Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    GOP In Serious Trouble
    One does not have to be a prophet to see that the future of the national Republican Party is very bleak. It also seems that the GOP is willingly assisting its own demise. In the first place, the GOP has betrayed its conservative base-big time! "Republicans may like to brag that they are the pa...
    Published: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 :: Columns :: 2937 Views ::Article Rating
    A Tribute To Lee And Jackson
    January is often referred to as "Generals Month" as no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month: James Longstreet (Jan. 8, 1821), Robert E. Lee (Jan. 19, 1807), Thomas Jonathan Jackson (Jan. 21, 1824), and George Pickett (Jan. 28, 1825). Two of these ...
    Published: Friday, January 20, 2006 :: Columns :: 2865 Views ::Article Rating
    Once Upon A Time In America
    The America that our children are growing up in today in no way resembles the America our Founding Fathers bequeathed to their posterity. The America of our ancestors had no IRS, no ACLU, no NEA, and no BATFE. In our fathers' America, children could pray aloud and read the Bible in school. Divor...
    Published: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 :: Columns :: 3006 Views ::Article Rating
    New Speech Online And An Apology To Rep. Ron Paul
    My fine staff has just uploaded the video of a speech I delivered to a home school graduation ceremony to our web site. To watch the speech, go to: While you are at the web site, be sure to listen to my radio interview with former Republican Congressman Bob Barr reg...
    Published: Thursday, January 12, 2006 :: Columns :: 2971 Views ::Article Rating
    As Usual, Conservative Christians Don’t Get It
    With confirmation hearings underway for Judge Samuel Alito, many conservative Christians are focusing on the abortion issue. In fact, many pro-life activists are hailing Alito as the man who would overturn legalized abortion in America. However, as is usually the case, most conservative Christians ...
    Published: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 :: Columns :: 4355 Views ::Article Rating
    Patrick Henry Today: “Give Me Security, Anything But Death!”
    Patrick Henry (1736-1799) was one of America's greatest Founding Fathers. In fact, he was the most famous orator of the American Revolution. He was admitted to the bar in 1760, served as a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, the Virginia Patriotic Convention, the First Continental Congres...
    Published: Wednesday, January 4, 2006 :: Columns :: 4844 Views ::Article Rating
    A Personal Invitation
    This is a personal invitation to all my readers. My fine staff has just uploaded a video slide show which gives viewers an intimate peek at my family, my church, and my radio show. The 16 minute video gives a thumbnail sketch of what really makes Chuck Baldwin who he is. The slide show is personally...
    Published: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 :: Columns :: 4092 Views ::Article Rating
    President Not Above The Law
    Democrats and Republicans in Congress are fuming over the revelation that President George W. Bush secretly authorized domestic eavesdropping without court approval. Senators Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) and Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) said they intend to hold hearings on the matter. For the record, we ...
    Published: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 :: Columns :: 3406 Views ::Article Rating
    Did President Bush Really Say That?
    Internet news site Capitol Hill Blue ( founder Doug Thompson wrote in his column on December 9 that in a private meeting with congressional leaders, President G.W. Bush was urged to take caution in implementing his new Patriot Act because it would potentially "ali...
    Published: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 :: Columns :: 3478 Views ::Article Rating
    My Latest Video Sermon Now Online
    My latest video sermon has just been uploaded and is now ready for viewing. It was delivered a couple Sunday nights ago and is entitled, "Psalms of Thanksgiving." To view this video sermon, go to: Other sermon titles which may also be viewed include: Why ...
    Published: Friday, December 9, 2005 :: Columns :: 5264 Views ::Article Rating
    Final Call For Freedom Documents
    This is a final call announcement for Freedom Documents. Our supply is shrinking fast. If you still want to receive this giant compilation of over 50 of America's most important historical documents, you must send your order immediately! Below is my original announcement with details about THE F...
    Published: Thursday, December 8, 2005 :: Columns :: 3595 Views ::Article Rating
    Career-Politicians Are Killing Us!
    The admission by Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham of California to being guilty of taking $2.4 million in bribes is merely the latest example of what most people probably already know: both political parties in Washington, D.C., have more than their fair share of corruption. Cunningh...
    Published: Tuesday, December 6, 2005 :: Columns :: 3133 Views ::Article Rating
    GOP Terrorizing Constitution
    The Republican-controlled House of Representatives has just passed a bill which renews the USA Patriot Act. According to a press release, "Despite massive opposition from individuals and groups on all sides of the political spectrum, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives...
    Published: Tuesday, December 6, 2005 :: Columns :: 3253 Views ::Article Rating
    My Second Amendment Speech Now Online
    Back in February, 1994, I was invited by then Florida State Representative Robert Kerrigan to speak at a Second Amendment Rally which took place at the Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds. At the time, both the federal government and Florida State government were threatening to severely restrict the fr...
    Published: Friday, December 2, 2005 :: Columns :: 4584 Views ::Article Rating
    This Year, Make Yours A Patriotic Christmas
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it! N...
    Published: Monday, November 28, 2005 :: Columns :: 3627 Views ::Article Rating
    My Newest Video Sermon Now Uploaded
    The newest video sermon is entitled, "Why God Raised Up This Place." It was preached last Sunday morning on the occasion of my, and Crossroad Baptist Church's (the church that my wife and I founded), 30th anniversary. Hundreds of people attended, including dignitaries and friends from ...
    Published: Saturday, November 12, 2005 :: Columns :: 4759 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Administration Pushing Domestic Surveillance Envelope
    ecret wiretaps. Seized bank records. Unconsented physical searches. Secret computer tracking. Enter the ever-growing government world of domestic spying. A recent Washington Post report (Monday, Oct. 24, 2005; A01) stated, "The FBI has conducted clandestine surveillance on some U.S. residents ...
    Published: Friday, October 28, 2005 :: Columns :: 3203 Views ::Article Rating
    Newest Video Sermon Now Online
    My newest video sermon has just been uploaded to my web site. It is titled, "Lying Prophets." As always, my video sermons may be viewed using a dialup modem (phone line), DSL, cable, or other high-speed connection. You may also download or archive these sermons on your computer hard drive ...
    Published: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 :: Columns :: 3853 Views ::Article Rating
    What Does It Mean To “Prefer Christians” As Our Leaders?
    John Jay is one of America's most celebrated founders. He was America's first Supreme Court Chief Justice and also co-authored the Federalist Papers. Jay's influence upon the founding generation was immense. Jay is credited with saying, "Providence has given to our people the choice...
    Published: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 :: Columns :: 6540 Views ::Article Rating
    The Stones Are Crying Out
    As Jesus entered Jerusalem in what many Bible teachers refer to as The Triumphal Entry, his disciples rejoiced "with a loud voice." Hearing this, the Pharisees demanded that Christ rebuke and quiet His followers. Instead, the Lord responded saying, "I tell you that, if these should ho...
    Published: Friday, October 21, 2005 :: Columns :: 4035 Views ::Article Rating
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