Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    I Am Launching The Liberty Church Project
    For many months now, I have been making preparations for this moment. Hundreds of man-hours have gone into the planning of this project. Now, I am ready. Over the past couple of years, hundreds of people from across the country have pleaded with me to help them start new independent, unorganized,...
    Published: Thursday, May 15, 2014 :: Columns :: 16969 Views ::Article Rating
    Federal Government Seldom Able To Police Itself
    America's founders, largely distrustful of centralized power, created several checks and balances into the U.S. Constitution to help insure that one person, or one group of people, would not be able to unilaterally exert his or their will over the American citizenry. First, the federal governmen...
    Published: Thursday, May 8, 2014 :: Columns :: 10076 Views ::Article Rating
    Time For Western States To Evict Feds
    According to The Salt Lake Tribune, “It’s time for Western states to take control of federal lands within their borders, lawmakers and county commissioners from Western states said at Utah’s Capitol on Friday. “More than 50 political leaders from nine states convened for t...
    Published: Thursday, April 24, 2014 :: Columns :: 9929 Views ::Article Rating
    Bundy Ranch Sermon & Prayer
    Dr. Baldwin delivers a sermon and prayer at the Bundy Ranch in Nevada on April 14, 2014.
    Published: Friday, April 18, 2014 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 11220 Views ::Article Rating
    Standoff In Nevada: Another Federal Siege Against The Innocent
    With the memory of Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and Waco, Texas, still very vivid in the collective memory of the American people comes another example of a federal government run amuck. A rancher in Nevada is watching the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seize his cattle and arrest his son for simply taking p...
    Published: Thursday, April 10, 2014 :: Columns :: 14346 Views ::Article Rating
    Watchdogs And Watchmen
    The freedom of the press and the freedom of religion are two of the most important elements of a free society. These were so important to America’s Founding Fathers that they were protected in the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. A free and independent press serves as watchdogs for li...
    Published: Thursday, April 3, 2014 :: Columns :: 6508 Views ::Article Rating
    Institutionalized Tyranny
    What happens when an institution becomes more important than the cause for which the institution was formed? How long should people who believe in the cause remain loyal to such an institution? And at what point does loyalty to such an institution comprise an abandonment of the cause itself? I&rs...
    Published: Thursday, March 27, 2014 :: Columns :: 20768 Views ::Article Rating
    Elitism, Not Liberalism, Is The Real Problem
    You have to hand it to the game-makers in the two major parties: they have done an outstanding job of putting the problems of the world into a convenient left-right paradigm. To the average conservative out there, Republican equals conservative, which equals good--while Democrat equals liberal, whic...
    Published: Thursday, March 20, 2014 :: Columns :: 10770 Views ::Article Rating
    Anti-Freedom Physicians, Policemen, And Pastors
    Unfortunately, a vast number of people who are charged with protecting our liberties are often the ones who are engaged in trying to take those liberties away. And the right to keep and bear arms must be regarded as one of the most important (if not THE most important) liberties deserving protection...
    Published: Thursday, March 13, 2014 :: Columns :: 6136 Views ::Article Rating
    Thoughts On Piers Morgan, Alec Baldwin, Jay Leno, Mel Gibson, The National Media, And Political Correctness
    It is being widely reported that CNN is ending Piers Morgan’s prime time television program. Here is how the story is covered in The New York Times: “There have been times when the CNN host Piers Morgan didn’t seem to like America very much--and American audiences have been more...
    Published: Thursday, February 27, 2014 :: Columns :: 6976 Views ::Article Rating
    Steve Daines: So Far, More Of The Same
    Montana’s lone U.S. House member, Steve Daines, is serving his first term as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives. And there is absolutely no doubt that Daines will soon declare his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Max Baucus. When Daines ran for the U.S. House s...
    Published: Thursday, February 20, 2014 :: Columns :: 5622 Views ::Article Rating
    “Have An Exit Plan”
    Matt Drudge, owner and publisher of the “Drudge Report,” recently tweeted a cryptic warning to his readers, “Have an exit plan.” Here is how Susan Duclos reported the story in “The economic indicators are bad, markets, the weakening dollar, banks pre...
    Published: Thursday, February 13, 2014 :: Columns :: 11339 Views ::Article Rating
    Thoughts On The Super Bowl And Sports In General
    I have always enjoyed sports. As a youngster, I played organized sports--even into college. Over the years, I played football, basketball, and baseball. I ran track. And I was on the high school wrestling team. Football and wrestling were my two favorite sports. As an adult, I have always enjoyed w...
    Published: Thursday, February 6, 2014 :: Columns :: 4363 Views ::Article Rating
    Everyone Loves A Police State
    A few years ago, Reuters News reported that a nationwide poll conducted of the Russian people found that former dictator Josef Stalin was voted the third most popular historical figure. Over one-third of the Russian population participated in the poll. See the report here: Dictator Stalin Voted Th...
    Published: Thursday, January 30, 2014 :: Columns :: 9656 Views ::Article Rating
    Abortion: America’s National Holocaust
    Yesterday marked the 41st anniversary of the infamous US Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision, which, in effect, legalized abortion-on-demand nationwide. The aftermath of this tragic ruling is the deaths of over 55 million innocent unborn babies. It is no hyperbole to say abortion-on-demand is America...
    Published: Thursday, January 23, 2014 :: Columns :: 75669 Views ::Article Rating
    Another Moses Has Died
    The liberty movement lost another one of its patriarchs last Saturday. My friend, Jack McLamb, passed away. Without a doubt, Jack was one of the staunchest allies that liberty and constitutional government ever had. He was doing it and saying it a long time before most of us were even thinking about...
    Published: Thursday, January 16, 2014 :: Columns :: 29339 Views ::Article Rating
    It Is Not Over
    Everywhere I go, I meet people who seem to believe that it’s all over, that there is no hope, that freedom is forever doomed. The doom and gloomers are omnipresent. But there is a great line in the newest version of the movie “Red Dawn” that should help put it all in perspective. O...
    Published: Thursday, January 9, 2014 :: Columns :: 8443 Views ::Article Rating
    Christians Awaken For Duck Dynasty Flap
    America is tumbling out of control toward a crash-and-burn impact with disaster, and, for the most part, pastors and churches are asleep--I mean in a coma. Both major parties in Washington, D.C., are selling-out our liberties faster than Chris Christie can swallow a Big Mac, and Christians don&rsquo...
    Published: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 :: Columns :: 11756 Views ::Article Rating
    A Modern Exodus
    God’s deliverance of the children of Israel from Egyptian bondage is the great recurring theme of the Old Testament. Time and again, God’s prophets would remind the Hebrews of this great deliverance. Moses, himself, recounted The Exodus with the children of Israel over and over again. He...
    Published: Thursday, December 19, 2013 :: Columns :: 6979 Views ::Article Rating
    A Line In The Sand Is Being Drawn Again
    In March of 1836, a young man of twenty-three years of age took his sword out of its scabbard and drew a line in the sand in front of an old mission outside of San Antonio, Texas, and called on the men defending that mission who were willing to stay on the ramparts and face an opposing army more tha...
    Published: Thursday, December 12, 2013 :: Columns :: 7785 Views ::Article Rating
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