Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Patrick Henry Could Not Be Elected Today
    My friend and mentor, Jerry Falwell, wrote an inspiring column in his National Liberty Journal entitled, "We Need A Patrick Henry To Lead Us." In this article, he aptly expresses the desire for leaders such as the famed Patrick Henry to again arrive on the American scene. With all my heart...
    Published: Friday, August 2, 2002 :: Columns :: 3274 Views ::Article Rating
    It Is Time To Abolish Congress!
    I have seen the light. I am now willing to admit that President Bush is right: we are living in a "different world." Those ideals and laws dealing with the "old world" simply do not meet the needs for this avant-garde society of ours. Therefore, it is time to concede that the U.S...
    Published: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 :: Columns :: 2535 Views ::Article Rating
    Are Americans Ready To Crown A King?
    In an attempt to alert my readers of the increasing propensity of the Bush administration to foist unconstitutional, even tyrannical, laws upon the American people (under the rubric of fighting terrorism), I found that many readers appear more than ready to accept these Orwellian, police state attac...
    Published: Friday, July 26, 2002 :: Columns :: 2819 Views ::Article Rating
    Will American Troops Be Used Against U.S. Citizens?
    In my column last Friday, I noted that the Bush administration is actively pursuing the prospect of disposing of the hundred-year-old Posse Comitatus Act that prohibits U.S. military personnel from being used against U.S. citizens on American soil. The ink was barely dry from that column when the ad...
    Published: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 :: Columns :: 4166 Views ::Article Rating
    King George Creating East-Bloc Amerika
    It should be obvious to everyone by now that, wittingly or not, George W. Bush is in the process of creating a communist-style form of government in the United States. As details emerge regarding his new Department of Homeland Security, we discover that Bush and his band of belligerent brothers have...
    Published: Friday, July 19, 2002 :: Columns :: 3282 Views ::Article Rating
    Jail For Liars? Start With Politicians!
    Responding to recent revelations of massive deception and untruthful reporting by corporate America, President Bush proposed jail time for business executives who lie in their accounting records. If we are going to start putting people in jail for deceptive financial records, however, we need to sta...
    Published: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 :: Columns :: 2457 Views ::Article Rating
    Miller Votes Against Less Government – Again!
    Once again, Representative Jeff Miller has abandoned both his conservative constituents and the U.S. Constitution. Despite his constant rhetoric that he is a "conservative," he has cast his vote for more socialized medicine and more deficit spending. On June 28, Miller voted for H R 4954,...
    Published: Friday, July 5, 2002 :: Columns :: 2949 Views ::Article Rating
    Time To Put A Stop To Despotic Court Rulings
    The decision by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional is not only the height of absurdity, it is despotic and obscene as well! It is the latest example of how liberal judges attempt to legislate from the bench in an effort to eviscerate all vestiges of Ame...
    Published: Tuesday, July 2, 2002 :: Columns :: 4086 Views ::Article Rating
    Is America’s Prison System Providing Justice?
    The prospect of local businessman Frank Patti spending 8 years in federal prison for tax evasion causes me to once again reflect upon the justness of throwing people in jail for non-violent crimes. Of course, Patti is not the only man facing a long prison sentence for this type of crime. Local commi...
    Published: Friday, June 28, 2002 :: Columns :: 2465 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush’s Walk Doesn’t Match His Talk On Life Issue
    G.W. Bush claims to be pro-life. Because of this, he has enjoyed undying support from most pro-life organizations and grassroots Christian activists. When it comes to talking pro-life, Bush does it just about as well as anyone. When it comes to walking the walk, however, Bush is found seriously want...
    Published: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 :: Columns :: 3177 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Continues Clinton Agenda
    Referring to President G. W. Bush's new Homeland Security department, former President Bill Clinton told a gathering of Council on Foreign Relations members last week, "We have been building this for a long time." For once, Clinton told the truth. What he began constructing following t...
    Published: Friday, June 21, 2002 :: Columns :: 2634 Views ::Article Rating
    If They Were Your Children, You Would Be Angry Too
    In previous columns, I have told you how Bush's close commercial ties with Saudi Arabia have seriously compromised his ability to protect American interests. It now appears that these ties also compromise his ability to protect American citizens. According to News Max, "Pat Roush, who ...
    Published: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 :: Columns :: 3784 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Pushes Gore Plan For Orwellian Government
    Those who voted for G. W. Bush thinking they were getting a significantly different type of government from the Clinton-Gore years need to think again. Bush's proposal to consolidate federal law enforcement and civil defense capabilities is actually a replay of an old plan first submitted by Al ...
    Published: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 :: Columns :: 2619 Views ::Article Rating
    Just In Time For Independence Day
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation's great historic documents together in one volume; therefore, we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country's greatest historical documents, but we di...
    Published: Tuesday, June 4, 2002 :: Columns :: 2914 Views ::Article Rating
    A New And Improved F.B.I.
    Spokesmen for the Justice Department and F.B.I. are everywhere apologizing to the American people for their utter incompetence and dereliction of duty by mishandling evidence that had the potential to avert the horrific events of last September. At the same time, those same people are announcing pla...
    Published: Friday, May 31, 2002 :: Columns :: 3194 Views ::Article Rating
    Another AmBush
    We have been amBushed again! Once again, President Bush has decided to betray his constituents. Despite the fact that it was the gun rights issue that made the difference in the 2000 presidential election, Bush told airline pilots this week they could not carry side arms in the cockpits. So much for...
    Published: Friday, May 24, 2002 :: Columns :: 3286 Views ::Article Rating
    This Is Education?
    Preliminary scores from the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test are in, and the results are not good. According to published reports, “Statewide, in the ninth grade only 29 percent of students met or exceeded the state’s minimum competency level in reading and math.” Tenth grade ...
    Published: Tuesday, May 21, 2002 :: Columns :: 2310 Views ::Article Rating
    Catholics Hide Homosexuality; Protestants Hide Adultery
    Much has been made lately concerning the reticence of the Roman Catholic Church to properly discipline its pastors who were known to be practicing homosexuality and pedophilia. Not only did it not properly discipline the guilty parties, it actually chose to cover up the transgression and allow them ...
    Published: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 :: Columns :: 3763 Views ::Article Rating
    Hope In God
    A reader recently wrote to me with some very interesting remarks. In a nutshell, he said the reasons that conservative Christians were "turned off" by my repudiations of President Bush's often liberal and unconstitutional policies were: 1) They know I am right, and, 2) The fact that I&...
    Published: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 :: Columns :: 3307 Views ::Article Rating
    The S.B.C. Funding The U.N.? Say It Isn’t So!
    It has been widely known that several major Protestant denominations have been financing the National and World Council of Churches for decades. It is further known that the N.C.C. and W.C.C. have been funding communist causes all over the world. In fact, church support for socialist/communist cause...
    Published: Sunday, May 5, 2002 :: Columns :: 3189 Views ::Article Rating
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