Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Hayden Wrong Man At Wrong Time
    President George W. Bush has displayed gross misjudgment in selecting Air Force General Michael Hayden to lead the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). That General Hayden has enjoyed a distinguished career at the Defense Department is not enough reason to place the CIA (a civilian intelligence agency...
    Published: Tuesday, May 9, 2006 :: Columns :: 3475 Views ::Article Rating
    Dubai Company Takes Over 9 U.S. Military Facilities
    s I warned earlier in this column, a United Arab Emirates company has been given control of some 9 U.S. military facilities. The deal is now official. According to an AP report that ran in my hometown newspaper, The Pensacola News Journal, on Saturday, April 29, 2006, "President Bush has appro...
    Published: Friday, May 5, 2006 :: Columns :: 2378 Views ::Article Rating
    Low Pressure System Hovers Over America
    An upcoming birthday reminds me that I have lived to pass the half-century mark. During those years, I have seen people at their best and at their worst. I believe I am also witnessing the impact that a vast cultural revolution is having on people. There is always an ebb and flow to people's li...
    Published: Friday, April 28, 2006 :: Columns :: 2279 Views ::Article Rating
    Important Information
    I would like to inform my readers that we are constantly uploading new information to our web site. Pages of interest with recent updates include the following: Illegal Immigration Information Patriot Act News
    Published: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 :: Columns :: 3275 Views ::Article Rating
    What Local Governments Can Do About Illegal Immigration
    It should be painfully obvious to most all of us that our federal government has no intention of stopping or even reducing illegal immigration. It seems all too clear that we have a president and congress that are willing to allow foreign lawbreakers to invade our country and live off taxpayer welfa...
    Published: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 :: Columns :: 2841 Views ::Article Rating
    New Pages Uploaded To My Web Site
    I am pleased to announce that my fine staff has recently uploaded several new pages to my web site. I believe you will find these pages to be a wealth of useful information. First, we now have a page devoted entirely to illegal immigration. Here you will find news and information relevant to this vi...
    Published: Monday, April 17, 2006 :: Columns :: 2984 Views ::Article Rating
    Illegal Immigration Is Actually Foreign Invasion
    Instead of calling it illegal immigration, we should be calling it a foreign invasion, because the consequences of this invasion are as terminal to our freedoms and to our way of life as any act of terrorism ever perpetrated against us! First, let's talk about numbers. Even though the Census Bu...
    Published: Friday, April 14, 2006 :: Columns :: 3280 Views ::Article Rating
    The Resurrected Christ: Central To America
    The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead separates our Lord from all the world's messiahs and separates Christianity from all the world's religions. In addition, the resurrection of Christ Jesus also separates the United States of America from every other nation on earth. Therefore, i...
    Published: Thursday, April 13, 2006 :: Columns :: 5101 Views ::Article Rating
    Forget About Civil War In Iraq – One Is Coming To America
    While American troops are hunkered down in "safe zones" in Iraq trying to stay out of an escalating civil war, our government seems oblivious to a growing threat of civil war right here in the United States. As anyone can see, millions of illegal aliens living here are becoming more vocal,...
    Published: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 :: Columns :: 4289 Views ::Article Rating
    Hillary Clinton Is On The Wrong Side Of History
    In an attempt to justify massive illegal immigration to this country, Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) completely mischaracterized the Biblical story of The Good Samaritan. Obviously, there is nothing unique about politicians misusing the Scriptures. What the average politician knows about the Word of...
    Published: Friday, March 31, 2006 :: Columns :: 2789 Views ::Article Rating
    My Warning Regarding Illegal Immigration
    I wrote the following words on March 21, 2006, just days before hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens took to America's streets in massive protests. (To read the entire column, go to: ) "America's illegal immigration problem is ...
    Published: Monday, March 27, 2006 :: Columns :: 2970 Views ::Article Rating
    The Emerging Global Village
    Former President George Herbert Walker Bush was the first national figure to publicly use the term "New World Order." Since those days in the late 1980's, numerous notable personalities have advanced the concept of global hegemony. As a student of the Scriptures, I am well aware that ...
    Published: Friday, March 24, 2006 :: Columns :: 2660 Views ::Article Rating
    Where Is The Religious Right Hiding These Days?
    Ever since emerging from their four year hibernation in 2004 (just in time to reelect President George W. Bush), the Religious Right has returned to its extended state of unconsciousness. Oh, that's right, they did roll out of bed long enough to lobby for Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito...
    Published: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 :: Columns :: 2414 Views ::Article Rating
    America’s Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us
    The recent attempt by the Bush administration to turn at least six U.S. sea ports over to the control of the United Arab Emirates is only the latest example of how America's leaders are selling our country right out from under us. According to the March 8, 2006 edition of The Washington Times, ...
    Published: Friday, March 17, 2006 :: Columns :: 2609 Views ::Article Rating
    Please Watch This Video
    My fine staff has just uploaded my newest sermon video. It is entitled, "Hezekiah's Folly." It is taken from the life of Old Testament King Hezekiah. What is amazing is how closely the story parallels the kind of foolishness that America's leaders are engaging in today! Watch and s...
    Published: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 :: Columns :: 4074 Views ::Article Rating
    What About Romans Chapter 13?
    We have just uploaded a radio interview that is very informative and very needful. I am referring to an interview I had with Dr. Greg Dixon. As many of you know, Dr. Dixon was the pastor of the famed Indianapolis Baptist Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana for more than 40 years. The IBT at one time was...
    Published: Thursday, March 2, 2006 :: Columns :: 4231 Views ::Article Rating
    The Sorriest Generation
    If the World War II generation was America's greatest generation (while it was great, I believe the founding generation was actually America's greatest), this generation is America's sorriest generation! In fact, I am ashamed of my generation. Furthermore, it seems the one coming behind...
    Published: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 :: Columns :: 3300 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Chuck Baldwin's Interview With Dr. Greg Dixon
    Understanding Romans 13 Dr. Greg Dixon was the pastor of the famed Indianapolis Baptist Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana, for over 40 years. Dr. Baldwin interviewed Dr. Dixon on Wednesday, February 27, 2006 in the Chuck Baldwin Live studio in Pensacola, Florida, about the true teaching of Romans cha...
    Published: Monday, February 27, 2006 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 4464 Views ::Article Rating
    You Gotta Watch This Video
    My fine and capable staff has just uploaded my newest video sermon. The message is entitled, "What Can I Do?" It can be viewed at If I do say so myself, you gotta watch this video! As I worked my way through this message, God seemed to stir the hearts of t...
    Published: Friday, February 24, 2006 :: Columns :: 2929 Views ::Article Rating
    Dubai Deal Is Dumb
    Let me get this straight. We are engaged in a war against Iraq and Afghanistan. We might be planning a war against Iran. We are fighting a war against terrorism. In order to effectively fight the war on terrorism, our federal government must spy on American citizens. This includes tapping our phone ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 21, 2006 :: Columns :: 4167 Views ::Article Rating
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