Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Christian Or Not Is Not The Question
    One of my favorite columnists, though I don't always agree with him, is Charley Reese. To my mind, he is a true independent thinker, totally honest, and refreshingly courageous. I try to read everything he writes. Back in August, Charley wrote a column in which he took televangelist Pat Rober...
    Published: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 :: Columns :: 3187 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Among Biggest Spending Presidents
    After nearly five years in office, the record is clear: President George W. Bush ranks among the biggest spending presidents in American history! With such a record, no person can honestly categorize G.W. Bush as a fiscal conservative. By comparison, Dubya's spending habits make Bill Clinton loo...
    Published: Friday, October 14, 2005 :: Columns :: 3889 Views ::Article Rating
    My Newest Video Sermon Now Online
    My newest video sermon has just been uploaded to my video sermons page. The new sermon is entitled, "The Gospel of Christ: America's Only Hope." There are six other sermons on the page as well. These are: "The Church's Confession" "The Preacher's Job Descript...
    Published: Thursday, October 13, 2005 :: Columns :: 4797 Views ::Article Rating
    Where Is Jefferson’s Spirit Of Resistance?
    One of the uniquely American attributes upon which this great country was founded is the spirit of independence, or as Thomas Jefferson phrased it, "the spirit of resistance." Throughout America's history, our people, especially our Christian leaders, were noted for bold and courageous...
    Published: Saturday, October 8, 2005 :: Columns :: 4411 Views ::Article Rating
    My Interview With Bob Barr Now Online
    This announcement is to let my readers know that my interview with former Georgia Congressman Bob Barr is now available online. A few weeks ago, I sat down with the former Republican congressman in my studio in Pensacola, Florida, to discuss the dangers of the USA Patriot Act. Bob Barr served as th...
    Published: Saturday, October 1, 2005 :: Columns :: 3949 Views ::Article Rating
    A Declaration Of Who I Am
    It is time for me to once again inform my readers regarding who I am and what makes me tick. After all, I believe it is only fair that people who read my writings know up front some basic information about me. Veteran readers may already know most of this information. However, I'm sure there are...
    Published: Saturday, October 1, 2005 :: Columns :: 3710 Views ::Article Rating
    Is It The Republican Party Or Just G.W. Bush?
    The Republican Party professes to stand for less government and more freedom. It claims to be a conservative party. However, ever since assuming control of the entire federal government, it has revealed itself to be something entirely different. For example, since the White House and both houses of...
    Published: Friday, September 30, 2005 :: Columns :: 3920 Views ::Article Rating
    Seven Video Sermons Now Online
    I am pleased to announce that there are seven of my video sermons now online. These video sermons may be viewed using either a dial up or high speed modem. Plus, the sermons may be archived on one's computer hard drive or disk. And as always, there is absolutely no charge to access these video s...
    Published: Sunday, September 25, 2005 :: Columns :: 3112 Views ::Article Rating
    China Preparing For War And Few Notice
    Ever since President Richard Nixon entered into detente with the communist regime in China, America has doggedly assisted in the commercial and military buildup of the Marxist nation. Both Republican and Democratic administrations have mollycoddled the Red Chinese to the point that now they have gro...
    Published: Friday, September 23, 2005 :: Columns :: 3053 Views ::Article Rating
    Judge Roberts No Rehnquist
    Conservatives everywhere, including leaders of the Religious Right, are fawning over President Bush's nominee to replace Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Judge John Roberts. They are praising Roberts as a "conservative," a "strict constructionist," and are even calling him &q...
    Published: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 :: Columns :: 3127 Views ::Article Rating
    New Sermon Added To My Online Video Sermons
    As I noted earlier, we are in the process of adding two new sermons to the video sermons page on my web site. One of these sermons is now uploaded and ready to view. The new sermon is entitled, "Why Do We Sit Still?" Another sermon, "The Preacher's Job Description" will be up...
    Published: Thursday, September 15, 2005 :: Columns :: 3987 Views ::Article Rating
    Military Take-Over Of New Orleans A Harbinger Of The Future?
    The blame game has been in full swing ever since Hurricane Katrina crashed into the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast. Democrats want to use the disaster as a means to criticize the Bush administration. Republicans blame the Mayor of New Orleans and the Governor of Louisiana, both Democrats. Howe...
    Published: Tuesday, September 13, 2005 :: Columns :: 3991 Views ::Article Rating
    My Video Sermons Now Online
    For many years, readers have repeatedly asked me if I know of a church in this city or that city where they could hear the type of sermons that I regularly preach at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. While I know of hundreds, even thousands, of churches that preach the Gospel, I know o...
    Published: Thursday, September 8, 2005 :: Columns :: 3192 Views ::Article Rating
    Is God Removing His Hand Of Protection From America?
    Amidst the horrific aftermath of Hurricane Katrina is a question hardly anyone wants to ask (including Christian leaders), "Is God removing His hand of protection from America?" It is, perhaps, the greatest question that must be answered. For many reasons, I believe the answer is yes. Fro...
    Published: Friday, September 2, 2005 :: Columns :: 4483 Views ::Article Rating
    Another Conspiracy Theory
    Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist recently revealed his true colors on the life issue when he came out strongly in support of increased federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research. As a medical doctor, Frist obviously knows that in order for this to be done, human embryos must first be destroye...
    Published: Friday, August 26, 2005 :: Columns :: 4410 Views ::Article Rating
    Americans Surrendering Liberties: Shades Of German History
    It appears that a strengthened U.S.A. Patriot Act will soon sail through Congress with little opposition or consternation on the part of the American people. The new Patriot Act is even more stringent than the original. In addition, many of the more egregious elements of the Patriot Act which were o...
    Published: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 :: Columns :: 2754 Views ::Article Rating
    Meet Me In West Palm Beach, Florida
    I would like to invite any and all readers who live within driving distance of West Palm Beach, Florida to join me for a special meeting on Thursday, August 18, at 7pm at the West Palm Beach Marriott Hotel. The hotel is located at 1001 Okeechobee Blvd., near City Place, I-95, Exit 70, East about a h...
    Published: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 :: Columns :: 2736 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Chuck Baldwin's Interview With Congressman Bob Barr
    Dangers of the Patriot Act Chuck Baldwin interviewed former Georgia congressman Bob Barr on Wednesday, August 10th, 2005, in the Chuck Baldwin Live studio in Pensacola, Florida, about the dangers of the USA Patriot Act. The entire interview runs for 29 minutes.
    Published: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 :: Radio Show :: 5078 Views ::Article Rating
    Praise For Sheriff Ron McNesby
    Most of us are aware of the courageous stand taken by former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. At issue was the fundamental right of citizens and states to publicly acknowledge God and an odious, overbearing federal judge's (successful) attempt to deny that right. The propensity of the federal go...
    Published: Tuesday, August 9, 2005 :: Columns :: 4082 Views ::Article Rating
    CAFTA: Politics At Its Worst!
    Most of us are aware that Congress has passed and President Bush has signed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) into law. CAFTA is the latest in a series of international trade agreements to which the United States has committed itself. Sold to Congress as promoting "free trade,&...
    Published: Friday, August 5, 2005 :: Columns :: 2369 Views ::Article Rating
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