Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Entries for 2017

    Trump, Pence, McConnell, And Washington Establishment Vs. Judge Roy Moore
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column   By now everyone should know that President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and the entire Washington establishment, including virtually every professional lobbyist, are doing everyt...
    Published: Thursday, September 21, 2017 :: Columns :: 16109 Views ::Article Rating
    So Much For Change
    Every new President is elected by people who believe they are voting for someone who is going to change things. People who wanted a change from the policies of Lyndon Johnson elected Richard Nixon. People who wanted a change from the policies of Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford elected Jimmy Carter. Pe...
    Published: Thursday, September 14, 2017 :: Columns :: 5046 Views ::Article Rating
    The Coming Financial Crash
    In a letter to President Thomas Jefferson in 1787, John Adams wrote, “All the Perplexities, Confusion and Distress in America, arise not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation, nor from a want of Honor or Virtue, so much as from downright Ignorance of the Nature of Coin, Credit and ...
    Published: Thursday, September 7, 2017 :: Columns :: 5515 Views ::Article Rating
    The SPLC And Mainstream Media Keep Spreading Hate
    “The SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] is probably the most dangerous hate group in America,” says Dr. Michael Brown--and he’s probably right. “Which is more insidious, the enemy that you recognize or the enemy that appears to be your friend? Which is more dangerous, a ra...
    Published: Thursday, August 31, 2017 :: Columns :: 8491 Views ::Article Rating
    In Defense of Lee And Jackson
    Ever since the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, took place, memorials and statues of the great men of the Confederacy--along with the flags of the Confederacy--are being vandalized or taken down by municipal governments. In 1864, Confederate General Patrick Cleburne warned his fellow Southe...
    Published: Thursday, August 24, 2017 :: Columns :: 18260 Views ::Article Rating
    Pastor Robert Jeffress And The Prophets Of Ahab
    Most people reading this column probably know that I have been in the Gospel ministry for over 40 years. I am a lifelong student of the scriptures; I began learning the Bible from my father before I started kindergarten. Before I could read, my dad saw to it that I had the books of the entire Bible ...
    Published: Thursday, August 17, 2017 :: Columns :: 6421 Views ::Article Rating
    The Truth About Donald Trump
    This column is written primarily in response to the way a host of televangelists, pastors, self-professing Christian talk show hosts, and Christian leaders are promoting Donald Trump as being a man of “bold Christian faith,” a “Bible-believing Christian,” a “modern Mose...
    Published: Thursday, August 10, 2017 :: Columns :: 15213 Views ::Article Rating
    The Most Underreported World Stories So Far This Year
    Watch the various television and cable news shows, and one will be exposed to multiple reports of--the exact same story. Day after day, night after night: the national mainstream news media regurgitates the same news stories to the American people. It’s the same song sung by a different singer...
    Published: Thursday, August 3, 2017 :: Columns :: 5491 Views ::Article Rating
    Zionism, Not Islam, Is America’s Biggest Threat
    While evangelical Christians and pastors and conservative pundits on FOX News, radio talk shows, and Internet news sites constantly rail against the perceived threat that Islam poses to the United States (Saudi Arabia IS a real threat--most of the Islamic terror groups hail from Saudi Arabia--but of...
    Published: Thursday, July 27, 2017 :: Columns :: 22361 Views ::Article Rating
    Thank You, Rand Paul
    If you think Obamacare is bad (and it is), Ryancare, Trumpcare, Obamacare 2.0--call it whatever you will--was even worse. In spite of fierce bullying tactics by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and President Donald Trump, ONE MAN stood like a stonewall against it. He ...
    Published: Thursday, July 20, 2017 :: Columns :: 4845 Views ::Article Rating
    Christian War Fever
    Some time ago, Laurence Vance published a compilation of excerpts from the famed British Baptist pastor, Charles Spurgeon, on the subject of the proper Christian attitude regarding war and peace. These sermon excerpts are as germane to Americans today as they were to the citizens of Great Britain in...
    Published: Thursday, July 13, 2017 :: Columns :: 6523 Views ::Article Rating
    A Tribute To America’s Patriot Pastors And Stalwart Statesmen
    In honor of Independence Day, I want to devote this column to the brave men of Colonial America who were most responsible for our country’s successful separation from Great Britain: namely, the patriot pastors and stalwart statesmen of 1775 and 1776. It was the pulpit as much as the politician...
    Published: Thursday, July 6, 2017 :: Columns :: 4174 Views ::Article Rating
    My Brother, My Enemy
    Brothers are supposed to be allies; they are supposed to be friends. This is true for spiritual brothers as well as for biological brothers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes, brothers become enemies. Think about it: in our War for Independence, brother fought ag...
    Published: Thursday, June 29, 2017 :: Columns :: 5468 Views ::Article Rating
    America Closing In On Civil And Global War
    America is edging closer and closer to both civil and global war. There isn't much unity in the “United” States these days. Resentment, bitterness, anger, and hatred in people from the left and the right are growing exponentially by the day. The liberal media, such as the Washingt...
    Published: Thursday, June 22, 2017 :: Columns :: 6979 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Baldwin's 6/17/2017 Interview with Sheila Zilinsky on The Sheila Zilinsky Show
    Dr. Baldwin discusses the attack by the State of Israel on the USS Liberty in 1967, the abridgment of the Fourth Amendment, Natural and Biblical Law, and more.   The founding fathers believed the Fourth Amendment was one of the essential liberties that needed to be protected by the...
    Published: Monday, June 19, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 3435 Views ::Article Rating
    A Great Way To Celebrate Independence Day
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation’s great historic documents together in one volume--so I decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country’s greatest historical documents, but we did it....
    Published: Thursday, June 15, 2017 :: Columns :: 3930 Views ::Article Rating
    Dr. Baldwin's 5/30/2017 Interview on Home Front with Cynthia Davis
    Is America an exceptional nation or an exemptional nation? Is Israel today the same Israel it was during Biblical times? You’re about to learn some extraordinary principles to help you understand and interpret international events.
    Published: Friday, June 2, 2017 :: Speeches & Interviews :: 3300 Views ::Article Rating
    Illegal Government Surveillance Of American Citizens Continues
    Ever since President George W. Bush created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the American people have become the most surveilled citizenry in the entire world. U.S. surveillance of its own citizens makes the surveillance societies of Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Soviet Union l...
    Published: Thursday, June 1, 2017 :: Columns :: 4300 Views ::Article Rating
    CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump (Taken from the CFR membership and Bilderberg participant lists)
    CFR Members And Bilderberg Attendees Appointed By Donald Trump   John P. Abizaid, Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (Individual CFR member) Elliott Abrams, Special Envoy on Venezuela (Individual CFR member) James H. Baker, Director of the Office of Net Assessment (Bilderberg attendee) B...
    Published: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 :: News :: 67448 Views ::Article Rating
    Globalists Using Donald Trump To Take America Into War
    One thing globalist Republicans and Democrats both love is WAR. They might squabble over social and domestic issues, but when it comes to war, the two parties are ONE. As I have said repeatedly, there is really only ONE party in Washington, D.C.: the War Party. And “outsider” Donald Trum...
    Published: Thursday, May 25, 2017 :: Columns :: 6030 Views ::Article Rating
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