Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Carlyle Group, Halliburton Getting Rich Off Iraq War
    Since World War II, dozens of U.S. companies have made a "killing" from military conflict. President Dwight David Eisenhower was the first to refer to these companies as the "military industrial complex." The financial and political clout of these companies has risen and waned th...
    Published: Friday, March 28, 2003 :: Columns :: 10234 Views ::Article Rating
    Conservatives Intoxicated With Big Government
    The Republican Party likes to tout itself as the party of limited government. Unfortunately, their track record does not live up to their rhetoric. In fact, under Republican leadership, federal expenditures are currently in the process of mushrooming even faster than under big-spending Democrats suc...
    Published: Tuesday, March 25, 2003 :: Columns :: 2830 Views ::Article Rating
    Congress Could Overturn Roe v Wade Anytime It Wanted To
    Once again, the Congress of the United States is demonstrating supreme evasion of responsibility. Even as it has catapulted its constitutional duties in relation to the declaration of war, so it is evading its constitutional responsibility in relation to the killing of unborn babies. Since the Supr...
    Published: Friday, March 21, 2003 :: Columns :: 3310 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Continues Clinton Policy: Puts Troops Under Foreign Commanders
    When Bill Clinton was President of the United States, conservatives often excoriated him for allowing American troops to serve under the command of foreign military officers. Republicans assured us that this policy would change when G.W. Bush became President. It hasn't. According to the Drudge...
    Published: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 :: Columns :: 3964 Views ::Article Rating
    Have Christians Become Bloodthirsty?
    With President Bush on the verge of launching a preemptive military strike against Iraq, most Christians seem willing, even anxious, to join him in shedding blood. Have today's Christians become bloodthirsty? Certainly, there is "a time to kill." Few Christians are pacifists. However,...
    Published: Friday, March 14, 2003 :: Columns :: 3391 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Betrayed Pro-Lifers Again, But Did They Even Notice?
    Once again, President G. W. Bush has betrayed the pro-life cause. According to Knox News, "In a major policy shift, President Bush has decided to allow social service agencies in Africa and the Caribbean to receive U.S. funds under his $15 billion emergency AIDS relief plan even if they promote...
    Published: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 :: Columns :: 3748 Views ::Article Rating
    Waco Fires Still Burn
    Today marks the tenth anniversary of the illegal assault by agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms on the home of the Branch Davidians living outside Waco, Texas. A shootout resulted with several deaths on both sides. Shortly afterward, the Federal Bureau of Investigation took over, ...
    Published: Friday, February 28, 2003 :: Columns :: 3079 Views ::Article Rating
    Presidential Grades: A Case Of Non-Study
    According to CNS News, "A Heritage Foundation panel that reviewed President Bush's presidency midway through his first term gave the president good grades Monday (Feb. 24)." The report also said, "The panel, part of an ongoing Heritage Foundation assessment of the presidency, tol...
    Published: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 :: Columns :: 3301 Views ::Article Rating
    Americans Are Playing a Dangerous Game
    One of the indictments against this generation of Americans is that it is woefully lacking in serious and deliberative thinking. This is true for conservatives as well as for liberals. The only thing that seems to matter to either group is winning elections. Actual policies count for little. However...
    Published: Thursday, February 20, 2003 :: Columns :: 2274 Views ::Article Rating
    You Gotta See This Movie!
    This Friday, February 21, 2003, a blockbuster movie produced by Ron Maxwell will debut in theaters across America. It is titled Gods And Generals, and it is one movie you must go see! Gods And Generals is the second of a movie trilogy by Maxwell about the War Between the States. Gettysburg was the ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 :: Columns :: 6750 Views ::Article Rating
    Is America The Revived Roman Empire?
    Biblical prophecy foretells of a coming revived Roman Empire. Many Bible students, including me, assumed that this future evil empire would come from old Europe. It is still very possible that the emergence of the European Union will yet be the fulfillment of that prophecy. However, during the last...
    Published: Friday, February 14, 2003 :: Columns :: 5576 Views ::Article Rating
    Is War With Iraq A Just War?
    As I predicted when George W. Bush was elected President of the United States, America is going to war against Iraq. That we are going to war with Iraq is not the question. The question is, "Is war with Iraq a just war?" For the better part of 2000 years, Western Civilization has generall...
    Published: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 :: Columns :: 3380 Views ::Article Rating
    Democrats More Honorable Than Republicans
    First, we need to acknowledge that all the haggling and squabbling between the two major parties concerns but about 25% of the overall political agenda and philosophy coming out of Washington, D.C. In other words, the two major political parties agree on about 75% of everything! That's why no ma...
    Published: Thursday, February 6, 2003 :: Columns :: 3099 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush: Biggest Spender Ever!
    Yesterday, the New York Times reported, "President Bush sent Congress a $2.23 trillion spending plan." The plan will swell the budget deficit to record levels. The Times reported on January 29, "White House officials suggested today that the federal budget deficit could surpass $300 b...
    Published: Tuesday, February 4, 2003 :: Columns :: 2439 Views ::Article Rating
    Strong Delusion
    When people demonstrate a perpetual pattern of gullibility and even willful compliance with evil, one must wonder what is really the root cause of it all. Is it ignorance? Is it indifference? Maybe it is personal ambition or the love of comfort. There is another possibility: it could be divine delus...
    Published: Friday, January 31, 2003 :: Columns :: 3065 Views ::Article Rating
    The State of The Union or The State of Big Government?
    As we approach another State of the Union speech, we need to remind ourselves that before becoming President of the United States, G. W. Bush declared, "Big government is not the answer." However, since taking the oath of office, the growth of the federal government has exploded in ways ne...
    Published: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 :: Columns :: 2896 Views ::Article Rating
    Gibson Again Shows Real Courage
    Once again, actor-director Mel Gibson is showing courage and commitment rarely seen in Hollywood. He is currently working on a movie about the sufferings and sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. The movie is called "The Passion" and is said to be a realistic and reverential depiction of Chri...
    Published: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 :: Columns :: 3107 Views ::Article Rating
    The American Holocaust
    In just a few days, we will again observe another anniversary of the Supreme Court's infamous Roe v Wade decision that effectively legalized abortion-on-demand. More than 40 million unborn babies have been mercilessly slaughtered since that dastardly decision was handed down back in 1973. It is ...
    Published: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 :: Columns :: 3700 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Planning Social Security Benefits for Mexicans
    President G.W. Bush has already expressed a strong desire to grant amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal Mexican aliens. Now, he is apparently working on a plan to grant Social Security benefits to tens of thousands of Mexicans who do not even live in the United States. According to the Decem...
    Published: Tuesday, January 7, 2003 :: Columns :: 2414 Views ::Article Rating
    New Senate Leader Spells Trouble For Conservative Agenda
    What should conservatives expect now that Senator Bill Frist has officially become the new Senate Majority Leader? Here is a summary of Frist's record on a variety of key issues. Abortion "Bill Frist is not pro-life." That is the declaration of Judie Brown, president and co-founder o...
    Published: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 :: Columns :: 4794 Views ::Article Rating
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