Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Is Trump Ready To Join Israel In Launching War Against Iran And Syria?

    Published: Wednesday, April 11, 2018

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    In this column on March 29, I warned the American people of Donald Trump’s intentions to take America into another unconstitutional foreign war—this one with Iran and Syria.

    —Start quoted column—

    Add to the explosive increase of military spending Trump’s appointments of Mike Pompeo, Gina Haspel, and John Bolton as Secretary of State, CIA director, and National Security Adviser respectively, and all doubt is removed that Trump is preparing to take America into a major war. These three individuals are among the most bloodthirsty warmongers on the planet. There is no mistake about it: THIS IS A WAR CABINET.

    By supporting Trump’s gargantuan omnibus spending bill, conservatives and Christians are sealing the deaths of untold numbers of their own sons and daughters who are about to pay the ultimate price for Trump’s ego (or is it for his own—and Benjamin Netanyahu’s—political survival?), not to mention the neocon/Zionist plan of fighting another war for Israel.

    Yes, another war for Israel.

    Included in the omnibus bill that Trump signed are billions of dollars for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as it readies to launch a major offensive against Iran (with U.S. assistance, of course). The bill also cuts off economic aid to the Palestinian Authority (this aid translates to mostly food and medicine to Palestinian families whose family members are being held in torture prisons in Israel—without being charged with a crime by the way), as Israel’s attack plans also include targeting the Lebanese and Palestinians.

    Writing for American Herald Tribune, Philip Giraldi astutely observes:

    With the appointment of leading neoconservative John Bolton as National Security Advisor, the Zionist war-party takeover of the White House is nearly complete. With Mike Pompeo as Secretary of State, Nikki Haley at the U.N. and now Bolton whispering in the President’s ear, we have a fully endowed war cabinet that will make sure the Mullahs, Russkies and Rocket Man begin to pay attention. As Haley laid down the law in the United Nations last week, “Our patience is not unlimited.”

    Bolton, the point man for Israeli-American casino billionaire and GOP kingmaker Sheldon Adelson, will be the spark plug that ignites a new round of warfare on behalf of Israel. Bolton has long been planning to attack Iran. He secretly and illegally met with Israel’s Mossad intelligence service in 2003-4 when he was in the State Department under George W. Bush to lay the groundwork for such a conflict. Today, right-wing Israelis are certainly cheering his appointment. Naftali Bennett, a member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security cabinet, has already praised the move, calling Bolton "an extraordinary security expert, experienced diplomat and a stalwart friend of Israel".

    War is likely to start in the Middle East as Iran, Lebanon and Syria are relatively soft targets with only limited capability to strike back. As neocon pundit Michael Ledeen put it, “Every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” There have been numerous indications that Israel is preparing for war. Its planning clearly includes deliberately involving the United States in the conflict, making turning American soldiers into de facto hostages, with U.S. casualties guaranteeing Washington’s direct and immediate involvement in the fighting.

    Largely unknown to the American public, the United States has just completed the largest ever joint military exercises with Israel even though it has no defense agreement or treaty with Tel Aviv. That is, in part, because military alliances are dependent on an attack on one partner mandating support from all parties to the agreement. Israel has balked at such an arrangement because it cannot define its own borders, which are constantly expanding.

    The recent maneuvers featured scenarios in which U.S. troops fought Syrians, Lebanese and Palestinians in a mock-up Arab village to defend Israel. Washington’s particularly vulnerability vis-à-vis Israel derives from the recent opening of a U.S. permanent facility at Mashabim Air Base in the Negev Desert. It is described as a base within a base, completely contained by an Israeli air force installation and operating “under Israeli military directives,” meaning that if the facility is attacked Americans will likely die. It has no function in support of U.S. regional interests but is instead a shell facility with a few dozen airmen that can be ramped up considerably if Israel goes to war and calls for American assistance. Together with billions of dollars-worth of U.S. military equipment that is pre-positioned in Israel and can be used by the Israelis as needed, it is all about supporting Israeli war-making and has nothing to do with American security or defense interests except as a tripwire to bring about U.S. involvement.

