Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Latest Suggested Reading List
    Faithful readers of this column might recall my column of last year where I listed several books that I found to be helpful. See the list at: So, to build on last year’s list, here is a current list. These are books that I have read over the course of l...
    Published: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 :: Columns :: 3586 Views ::Article Rating
    Is The Day Of Great Leaders Past?
    A column co-authored by John Eidsmoe and Ben DuPré struck me. They titled their column, “What makes a ‘great’ president?” See it at: The basic thrust of the column was to examine the qualities that make one a &ldq...
    Published: Thursday, October 7, 2010 :: Columns :: 3203 Views ::Article Rating
    The Pilgrim Spirit
    Ever since God called Abram out of Ur, God’s people have always possessed a “Pilgrim Spirit.” Think of it: Abram was called by God to leave the only country and home he had ever known, his family and friends, and his culture and way of life. To make matters worse, he did not even k...
    Published: Wednesday, September 29, 2010 :: Columns :: 6462 Views ::Article Rating
    Will Liberty Continue To Have A Home In America?
    Only the most willingly ignorant people (most of whom are educated beyond their intelligence, as my dad used to say) would argue with the fact that the generation who founded this great country believed that God had providentially established and protected what became known as the United States of A...
    Published: Wednesday, September 22, 2010 :: Columns :: 4186 Views ::Article Rating
    Why We Are Moving To Montana
    By now, readers of this column should be aware of the decision my family and I made to leave the beautiful Gulf Coast beaches, and move to the majestic Rocky Mountains: the Flathead Valley of Montana, to be specific. Mind you, Pensacola, Florida, has been my wife’s and my home for 35 years. It...
    Published: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 :: Columns :: 14119 Views ::Article Rating
    We Hit A Nerve
    My column last week announcing my family’s and my decision to leave Pensacola, Florida, and move to Montana must have hit a nerve–and that’s putting it mildly. Between my son, Tim, and I, we have received hundreds (no hyperbole) of emails. In fact, we have received hundreds of emai...
    Published: Wednesday, September 8, 2010 :: Columns :: 6101 Views ::Article Rating
    The Hardest Decision Of My Life
    Last Sunday, August 29, 2010, was the hardest day of my life. Even when my father made me promise that I would preach his funeral (which I did–twice: once in Indiana where he lived, and again in Florida where I live and where he is buried), that was not as difficult and gut wrenching as what I...
    Published: Wednesday, September 1, 2010 :: Columns :: 7337 Views ::Article Rating
    We Need A Revolution, Not A Movement
    The elections of 2008 (and the early elections of 2010) produced two significant phenomena: the “Ron Paul Revolution,” and the “Tea Party Movement.” And, mark it down: both of them will have profound effects upon the upcoming November elections–and upon the 2012 electio...
    Published: Friday, August 27, 2010 :: Columns :: 3759 Views ::Article Rating
    John McCain’s Attack On Liberty
    Anyone paying attention knows that John McCain has been a Big-Government Globalist Neocon (BGGN) for virtually his entire senatorial career. As with many BGGNs hiding out in the Republican Party, McCain likes to talk about smaller government, but his track record is littered with the promotion of on...
    Published: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 :: Columns :: 2914 Views ::Article Rating
    Dates That Destroyed America
    The decision by Congress to socialize medicine in the US ranks among the most draconian, most egregious, most horrific actions ever taken by the central government in Washington, D.C. This bill rocks the principles of liberty and constitutional government to the core. It changes fundamental foundati...
    Published: Friday, August 20, 2010 :: Columns :: 3666 Views ::Article Rating
    You Want THEM To Control Healthcare?
    Among the scariest words ever heard are, “We are from the federal government, and we are here to help you.” Shiver me timbers, matey! When you hear those words, pick up your peg leg and RUN, because you are about to get hammered. And that is exactly what is fixing to happen to the Americ...
    Published: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 :: Columns :: 2296 Views ::Article Rating
    States, Not Supreme Court, Must Decide Law And Protect Freedom
    I am going to borrow heavily from two outstanding columns that appear on my son’s web site, One author, Russell Longcore, is a publisher; the other, Wilton Strickland, is an attorney. Both are avid proponents of State sovereignty and independence. Longcore’s co...
    Published: Friday, August 13, 2010 :: Columns :: 2235 Views ::Article Rating
    Long Live The Constitutionalist Sheriff!
    One of the tragedies of the current misled, uninformed, and otherwise preoccupied American citizenry is the seeming apathy regarding the importance and necessity of electing constitutionalist sheriffs. In many ways, State governors and county sheriffs just might be the most important elected offices...
    Published: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 :: Columns :: 3348 Views ::Article Rating
    The Grinch Who Stole Conservatism
    The GOP is frantically searching for the person who will lead them to the Promised Land (translate: White House) in 2012. Barack Obama is leaving a death stench so heavy that even most of the political allies in his own party are asking him to stay away from their reelection campaigns. You gotta giv...
    Published: Friday, August 6, 2010 :: Columns :: 3355 Views ::Article Rating
    “Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy”
    “Our own government has become our enemy.” So said Pinal County (Arizona) Sheriff Paul Babeu. “Babeu told that rather than help law enforcement in Arizona stop the hundreds of thousands of people who come into the United States illegally, the federal government is targ...
    Published: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 :: Columns :: 2373 Views ::Article Rating
    Calling All Patriot Business Owners
    Faithful readers of this column are very familiar with my call to locate a modern-day “Black Regiment.” The Black Regiment was a moniker affixed to those patriot preachers of colonial America who thundered forth the message of liberty and freedom, and without whose leadership our War for...
    Published: Friday, July 30, 2010 :: Columns :: 3154 Views ::Article Rating
    “Top Secret America”: The Rest Of The Story
    The Monday, July 19, 2010, edition of The Washington Post featured an investigative report entitled “Top Secret America,” with the subtitle, “A hidden world, growing beyond control.” The report begins, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terr...
    Published: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 :: Columns :: 2410 Views ::Article Rating
    DC Declares War On States
    Among the limited duties of the US Government enumerated in the federal Constitution is Article. IV. Section. 4. “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.” However, for several decades...
    Published: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 :: Columns :: 3543 Views ::Article Rating
    Assembly-Line Medicine
    It is no hyperbole to say that the consequences of the recently passed “Obamacare” bills by the Congress will be horrific. In fact, I’m not even sure that the English language contains a word sufficiently suitable to describe exactly how dreadful the consequences of this new nation...
    Published: Friday, July 16, 2010 :: Columns :: 2727 Views ::Article Rating
    America Is In A Societal Meltdown
    “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and reli...
    Published: Thursday, July 8, 2010 :: Columns :: 2808 Views ::Article Rating
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