Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    An Old-fashioned God & Country Day

    Published: Friday, October 26, 2001

    It was customary in Colonial America for pastors to deliver "election" sermons before or during national elections. To many Christians in early America, this was not only customary it was almost mandatory. Pastors would preach loquacious sermons on the duty of Christians to be involved in their government. Political personalities would also address the congregations. This was a tradition that continued throughout the decades preceding and following America's War for Independence. That tradition has almost disappeared from our churches - almost, but not quite.

    A church in Pensacola, Florida, has restored that glorious tradition. It is called, "God and Country Day." This annual patriotic event takes place every November at the Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola. This year the date is Sunday, November 4, at 10:00 a.m. (CST). The location is 6800 Mobile Highway (1/2 mile past the fairgrounds).

    Guest speakers for this event include former Congressman from the Florida First District Joe Scarborough and Escambia County Sheriff, Ron McNesby. Patriotic music will be provided by the sensational tenor Tim Davis. They will appear before hundreds of patriotic, flag-waving Americans in a setting not seen since those great servi

    Readers of this column are invited to attend this magnificent, patriotic event. A motel near the church has agreed to provide special, low rates for people coming in from out of town. For more information, call the church at 850-944-3544. This "God and Country Day" will be worth the price of a tank of gas and a one-night stay in a motel room. If you live within driving distance of Pensacola, Florida, come and join the folks at Crossroad Baptist Church for this wonderful patriotic celebration.

    Even though this is not an election year, the horrific events of September 11 have reminded all of us of how vulnerable we are, of how much we need God, and of how important it is for Americans to openly proclaim our faith. This year's "God and Country Day" comes at a very opportune time for all of us. I encourage all of my readers who can to make the effort to attend Crossroad's "God and Country Day" on Sunday, November 4, at 10:00 a.m.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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