    When Israel attacks Syria and/or Lebanon, as it clearly intends to do, Hezbollah will retaliate with its missiles, some of which will surely be directed towards the Mashabim Air Base, which will be targeted to inhibit the base’s ability to bomb Lebanon. And once Washington is well and truly engaged in what is referred to as “force protection,” Israel will undoubtedly widen the conflict by drawing Iran in through attacks on that country’s identified bases in Syria that are supporting the al-Assad government. The bigger war will suddenly become America’s responsibility after Israel inevitably proves itself incapable of handling the escalation.

    During the recent bilateral military exercises, Air Force Lieutenant General Richard Clark enthused that American soldiers are “prepared to die for the Jewish state” and also added that they would “probably” be under the command of Israeli Air Force General Zvika Haimovitch, who would decide on the involvement of U.S. personnel. Haimovitch commented “I am sure…we will find US troops on the ground…to defend the state of Israel.”

    See the report here:

    Bolton Means Another War For Israel Is Coming

    I distinctly remember conservatives and Christians warning people that if Hillary was elected, she would take America into war. They appealed to people to vote for Donald Trump, as he was the peace candidate who would NOT take America into war. What are they going to say when America’s sons and daughters begin dying in another nonsensical, unconstitutional war for Israel—and the international bankers, of course?

    —End quoted column—

    Does anyone really believe that Syria was behind the latest gas attack in that country? Does anyone seriously believe that Syria was behind the previous gas attack in that country a year ago? For that matter, does anyone truly believe that Syria was behind the gas attack of its own people back in 2013?

    Think about it: The U.S. military has been actively engaged in a surreptitious effort to overthrow the Syrian government for years. The U.S. government—along with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Great Britain—created, supported, and funded ISIS with the intention of overthrowing President Assad. After the last gas attack, President Trump bombed Syria in “retaliation.” The U.S. government is looking for any excuse to destroy the Syrian government (and Iran’s). And just as Trump is talking about removing troops from Syria, Assad decides to launch another gas attack against his own people? You must be kidding! Only the most naïve people on the planet would believe such a cock and bull story.

    Now, Trump has canceled a trip abroad in order to formulate a “response” to Syria. We all know what that “response” is going to be: war. Warmonger John Bolton has been on the job as the new National Security Adviser for less than 96 hours, and Trump is already in the war room planning America’s next foreign war.

    Everyone knows that it was Israel that launched those illegal airstrikes against Syria this week in what can only be regarded as the first wave of Israeli/U.S. airstrikes against Syria. The Israeli government has not even tried to deny it. And this comes on the heels of IDF soldiers murdering 20 unarmed (unless you count teenagers who throw stones and rocks at combat soldiers who are wearing body armor and carrying machine guns as being “armed”) Palestinian protesters (many of them shot in the back by Israeli snipers) a few days ago.

    The only reason the United States (and Israel) can get by with these unconstitutional and unconscionable acts of aggression in the Middle East is because the vast majority of evangelical Christians who put the warmongering politicians in office have been propagandized to believe that these wars for Israel are “holy” wars. They believe that the Rothschild Zionist State of Israel is a reincarnated Biblical Israel. They further believe that this reincarnated Israel is divinely appointed to have all of the land that God gave to Old Testament Israel under the Abrahamic Covenant. But as theologian Adam Clarke (1760 - 1832) wrote in his commentary on the Abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 15:18, “This promise was fully accomplished in the days of David and Solomon.” And so it was. But because Christians have been brainwashed by Scofieldism, they believe that wars fought against any Arab country—no matter how unconstitutional, no matter how illegal, no matter how murderous, no matter how aggressive, no matter how horrific—are in accordance with “God’s plan for Israel” and, therefore, divinely justified.

    It is of no concern to these misguided Christians how many of their own Christian brothers and sisters are being slaughtered by the U.S. and Israeli militaries in these wars. It is of no concern to them how many innocent men, women, and children of all faiths are being killed in these wars. It is of no concern to them that global nuclear war could break out at any time as a result of these wars. They think these are “holy” wars. They also believe that before American cities melt in a nuclear Armageddon they are going to be “raptured” to heaven and escape all of the consequences of their misinterpreted Biblical prophecies and mindless political perversions.

    If America’s Christians were not so blinded by faux-Israel and false theology about Israel, they would be able to see the world (especially the Middle Eastern world) in a MUCH different light.

