Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    2016 CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump (Taken from the CFR membership and Bilderberg participant lists)
    CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump   John P. Abizaid, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (Individual CFR member) Elliott Abrams, Special Envoy on Venezuela (Individual CFR member) James H. Baker, Director of the Office of Net Assessment (Bilderberg attendee) B...
    Published: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 :: News :: 72261 Views ::Article Rating
    Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War
    One thing globalist Republicans and Democrats both love is WAR. They might squabble over social and domestic issues, but when it comes to war, the two parties are ONE. As I have said repeatedly, there is really only ONE party in Washington, D.C.: the War Party. And “outsider” Donald Trum...
    Published: Thursday, May 25, 2017 :: Columns :: 6269 Views ::Article Rating
    Today Jefferson Davis; Tomorrow Thomas Jefferson
    All over the United States, memorials and statues of the great men of the Confederacy--along with the flags of the Confederacy--have either already been taken down or efforts are underway to take them down. I’m talking about places such as Biloxi, Mississippi; Charlottesville, Virginia; Austin...
    Published: Thursday, May 18, 2017 :: Columns :: 14618 Views ::Article Rating
    Donald Trump’s Executive Order Regarding The Johnson Amendment
    Last Thursday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order (EO) that ostensibly relaxes enforcement of the Johnson Amendment--a 1954 amendment to the 501c3 Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that places churches under the regulations of non-profit organizations, thereby restricting their political spe...
    Published: Thursday, May 11, 2017 :: Columns :: 5642 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Baldwin's 4/26/2017 Interview with Ted Broer on The Ted Broer Show
    Dr. Baldwin discusses Jared and Ivanka Kushner setting the agenda for the White House, the nuclear war threat, Trump's first 100 days, the profiteers of war, the modern State of Israel, the misinterpretation of Romans 13, and much more.
    Published: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 3497 Views ::Article Rating
    No Hope In Trump; No Hope In DC
    At this point, people who are still holding out hope that Donald Trump is going to drain the swamp and save America are delusional. In less than 100 days, Trump has taken America to the precipice of World War III. He has filled his administration with Goldman Sachs banksters, CFR globalists, New Wor...
    Published: Thursday, April 27, 2017 :: Columns :: 8529 Views ::Article Rating
    Baptists And Muslims Are Uniting
    One might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Christian organizations (including Baptist) are uniting with Muslims and Jews (and people from other pagan religions). “What,” you ask, “could possibly unite such radically opposing faith systems?” The effort to convince the U....
    Published: Thursday, April 20, 2017 :: Columns :: 7859 Views ::Article Rating
    Donald Trump: Just Another Neocon Warmonger
    “Talk is cheap” is a phrase that politicians teach us constantly. This time the teacher is Donald Trump. Donald Trump campaigned as an outsider, someone that was not owned by the establishment, and someone who would fight the globalists and drain “the swamp.” But “talk ...
    Published: Thursday, April 13, 2017 :: Columns :: 15121 Views ::Article Rating
    An Open Letter To Kelleigh Nelson At News With Views
    Kelleigh, Thank you very much for making me look good. I know that was not your intention. Your intention was to discredit, disparage, denigrate, and destroy me. But you actually did just the opposite. So, thank you. The title of your column, “News With Views Response To Pastor Chuck Bal...
    Published: Thursday, April 6, 2017 :: Columns :: 6437 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Baldwin's 3/29/2017 Interview with Ted Broer on The Ted Broer Show
    Dr. Baldwin discusses Jared Kushner, Donald Trump, Globalists, Patriots going to sleep, and much more. Listen to the show here: 
    Published: Thursday, March 30, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 4310 Views ::Article Rating
    This Is Not Going To End Well
    People who voted for Donald Trump were voting for change. For that matter, that’s what the people who voted for Barack Obama were voting for in 2008. But Obama changed nothing, and it looks like Trump won’t either. At least not the things that really matter. Trump has appointed as man...
    Published: Thursday, March 30, 2017 :: Columns :: 11106 Views ::Article Rating
    What Would Patrick Henry Say Today?
    On this day in 1775, Patrick Henry delivered the most famous speech ever given on American soil. It was his immortal “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” speech. He gave the speech to the Virginia House of Burgess in Richmond. The question before the delegation was whether the Colony of Vi...
    Published: Thursday, March 23, 2017 :: Columns :: 6482 Views ::Article Rating
    Will Donald Trump Let Paul Ryan Make Him A One-Term President?
    From the beginning, there have been several things that have bothered me about Donald Trump. Perhaps my biggest concerns have always been how genuine Trump is and, if he is genuine, how much he truly understands about “the swamp” he promised to drain. President Trump has appointed num...
    Published: Thursday, March 16, 2017 :: Columns :: 11164 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Baldwin On CNN Headline News
    On CNN's "Prime News with Erica Hill," Mike Galanos invited Dr. Baldwin to form part of a religious panel to answer CNN viewer questions about faith. (Faith Q&A Panel)
    Published: Monday, March 6, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 6210 Views ::Article Rating
    The Greatest Man I’ve Ever Known
    Yesterday, March 1, 2017, was my father’s 110th birthday anniversary. Dad was born March 1, 1907--the same year that “The Duke” John Wayne was born. The 6’4” Duke passed away in 1979; my 5’6” father passed away in 1993. Edwin J. (EJ) Baldwin was the eldes...
    Published: Thursday, March 2, 2017 :: Columns :: 4570 Views ::Article Rating
    Pastor Chuck Baldwin at the 2nd Biannual Personhood Rally in Helena
    Pastor Chuck Baldwin speaking at the Helena, MT Capital Building on February 2nd, 2017
    Published: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 4902 Views ::Article Rating
    Two Reports Many Christians And Conservatives Won’t Want To Read
    Report One: In this column two weeks ago, I asked the question, “Is Netanyahu finished?” I said: Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most corrupt political leaders on the planet. He is also one of the most heavily financed political leaders on the planet. In spite of his billionair...
    Published: Thursday, February 23, 2017 :: Columns :: 7745 Views ::Article Rating
    The Left-Right Paradigm Is Back
    Before the campaign and election of Donald Trump, the left-right paradigm was on life support. People were as sick of Republicans such as Jeb Bush as they were of Democrats such as Hillary Clinton. But the election of Donald Trump has resurrected the left-right paradigm BIG TIME. Ever since Trump...
    Published: Thursday, February 16, 2017 :: Columns :: 6099 Views ::Article Rating
    Is Netanyahu Finished?
    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most corrupt political leaders on the planet. He is also one of the most heavily financed political leaders on the planet. In spite of his billionaire friends and supporters, however, he is facing almost certain political destruction. His ma...
    Published: Thursday, February 9, 2017 :: Columns :: 9212 Views ::Article Rating
    Is There Any Such Thing As A Principled Politician Anymore?
    In my lifetime, the closest thing to a constitutionally principled politician that I have ever met at the national level was 12-term Congressman Ron Paul. There were a small handful of others, of course: Steve Stockman, John Hostetler, Paul Broun, Helen Chenoweth-Hage, and Jesse Helms come to mind. ...
    Published: Thursday, February 2, 2017 :: Columns :: 5700 Views ::Article Rating
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