Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Parts 10,11,12
    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 10 Anti-Secessionist Argument #4: The US Constitution Does Not Grant the State’s The Right to Secede Individually, and even if it were admitted that secession is a right, it may only be accomplished with the permission of at least three fourths of the ...
    Published: Thursday, March 4, 2010 :: Tim Baldwin :: 4369 Views ::Article Rating
    Hooray For Starbucks
    The major news media was replete with reports over the weekend that the coffee company, Starbucks, “has no problem with customers packing heat while placing their orders.” “The coffee giant says it won’t take issue with gun owners who take advantage of ‘open carry&rsqu...
    Published: Tuesday, March 2, 2010 :: Columns :: 3272 Views ::Article Rating
    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Parts 6,7,8,9
    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 6 Anti-Secessionist Argument #3: Only the U.S. Supreme Court has the power to determine the lawfulness of a State’s Power and Authority to Resist the Federal Government and Secede. The anti-secessionist position stated above is loaded with such seriou...
    Published: Saturday, February 27, 2010 :: Tim Baldwin :: 3601 Views ::Article Rating
    Is America Becoming A Police State?
    There is a classic story about how no one had been able to capture a herd of wild hogs that was rooting up crops from numerous farms. It got so bad that rewards had been posted for anyone clever enough to corral the critters. But even this resulted in only limited success. One day a stranger (who w...
    Published: Friday, February 26, 2010 :: Columns :: 4494 Views ::Article Rating
    I Wish Joe Stack Had Not Killed Himself!
    All of us are now aware of the Texas man who yesterday flew his private plane into a 7-story Austin office building. Apparently, he intentionally crashed his plane into the building to target the IRS offices that were housed inside the facility. As I am writing this column just hours after the even...
    Published: Friday, February 19, 2010 :: Columns :: 2603 Views ::Article Rating
    "Spiritual Wickedness In High Places"
    Almost immediately after Adam’s fall, Lucifer and his minions collaborated with evil men to usurp God’s authority and sovereignty. And nowhere is God more sovereign than in the heart and conscience of man. In the spirit world, the First Commandment (“Thou shalt have no other gods b...
    Published: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 :: Columns :: 2942 Views ::Article Rating
    A Warning To The Tea Party Nation
    As far as grassroots activism goes, the surge in Tea Parties across America is one of the more encouraging developments to recently take place. It reminds me of the “Conservative Revolution” of 1994, when the GOP reclaimed both the US Senate and House of Representatives. At that time, it...
    Published: Friday, February 12, 2010 :: Columns :: 2760 Views ::Article Rating
    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Parts 3,4,5
    Anti-Secessionist Argument #2: The US Constitution Is Not a Federal Compact of States/Bodies-Politic, but Is an Independent Government Formed by One People/Body-Politic, Without Regard to State Powers. This position is in actuality the main crux of the unionists. The reason that unionists must rely...
    Published: Thursday, February 11, 2010 :: Tim Baldwin :: 3447 Views ::Article Rating
    Council Of Governors Takes Shape
    Regular readers of this column will doubtless recall my recent column in which I reported on the new Council of Governors (CG) that President Barack Obama has created. See my column at: Well, Obama’s CG is quickly beginning to take shape. According to ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 9, 2010 :: Columns :: 7898 Views ::Article Rating
    A Concurring Opinion For Secession, Part 2
    Anti-Secessionist Argument #1: To secede would cause damage to the other states given their “detrimental reliance” on the other states’ joining the union. In Vieira’s first point, he refers to the secessionist’ position that the US Constitution is a “contract,&rd...
    Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 :: Tim Baldwin :: 2183 Views ::Article Rating
    Not Your Father's Army
    Most of us Americans have a deep and abiding respect and admiration for our country’s fighting men who have served–and are serving–within the US Armed Forces. We appreciate their willingness to put themselves in harm’s way for the preservation of our nation’s liberty an...
    Published: Friday, February 5, 2010 :: Columns :: 3824 Views ::Article Rating
    A Concurring Opinion for Secession, Part 1
    One of my most highly esteemed colleagues, Edwin Vieira, wrote a recent article entitled, “A Dissenting Opinion On ‘Secession’,” to which I feel compelled to respond, for a couple of reasons: (1) many people (including me) highly respect Vieira’s opinion and analysis, a...
    Published: Thursday, February 4, 2010 :: Tim Baldwin :: 2383 Views ::Article Rating
    My Latest Suggested Reading List
    Faithful readers of this column might recall my column of last year where I listed several books that I found to be helpful. See the list at: So, to build on last year’s list, here is my list for 2010. These are books that I have ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 2, 2010 :: Columns :: 3351 Views ::Article Rating
    A Rudderless Ship Of State
    In Patrick Henry’s immortal “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” speech, he said, “[I]t is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.” Never have Henry’s words been truer than they are today. For too long...
    Published: Friday, January 29, 2010 :: Columns :: 2829 Views ::Article Rating
    What's Really Going On In Haiti?
    People of goodwill everywhere are rightly sympathetic to the plight of hundreds of thousands of innocent Haitians in the aftermath of the terrible earthquake that rocked the island country. Private donations and volunteer efforts are pouring into Haiti from all over the globe–especially from t...
    Published: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 :: Columns :: 3045 Views ::Article Rating
    The Truth About Abortion
    Today marks the 37th anniversary of the infamous US Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, which, in effect, legalized abortion-on-demand nationwide. The aftermath of this tragic ruling is the deaths of over 40 million (a very conservative number) innocent unborn babies. It is no hyperbole to say abort...
    Published: Friday, January 22, 2010 :: Columns :: 3276 Views ::Article Rating
    President Obama Establishes "Council Of Governors"
    The White House Office of the Press Secretary released a report on the White House web site titled “President Obama Signs Executive Order Establishing Council of Governors.” According to the press release, “The President today [January 11, 2009] signed an Executive Order establishi...
    Published: Tuesday, January 19, 2010 :: Columns :: 2908 Views ::Article Rating
    Thank You, Governor
    Former Navy SEAL, professional wrestler, and Minnesota governor, Jesse Ventura, recently launched a new television show on the truTV (formerly known as Court TV) cable channel. The first episode debuted on Wednesday, December 2, 2009. And the final episode of this season aired this past Wednesday, J...
    Published: Friday, January 15, 2010 :: Columns :: 3064 Views ::Article Rating
    It Is A Madhouse Out There
    I think we need to face it: 2010 is more than a new year; it is also part of a new era in which all vestiges of normalcy and common sense have been left behind. In other words, it is a madhouse out there. Let me give you some examples of what I’m talking about. Example Number One: In the worl...
    Published: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 :: Columns :: 3084 Views ::Article Rating
    Praise For Lee And Jackson
    January is often referred to as “Generals Month” since no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month: James Longstreet (Jan. 8, 1821), Robert E. Lee (Jan. 19, 1807), Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson (Jan. 21, 1824), and George Pickett (...
    Published: Wednesday, January 6, 2010 :: Columns :: 2947 Views ::Article Rating
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