Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Tribute To Helen Chenoweth
    I was extremely saddened to hear the news that former Idaho congressman (the way she preferred to be addressed) Helen Chenoweth had recently been killed in an automobile accident. She was 68. With her passing, America lost a great statesman and patriot. Helen was part of that great freshman class o...
    Published: Friday, October 6, 2006 :: Columns :: 3923 Views ::Article Rating
    Two New Videos Now Uploaded
    I am pleased to announced that my fine staff has just uploaded two brand new videos to our web page. The first is my latest video in which I read several of your emails. The second is my latest video sermon. I receive hundreds of emails each day, and while I cannot respond to them all, I do take ti...
    Published: Tuesday, October 3, 2006 :: Columns :: 3691 Views ::Article Rating
    A Personal Invitation To Come Hear Dr. Alan Keyes
    Readers often write and express their desire to attend services at my church, the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. In fact, it is not uncommon now to see people in the congregation from across the country who are readers of my column. To those of you who would like to visit me in Pens...
    Published: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 :: Columns :: 5270 Views ::Article Rating
    Is It Just Me, Or Are People Really Getting Meaner?
    Is it just me, or are people really getting meaner? It seems that much of what I hear and read these days indicates that people's actions and attitudes are increasingly rude, crude, and downright cantankerous. Has it always been this way? If it was, I don't remember it. Granted, there is mu...
    Published: Friday, September 22, 2006 :: Columns :: 6207 Views ::Article Rating
    Religious Right Needs To Defend All Saints Episcopal
    The Los Angeles Times recently reported that "the Internal Revenue Service ordered a liberal Pasadena parish to turn over all the documents and e-mails it produced during the 2004 election year with references to political candidates. "All Saints Episcopal Church and its rector, the Rev. ...
    Published: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 :: Columns :: 3898 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Administration Continues Funding Arab States
    As America remembers the attacks on the Twin Towers, the Bush administration continues to fund various Arab states with billions of U.S. tax dollars. First, it needs to be noted that it was the U.S. government that years ago provided Iran with the Tehran Research Reactor and the weapons-grade urani...
    Published: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 :: Columns :: 4464 Views ::Article Rating
    Two New Videos Online
    My fine staff has just uploaded two brand new videos to our web site at: The first is a video of a recent sermon that I really hope you will watch. It is titled, "The Pillar And Ground Of The Truth." If there is one message that captures the spirit of what ...
    Published: Saturday, September 9, 2006 :: Columns :: 3022 Views ::Article Rating
    My Response To Dr. Jerry Falwell
    Today I'm going to do something I rarely do: I'm going to publicly respond to another commentator's writing. Specifically, I feel I must respond to a recent column written by my friend and mentor, Dr. Jerry Falwell. One can read Dr. Falwell's article at
    Published: Wednesday, September 6, 2006 :: Columns :: 3863 Views ::Article Rating
    The Naked President
    I well remember back in the 2000 elections many conservatives (especially conservative Christians) attempting to assuage my trepidation and misgiving regarding then candidate George W. Bush by saying, "Chuck, don't worry; Bush cannot act like a conservative, because he wouldn't be able ...
    Published: Friday, August 25, 2006 :: Columns :: 4885 Views ::Article Rating
    We Need To Resurrect The Black Regiment
    Most Christian pastors today appear to have little in common with the preachers of yesteryear. For example, many modern clerics would probably be surprised to learn of the active role colonial preachers had in America's fight for independence. It is no hyperbole to say that had it not been for t...
    Published: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 :: Columns :: 5106 Views ::Article Rating
    My Interview With George Putnam Now Online
    George Putnam is an amazing man. He has worked as a newsman, reporter, and commentator for most of the major broadcasting organizations in the United States. During World War II, he served first in the Army and later as a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, winning two citations. He has been a fix...
    Published: Friday, August 18, 2006 :: Columns :: 4282 Views ::Article Rating
    New Video Sermon And More Of Your Emails
    My wonderful staff has just uploaded my latest video sermon to our web site. It is entitled, "The Lies We Believe." It can be viewed at As always, one can view these video sermons with either a dial up or high speed modem, and we also have ...
    Published: Friday, August 11, 2006 :: Columns :: 3452 Views ::Article Rating
    You Might Be A Constitutionalist If…
    I originally published this column back in January of 2005. Since then (and especially lately), many people have called and written with requests to republish it. So, here it is. Enjoy. More than thirty years as a student of American history, constitutional government, and the Holy Bible leads me t...
    Published: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 :: Columns :: 4998 Views ::Article Rating
    My Interview With George Putnam
    Subject: You Might Be A Constitutionalist If... Cable Radio Network's George Putnam, a decorated WWII veteran who is perhaps the only radio personality to have interviewed all four of the following war heroes: Sgt. Alvin York, Audie Murphy, Joe Hooper and Col. David Hackworth - requested and co...
    Published: Monday, August 7, 2006 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 3316 Views ::Article Rating
    Mel Gibson’s Crucifixion
    Let's get right to the point: the Hollywood elite have had it in for Mel Gibson for quite a while. First, he abandoned their penchant for promoting big government by starring in a truer-than-most-want-to-admit movie thriller, Conspiracy Theory. He then further alienated Hollywood Leftists by sta...
    Published: Friday, August 4, 2006 :: Columns :: 4136 Views ::Article Rating
    What We Can Do
    I have received scores of letters and emails expressing the same feelings of discouragement. "What can we do?" people ask. They express frustration with their congressmen and senators being non-responsive to their letters and phone calls. They are convinced contacting the White House is a ...
    Published: Friday, July 28, 2006 :: Columns :: 3809 Views ::Article Rating
    President Bush Continues To Sell America To Foreign Interests
    I previously wrote in this column ( about President Bush's attempt to transfer six major U.S. ports to a United Arab Emirates government-owned and operated company. Due to massive public resistance, Congress rose up in stiff oppositio...
    Published: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 :: Columns :: 2377 Views ::Article Rating
    My Review Of Aaron Russo’s Film, “America: Freedom To Fascism”
    Several readers have written me asking that I promote Aaron Russo's new film. Well, until recently I had not seen it, and certainly I could not promote (or criticize) a film until I had an opportunity to view it. That opportunity presented itself a few days ago in the form of a private screening...
    Published: Friday, July 21, 2006 :: Columns :: 6485 Views ::Article Rating
    I Read Your Email Online
    I receive hundreds of personal emails each day, and I do my best to read them all. However, to try and respond to all of these emails is next to impossible. Therefore, I recently sat down in my study and personally responded to several of my email letters on camera. To watch the video in which I pe...
    Published: Monday, July 17, 2006 :: Columns :: 3047 Views ::Article Rating
    You And Me Against The Brave New World
    With almost complete unanimity, the two major parties are walking in lock-step in their support for President Bush's efforts to merge the United States into a trilateral hemispheric government with Mexico and Canada. In addition, for the most part, the major media (including Fox News) remains vi...
    Published: Friday, July 14, 2006 :: Columns :: 3975 Views ::Article Rating
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