Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Two New Video Sermons Posted
    Readers should know that my fine staff has just recently posted two of my video sermons to our web site. The two new titles are: "Ezekiel's Vision" "Perfecting The Church" One may access these video sermons with either a dial up or high speed modem. There is also an MP3 fi...
    Published: Thursday, December 7, 2006 :: Columns :: 4913 Views ::Article Rating
    Military Commissions Act: A Precursor To Tyranny?
    In an interview with nationally syndicated radio talk show host Alex Jones, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas recently discussed President Bush's support for the Military Commissions Act. During the interview, Paul said that "the law officially allows for citizen concentration camp facilities." ...
    Published: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 :: Columns :: 5602 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Chuck Baldwin's Speech At The Constitution Party National Committee Meeting
    At The Constitution Party National Committee Meeting In Concord, New Hampshire Dr. Baldwin gave this address to the Constitution Party national delegates and supporters on Saturday, December 2, 2006, in Concord, New Hampshire. The entire recording runs for a little over 51 minutes.
    Published: Saturday, December 2, 2006 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 5185 Views ::Article Rating
    Make Yours A Patriotic Christmas
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we did it! N...
    Published: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 :: Columns :: 3759 Views ::Article Rating
    Time Now For Democrats To “Put Up”
    Now that the Democrats have taken control of both houses of Congress, it is time for them to "put up." The sad reality of the situation is, both parties are prone to only complain when the opposite party is in charge, but when it comes their turn to run the ship of state, they usually wind...
    Published: Thursday, November 16, 2006 :: Columns :: 3926 Views ::Article Rating
    Alan Keyes Speech Now Online
    The video of Ambassador Alan Keyes' God and Country Day address is now online. Dr. Keyes brought this address to the congregation of the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. The occasion was the church's 11th annual God and Country Day celebration. Nearly 800 people attended this ...
    Published: Wednesday, November 15, 2006 :: Columns :: 5028 Views ::Article Rating
    Elections Observations
    The elections of last Tuesday surprised no one. Most people saw the handwriting on the wall for a Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives. As for the Senate, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans, so who controls the gavel is of little consequen...
    Published: Friday, November 10, 2006 :: Columns :: 5025 Views ::Article Rating
    Alan Keyes Speaking Sunday, Nov. 5 In Pensacola, Florida
    For readers who live within driving distance of Pensacola, Florida, today's column serves as an announcement that Ambassador Alan Keyes will be our keynote speaker for the giant God and Country Day services at Crossroad Baptist Church, 6800 Mobile Highway (US Hwy. 90), in Pensacola, Florida. For...
    Published: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 :: Columns :: 5172 Views ::Article Rating
    Dear Brother Pastor: Dare To Be A Micaiah
    Today's column is a heart-felt appeal to my pastor-brethren. If there was ever a time when God's men in America needed to stand independently and courageously for that which is right, it is now. And if we, the pastors and preachers of America, will not stand for what is right, how can anyone...
    Published: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 :: Columns :: 5211 Views ::Article Rating
    Were Evangelicals Played For Suckers?
    No president in American history played the "God card" any better than George W. Bush. Early in his 2000 presidential campaign, Bush convinced fundamentalist/evangelical Christian leaders that he was "their" man. Those Christian leaders went on to promote and support Mr. Bush to ...
    Published: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 :: Columns :: 4936 Views ::Article Rating
    Some Choice: Socialist Democrats Or Fascist Republicans
    Whenever some well-meaning conservative Christian takes issue with one of my columns chronicling the abysmal governing record of Republicans, he or she almost always exclaims, "Think how bad it would be if Democrats were in charge." The fact is, however, there has been no redemption in hav...
    Published: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 :: Columns :: 5138 Views ::Article Rating
    My Tribute To Helen Chenoweth
    I was extremely saddened to hear the news that former Idaho congressman (the way she preferred to be addressed) Helen Chenoweth had recently been killed in an automobile accident. She was 68. With her passing, America lost a great statesman and patriot. Helen was part of that great freshman class o...
    Published: Friday, October 6, 2006 :: Columns :: 3984 Views ::Article Rating
    Two New Videos Now Uploaded
    I am pleased to announced that my fine staff has just uploaded two brand new videos to our web page. The first is my latest video in which I read several of your emails. The second is my latest video sermon. I receive hundreds of emails each day, and while I cannot respond to them all, I do take ti...
    Published: Tuesday, October 3, 2006 :: Columns :: 3750 Views ::Article Rating
    A Personal Invitation To Come Hear Dr. Alan Keyes
    Readers often write and express their desire to attend services at my church, the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In fact, it is not uncommon now to see people in the congregation from across the country who are readers of my column. To those of you who would like to visit me in Pens...
    Published: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 :: Columns :: 5350 Views ::Article Rating
    Is It Just Me, Or Are People Really Getting Meaner?
    Is it just me, or are people really getting meaner? It seems that much of what I hear and read these days indicates that people's actions and attitudes are increasingly rude, crude, and downright cantankerous. Has it always been this way? If it was, I don't remember it. Granted, there is mu...
    Published: Friday, September 22, 2006 :: Columns :: 6286 Views ::Article Rating
    Religious Right Needs To Defend All Saints Episcopal
    The Los Angeles Times recently reported that "the Internal Revenue Service ordered a liberal Pasadena parish to turn over all the documents and e-mails it produced during the 2004 election year with references to political candidates. "All Saints Episcopal Church and its rector, the Rev. ...
    Published: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 :: Columns :: 4020 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Administration Continues Funding Arab States
    As America remembers the attacks on the Twin Towers, the Bush administration continues to fund various Arab states with billions of U.S. tax dollars. First, it needs to be noted that it was the U.S. government that years ago provided Iran with the Tehran Research Reactor and the weapons-grade urani...
    Published: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 :: Columns :: 4567 Views ::Article Rating
    Two New Videos Online
    My fine staff has just uploaded two brand new videos to our web site at: The first is a video of a recent sermon that I really hope you will watch. It is titled, "The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth." If there is one message that captures the spirit of what ...
    Published: Saturday, September 9, 2006 :: Columns :: 3112 Views ::Article Rating
    My Response To Dr. Jerry Falwell
    Today I'm going to do something I rarely do: I'm going to publicly respond to another commentator's writing. Specifically, I feel I must respond to a recent column written by my friend and mentor, Dr. Jerry Falwell. One can read Dr. Falwell's article at
    Published: Wednesday, September 6, 2006 :: Columns :: 3933 Views ::Article Rating
    The Naked President
    I well remember back in the 2000 elections many conservatives (especially conservative Christians) attempting to assuage my trepidation and misgiving regarding then candidate George W. Bush by saying, "Chuck, don't worry; Bush cannot act like a conservative, because he wouldn't be able ...
    Published: Friday, August 25, 2006 :: Columns :: 4991 Views ::Article Rating
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