Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    New Senate Leader Spells Trouble For Conservative Agenda
    What should conservatives expect now that Senator Bill Frist has officially become the new Senate Majority Leader? Here is a summary of Frist's record on a variety of key issues. Abortion "Bill Frist is not pro-life." That is the declaration of Judie Brown, president and co-founder o...
    Published: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 :: Columns :: 4814 Views ::Article Rating
    My Christmas Wish: Courageous Leaders
    As our minds think of Christ's birth, it is essential that we consider the kind of example He left for us. To be sure, no mortal man can give his life a sacrifice for sin as He did. However, the Holy Scripture does implore us to "follow in his steps." That being true, what kind of men ...
    Published: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 :: Columns :: 4422 Views ::Article Rating
    The Real Reason Lott Was Forced Out
    Let me say up front that I am no fan of Senator Trent Lott. I have never forgiven him for railroading Bill Clinton's impeachment by sabotaging the Senate trial - and he did sabotage the Senate trial. He made it clear in unmistakable terms that under no circumstances would he allow the Senate to ...
    Published: Saturday, December 21, 2002 :: Columns :: 4014 Views ::Article Rating
    Not Walt Disney’s World Anymore
    CNS News recently reported, "Walt Disney World in Florida has eliminated its 28-year tradition of offering on-site religious services to Christian guests." The report continued by saying, "Disney is now advising Christian guests to find other places of worship, some of which are mile...
    Published: Thursday, December 19, 2002 :: Columns :: 3961 Views ::Article Rating
    No God, No Guns, No Guts
    A once-popular adage said, "God, guns and guts made America free." In today's politically correct culture, however, that rich legacy seems completely out of place. God (at least the God of the Bible) has been expelled from America's schools and from America's culture. "Me...
    Published: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 :: Columns :: 3757 Views ::Article Rating
    Getting The Fox To Guard The Hen House
    President Bush's appointment of Henry Kissinger to lead the investigation into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, should end all doubts as to whether or not the President is sincere in his desire to discover the truth. He isn't. Or, perhaps he knows the truth but doesn't want u...
    Published: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 :: Columns :: 3665 Views ::Article Rating
    A Patriotic Christmas
    To America's Founding Fathers, every Christmas was cause for patriotic celebration. John Quincy Adams called Christmas our "most joyous and most venerated festival." He further said that America's Declaration of Independence "laid the cornerstone of human government upon the f...
    Published: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 :: Columns :: 4216 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Government “Out of Control”
    Back in August, columnist Paul Craig Roberts asked the question, "Is a vote for Republicans a vote for a police state?" The answer seems to be a resounding yes! The Bush administration seems determined to turn our country into the most elaborate and sophisticated police state ever devised....
    Published: Friday, November 22, 2002 :: Columns :: 4070 Views ::Article Rating
    Rendering Unto Caesar What Belongs To God
    Something is very wrong with the church today. On the surface, everything appears fine. Large and ornate church buildings are omnipresent. More people verbalize Christian beliefs. Money for televangelists keeps pouring in. Sports celebrities, movie stars, and even politicians claim Christianity as a...
    Published: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 :: Columns :: 4152 Views ::Article Rating
    Republicans In Charge – Now What?
    Now that the Republican Party has obtained control of both houses of Congress, they find themselves in control of the entire federal government. Therefore, they can no longer blame obstructionist Democrats for any failure to accomplish their agenda. Voters have given Republicans carte blanche to run...
    Published: Thursday, November 7, 2002 :: Columns :: 3988 Views ::Article Rating
    Ballistic Fingerprinting Is A Bad Idea
    Gun control fanatics such as Charles Schumer and Sarah Brady are attempting to take advantage of the sniper shootings around Washington, D.C., by pressing for so-called ballistic fingerprinting. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence recently claimed, "A National Ballistics Database would h...
    Published: Thursday, October 31, 2002 :: Columns :: 4528 Views ::Article Rating
    How Christians Lost Their Political Power
    An October 12 article in the Philadelphia Inquirer noted that conservative Christians have lost their political power and influence. The article stated, "Their interest and their influence fading, Christian conservatives are struggling to regain the power that not long ago helped Republicans el...
    Published: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 :: Columns :: 4039 Views ::Article Rating
    Granting Pigs Constitutional Rights
    Once again, my home state of Florida is making history. It could become the first state to grant hogs constitutional liberties. You heard me right. Appearing as constitutional amendment number ten on the Florida ballot, the measure seeks to limit the "cruel and inhumane confinement of pigs dur...
    Published: Friday, October 25, 2002 :: Columns :: 4185 Views ::Article Rating
    Meet Me In Pensacola, Florida
    My last column ended with this paragraph, "There is a faithful remnant, of course, which sees and understands what is happening. They are mostly obscure, unknown individuals, and they are quite scattered and totally unorganized. It would be nice if the remnant could get together once in awhile,...
    Published: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 :: Columns :: 4904 Views ::Article Rating
    So, What Do We Do Now?
    I have received scores of correspondence from people all asking the same question, "So, what do we do now?" These are people who agree with me that neither the Republican Party nor most churches offer any hope for America's future; in fact, they are part of the problem. It should also...
    Published: Tuesday, October 8, 2002 :: Columns :: 3763 Views ::Article Rating
    A Scriptural Summary Of Today’s Spiritual Shepherds
    During private devotions recently, I came across Isaiah 56:9-12. I believe this passage truly depicts many of today's pastors and Christian leaders. See if you don't agree. *They are blind to approaching danger. The dangers facing our country today are as real as approaching wolves would b...
    Published: Tuesday, October 1, 2002 :: Columns :: 4614 Views ::Article Rating
    Saving Souls Alone Will Not Save The Country
    Many of my preacher brethren often rebuke me for the time and effort I spend in sounding the clarion call for secular or political activism. They say I am wasting my time. They even accuse me of forfeiting the Master's calling. They say the only thing Christians, and especially ministers, are su...
    Published: Friday, September 27, 2002 :: Columns :: 2869 Views ::Article Rating
    Freedoms Lost Under Bush
    Those who believe that the Bush administration is truly trying to protect American freedoms are either ignorant or deluded. The fact is, we have lost more liberties since G.W. Bush became president than during any administration since Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Associated Press provided the followi...
    Published: Tuesday, September 24, 2002 :: Columns :: 6078 Views ::Article Rating
    Selecting Terrorist Targets
    Just about everyone on the planet knows that President Bush has already made up his mind to attack Iraq. The only question seems to be whether the attack will come before or after the November elections. While I am anything but a pacifist when it comes to defending our liberties and national securit...
    Published: Friday, September 20, 2002 :: Columns :: 3822 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Setting Up Hillary Victory
    There has not been an occupant in the White House outside of the Bush or Clinton families since 1988. This trend (or should I say fix) shows all the signs of continuing without interruption. The first thing people must wake up to is that the Bush and Clinton families have been chums for years. Sour...
    Published: Friday, September 13, 2002 :: Columns :: 5544 Views ::Article Rating
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