parents That Spoiled It!
    People today seem to think that the federal judiciary is the supreme law of the land. They are wrong! The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Just as the executive and legislative branches of government are bound to uphold the Constitution, so is the judicial branch. However, for too ...
    Published: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 :: Columns :: 4894 Views ::Article Rating
    The Lesser of Two Evils Is No Longer Lesser
    Those who believe electing Republicans is going to make a significant difference in the direction of the country need to open their eyes to what Republicans are actually doing. Consider the courageous stand of Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore to resist a tyrannical and unconstitutional...
    Published: Friday, September 12, 2003 :: Columns :: 2588 Views ::Article Rating
    In Defense Of Judge Roy Moore And The Ten Commandments
    Today's column is an appeal to my readers to obtain a copy of the speech I gave to some 2,000 people who had gathered on the steps of the Judicial Building in Montgomery, Alabama, in support of Judge Roy Moore and his fight to keep a monument of the Ten Commandments on display in the rotunda of ...
    Published: Friday, September 5, 2003 :: Columns :: 3104 Views ::Article Rating
    Those Ministers Who Say Judge Moore Acted Improperly Need To Tear Daniel Chapter Six Out Of Their Bibles!
    I have listened to minister after minister publicly rebuke Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore saying, as a Christian, he should have obeyed federal judge Myron Thompson's unlawful order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building. Those ministers need to r...
    Published: Friday, August 29, 2003 :: Columns :: 2176 Views ::Article Rating
    Civil Disobedience Is Consistent With Christian Conduct And With American History
    While Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore's refusal to remove a Ten Commandments display from the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery is not, in strict terms, civil disobedience, many people see it that way. Actually, the federal judge who ordered the monument's removal, Myron ...
    Published: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 :: Columns :: 2836 Views ::Article Rating
    Showdown In Montgomery
    I was privileged to be in attendance at a rally in front of the Alabama Supreme Court building Wednesday evening where hundreds of concerned citizens had gathered to express their support for Judge Roy Moore's decision to ignore a federal judge's order to remove a display of the Ten Commandm...
    Published: Friday, August 22, 2003 :: Columns :: 3210 Views ::Article Rating
    The Blackout of 2003 Is In Montgomery, Not In New York And Cleveland
    All weekend, the major media saturated America's news outlets with the story of the massive power outage in parts of New England and the Midwest. While this is a major story, it pales into insignificance when compared to those events currently unfolding in Montgomery, Alabama. What is happening ...
    Published: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 :: Columns :: 2861 Views ::Article Rating
    Republicans And Christians Are Becoming Increasingly Irrelevant
    Can anyone remember when conservative Christian groups and conservative Republicans actually stood for something? Can you remember when millions of motivated conservative Christians stood as one for less government, tax reductions, and more freedom? Why, I can even remember when conservatives champi...
    Published: Friday, August 15, 2003 :: Columns :: 3049 Views ::Article Rating
    I Have A Dream: Politically-Blind Pulpits
    The current edition of Insight Magazine carries an article entitled, "Connerly Has a Dream: A Color-blind Society." The story chronicles the activism of Ward Connerly, a black man who is waging a plucky fight against Affirmative Action. Like Connerly, I, too, have a dream. My dream, howeve...
    Published: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 :: Columns :: 2936 Views ::Article Rating
    Ignorant Citizens Destroying Freedom
    Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "Ignorant and free has never been and never will be." He is right, of course. Furthermore, this simple proverb may best explain the cause of America's rush to moral and political destruction. Under our form of government, an informed and educated ...
    Published: Tuesday, August 5, 2003 :: Columns :: 3277 Views ::Article Rating
    Why Do Conservatives Continue To Support The Republican Party?
    It should be obvious to every rational person that the Republican Party has totally lost whatever conservative moorings it had. Since seizing control of the federal government and many state governments, Republicans have consistently promoted bigger and bigger government, have betrayed virtually eve...
    Published: Friday, August 1, 2003 :: Columns :: 4127 Views ::Article Rating
    Americans Must Free Themselves From A Two Party Death Grip
    It's time to say it: the two major parties hold a death grip on the American people! Instead of representing the people, both parties are bought and paid for by special interest groups. Neither party pays any attention to the U.S. Constitution but are largely marching in lock-step toward bigger ...
    Published: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 :: Columns :: 3865 Views ::Article Rating
    Why Does The United States Government Ignore The Suffering In The Sudan?
    Let me say up front that I believe we have no business sending U.S. troops all over the world for so-called peacekeeping efforts. Such activity almost always amounts to nation building, nothing more. It sacrifices American lives on the altar of political and commercial appeasement. It is morally and...
    Published: Friday, July 25, 2003 :: Columns :: 3128 Views ::Article Rating
    Fighting For Local Government
    According to The Washington Times, some 165 communities nationwide have passed resolutions condemning the USA Patriot Act. One community in upstate California recently took its opposition even further. The city of Arcata passed an ordinance making it a misdemeanor for city employees to cooperate in ...
    Published: Tuesday, July 22, 2003 :: Columns :: 2945 Views ::Article Rating
    Throw Away Those Yellow Ribbons, Because Johnny Is Never Marching Home
    In spite of the fact that our brave fighting men have now assumed the unflattering role of Iraqi policemen, the word from The Pentagon is, "Our troops are not coming home anytime soon." That's the understatement of the year! The truth is, our troops are never coming home! The United S...
    Published: Friday, July 18, 2003 :: Columns :: 2936 Views ::Article Rating
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