Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dr. Baldwin's 6/04/18 Interview with Chuck Carlson and Craig Hanson of We Hold These Truths

    Published: Wednesday, June 6, 2018

    Dr. Chuck Baldwin is a prominent American, evangelical, Christian pastor who ran for President of the United States on the Constitution Party in 2008. He currently is the pastor of the Liberty Fellowship in Kalispell, MT, and is a nationally syndicated columnist. What may not be widely known about Pastor Baldwin is his Neo-Christian theology, known as "Christian Zionism," that he preached for over 30 years. In this 47-minute podcast with Chuck Carlson and Craig Hanson of We Hold These Truths, Pastor Baldwin reveals his step by step account of his long journey of change to put aside the distorted view of history required to believe the teachings of "Christian Zionism." Christian Zionists believe with religious fervor that to say or do anything against the modern state of Israel, no matter what they do to the indigenous Palestinians, constitutes a sin against God. Traditional Christians reject this notion and don't see the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. We Hold These Truths' awarding winning documentary, "Christian Zionism: The Tragedy & The Turning, Part I," exposes and explains the false theology of "Christian Zionism." We hope and pray that what Pastor Baldwin says about his journey out of "Christian Zionism" will cause other Christian pastors to examine and evaluate their own theology.

    Listen to the interview here.  


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