Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Interview With George Putnam Now Online

    Published: Friday, August 18, 2006

    George Putnam is an amazing man. He has worked as a newsman, reporter, and commentator for most of the major broadcasting organizations in the United States. During World War II, he served first in the Army and later as a First Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, winning two citations. He has been a fixture on the Los Angeles news scene since 1951. Did I mention that George is now 92 years young? He is. And he is still as sharp as a tack.

    Mr. Putnam holds the distinction of being one reporter (maybe the only one) who interviewed all four of the following notable war heroes: Sergeant Alvin York, Audie Murphy, Joe Hooper, and Col. David Hackworth. He has covered every presidency since Herbert Hoover. He is the West Coast's most honored newsman.

    George is a rancher, horse breeder, and entertainer. He has appeared with celebrity greats such as Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, and George Burns and Gracie Allen. George Putnam is also a constitutionalist.

    Recently, George invited me to be the guest on his live radio show. He had read my column, "You Might Be A Constitutionalist If..." and was enthusiastic to discuss it with me. And while I do radio interviews most every week of my life on stations from coast to coast, I cannot remember when I enjoyed a radio interview more.

    My fine staff has just uploaded my interview with George Putnam. You can listen to that interview online using either a dial up or high speed modem. To hear my interview with George, go to

    I invite readers to listen to my interview with George Putnam, and while you are at the site, be sure to check out other terrific interviews I have had with men such as Jerome Corsi, former Congressman Bob Barr, and Dr. Greg Dixon. These interviews are found here:

    Once again, thank you for reading my commentaries, and don't miss that interview with George Putnam.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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