    For example, Syrian Christians love their President, Bashar al-Assad, and regard him as a true friend of their faith. They are also very knowledgeable about the globalist New World Order, and they probably have a greater understanding of the realities of American geopolitics than Americans do.

    I urge folks to read this remarkable and revealing interview with a Syrian Christian woman who is also an American citizen:

    A Syrian Christian Reveals What Is Really Happening In Syria

    And speaking of global war, will Russia passively sit back and let Syria and Iran fall to the neocon/Zionist/globalist forces in the West?

    Experts in international relations all over the world are warning that we are closer to global war today than we have ever been. They are trying to get the American people to see how the bellicose and belligerent attitudes emanating from Washington, D.C., these days have the potential to take the world into a global catastrophe. Tragically, hardly anyone in America is listening.

    In my own mind, I cannot conceive that President Putin will sit back and let Syria and Iran be taken out of the Russian political and economic orbit without a fight. Russia is already publicly promising that it will “immediately” respond if its troops in Syria are hit with what it believes are “likely” airstrikes from the United States. And if Russia makes the decision to directly challenge a U.S./Israeli war against Syria and Iran, you know that China will too.

    And as I am writing this column, I saw a report from The Sun newspaper in Great Britain that quotes President Trump as tweeting, "Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, because they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart!’”

    The Sun also shows how the U.S. and British militaries are poised to strike Syria:

    *The guided missile destroyer USS Donald Cook is sailing towards Syria.
    *The nuke-launching Ohio Class submarines are ready to strike from the eastern Mediterranean.
    *The USS Harry Truman, a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is steaming through the Atlantic towards the Middle East.
    *F22 Raptor fighter jets are ready to strike from Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar.
    *RAF Tornado fighter jets, British missile-launching war planes, are ready to strike from nearby Cyprus.

    European air traffic controllers issued a "rapid alert" for airlines in the Eastern Mediterranean over the possibility of airstrikes into Syria within the next 72 hours. That alert was issued yesterday (Wednesday the 11th).

    The Sun continues: “Alexander Zasypkin, Russia's ambassador to Lebanon, said Putin would destroy American missiles if Washington carried out a retaliatory strike.

    “‘If there is a strike by the Americans then...the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired,’ he told Hezbollah’s al-Manar TV.

    “Yevgeny Serebrennikov, deputy chairman of Moscow’s Defence Committee, also said Russia would respond ‘immediately’ to a US attack on Russia’s soldiers in Syria.”

    It is clear that Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu are willing to start World War III over Syria. THIS IS MADNESS! And it seems clearer and clearer to me that Donald Trump is a militaristic madman himself. And in typical psychopathic fashion, Trump is blaming someone else (the Democrats) for HIS decision to launch this war against Syria—and maybe Iran.

    From the day Trump was elected, I tried to warn the American people of his militaristic propensities. Of course, I was laughed at, jeered, impugned, and denigrated for saying it. But here we are: on the precipice of World War III. And for what? To remove a democratically elected leader in a nation that has attacked NO ONE and that poses absolutely NO threat to the United States—or Israel, for that matter—and against whom there is NO evidence that he launched a gas attack against his own people.

    “Responding to Trump's tweet, a Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman said: ‘Smart missiles should fly towards terrorists, not a legal government.’

    “The spokeswoman also reportedly said that US ‘smart missiles’ could be an attempt to destroy evidence of an alleged chemical attack on the ground.”

    What is it going to take for Christians and conservatives to snap out of this war fever? What is it going to take for them to give up this ignoble infatuation with Zionist Israel? What is it going to take for them to start being Americans again and stop cheering for these warmongering politicians who believe the United States is some sort of glorified global cop?

    I ask my conservative Christian brethren: Is THIS why you elected Donald Trump? Did you elect him to take our country into another unconstitutional foreign war? Did you elect him to start World War III? Did you elect him to ask America’s sons and daughters to be “prepared to die for the Jewish state [of Israel],” as General Richard Clark said?

    When G.W. Bush was President, it seemed the deeper he took America into war, the more popular he became—at least with conservatives and Christians. Now, Trump seems to be following the same playbook—and with the same results.

    God help us!


    © Chuck Baldwin

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