Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Radio Interview With Jerome Corsi Now Online

    Published: Thursday, June 22, 2006

    Everyone who loves freedom and independence needs to know about President Bush's attempt to create a North American Union (NAU), which merges the United States with Canada and Mexico. Once one understands what Mr. Bush is attempting to do in creating this trilateral, hemispheric government, many seemingly nonsensical actions by this president will starting making perfect sense. One will even begin to understand why Mr. Bush is so adamant about granting "a path to citizenship" for illegal aliens, even though the vast majority of his own constituents oppose it.

    Author and researcher Jerome Corsi is engaged in ongoing investigative reporting regarding the emerging NAU. I have already referred to Mr. Corsi's outstanding research a couple of times in this column.

    A few days ago, I sat down and interviewed Jerome Corsi over the telephone for my radio broadcast. Now, my fine staff has uploaded that radio interview on our web site. I invite all my readers to listen to this informative interview on their personal computers.

    To listen to my interview with Jerome Corsi, go to

    People need to understand that the internationalists and globalists who are in control of the White House are working at full steam to create this trilateral North American Union. Furthermore, most of what they are doing is unnoticed and unreported, not only by the mainstream media, but also by so-called conservative watchdog groups.

    For example, did you know that Mr. Bush is planning to build a "NAFTA super-highway" some four football fields wide from Mexico to Canada? He is. Did you know that cabinet level leaders from the three countries (the U.S., Mexico, and Canada) have already been positioned? They have. Did you know that Mr. Bush intends to make everyone within the three countries take the same "passport" (translated I.D. card), which would virtually erase the borders between the three countries? He is. You will hear the facts regarding all of this and more when you listen to my interview with Jerome Corsi.

    I urge readers to listen to my interview with Jerome Corsi. Go to


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