Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Michael Peroutka Invites Chuck Baldwin To Be His Running Mate
    Constitution Party presidential candidate Michael Peroutka will officially and publicly invite yours truly to be his Vice Presidential running mate during a special ceremony in Pensacola, Florida, this Sunday, May 2, 2004. The event will take place at the facilities of Crossroad Baptist Church, 6800...
    Published: Tuesday, April 27, 2004 :: Columns :: 3789 Views ::Article Rating
    Bush Amnesty Plan Producing Huge Increase Of Illegal Aliens
    Recent press reports say that illegal immigration is skyrocketing since President Bush announced his amnesty plan. For example, World Net Daily reported, "U.S. Border Patrol officials report a 15 percent increase in the use of fraudulent documents at the world's busiest land border crossing...
    Published: Friday, April 23, 2004 :: Columns :: 3564 Views ::Article Rating
    Stay The Course, Jeb!
    As a resident of Florida, I have much appreciated the manner in which Governor Jeb Bush has managed his office. Unlike his father and brother, Jeb has consistently stayed faithful to conservative principles and has often demonstrated raw courage in the maintenance of those principles. For example, ...
    Published: Monday, April 19, 2004 :: Columns :: 2729 Views ::Article Rating
    The President’s Press Conference: Hardly Reassuring
    Listening to the president's press conference earlier this week created more angst than assurance. If President Bush intended to comfort the American people regarding the tenuous situation in Iraq, he didn't succeed. In the first place, the president repeatedly talked about "changing t...
    Published: Friday, April 16, 2004 :: Columns :: 2567 Views ::Article Rating
    Federal Courts Continue Their Assault On The Bill Of Rights
    A recent appeals court ruling in Louisiana directly assaulted the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Fourth Amendment clearly states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violate...
    Published: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 :: Columns :: 2732 Views ::Article Rating
    Christ Lives, And So Will America, As Long As We Honor Him!
    The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead separates our Lord from all the world's messiahs and separates Christianity from all the world's religions. Furthermore, the resurrection of Christ Jesus also separates the United States of America from every other nation on earth. Therefore, i...
    Published: Friday, April 9, 2004 :: Columns :: 2911 Views ::Article Rating
    You Know Things Are In Bad Shape When Jay Leno Makes More Sense Than Either G. W. Bush Or John Kerry
    Recently, on NBC's The Tonight Show, Host Jay Leno quipped, "They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years, and [heck], we're not using it anymore." T...
    Published: Tuesday, April 6, 2004 :: Columns :: 4534 Views ::Article Rating
    Americans Need To Read Washington’s Farewell Address
    Our first and greatest President, George Washington, delivered what many regard as the greatest political speech ever given on American soil. It is simply called, "Washington's Farewell Address." The principles contained in this address formed the direction of this republic to one degr...
    Published: Friday, April 2, 2004 :: Columns :: 2815 Views ::Article Rating
    Republican Party Is Outspending Democrats
    With the Republican Party in virtual control of the entire federal government, federal spending has escalated to the highest level in American history. Not only have Republicans done nothing to decrease spending, they have actually outspent Democrats. Those who believe that the Republican Party actu...
    Published: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 :: Columns :: 2919 Views ::Article Rating
    Only One Presidential Candidate Opposes Same-Sex Unions
    Traditional, Biblical marriage is under an all out assault in America, and unfortunately, there is virtually no difference between the two major parties in the effort to preserve it. Both President G.W. Bush and Democrat John Kerry would stand back and allow militant homosexuals and their supporters...
    Published: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 :: Columns :: 3103 Views ::Article Rating
    Military Increasing Domestic Law Enforcement Role With Help From “Conservatives”
    In an article dated March 9, 2004, by Robert Block and Gary Fields, the Wall Street Journal reported, "The [U.S.] military is edging toward a sensitive area that has been off-limits to it historically: domestic intelligence gathering and law enforcement." The WSJ article noted several exa...
    Published: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 :: Columns :: 2824 Views ::Article Rating
    “The Passion Of The Christ” Is A Must See Film!
    After reading all the reviews, all the hype, all the criticisms and accolades, I finally got an opportunity to see Mel Gibson's movie, "The Passion Of The Christ" for myself. It was everything the film was billed to be, and more! As a Christian pastor, the first thing I looked for was...
    Published: Tuesday, March 9, 2004 :: Columns :: 5843 Views ::Article Rating
    Does Homosexual Marriage Signal America’s Final Undoing?
    The assault against traditional marriage is now in full swing. Across the country, judges, mayors, legislators, and governors are calling for the legalization and moral acceptance of homosexual marriage. Many people wonder if such an event signals the beginning of America's ultimate demise. It m...
    Published: Friday, March 5, 2004 :: Columns :: 4423 Views ::Article Rating
    Bill Pryor Got His Judas Money
    According to news reports, "President Bush used a recess appointment Friday [Feb. 20] to give Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor a seat on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily. Pryor was sworn in by U.S. Circuit Judge Ed Carnes in a private ceremony in Alabama Friday. His appointment ...
    Published: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 :: Columns :: 5424 Views ::Article Rating
    The Constitution Restoration Act Of 2004: The Most Important Legislation In The Last Fifty Years
    Last week, a bill was introduced in both chambers of Congress to "limit the jurisdiction of Federal courts in certain cases and promote federalism." The House version is H.R. 3799, and the Senate version is S. 2082. The bill is titled, "The Constitution Restoration Act of 2004." ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 17, 2004 :: Columns :: 3088 Views ::Article Rating
    It Is Time Conservatives Honestly Face The Iraq War
    Before President Bush ordered the attack against Iraq, I spoke against it. I believed it was wrong then; I believe it was wrong now. It also seems obvious that time has vindicated my position. First of all, the attack against Iraq was unconstitutional and, therefore, illegal under our laws. Before ...
    Published: Tuesday, February 10, 2004 :: Columns :: 3716 Views ::Article Rating
    Would You Vote For Nero Or Caligula As “The Lesser Of Two Evils?”
    I constantly hear Christian conservatives say they must vote for "the lesser of two evils." This mostly translates into a vote for a pseudo-conservative Republican who, once elected, implements the same basic policies that just about any Democratic candidate would have implemented. Howeve...
    Published: Saturday, February 7, 2004 :: Columns :: 3193 Views ::Article Rating
    Just Who Is It That Has God’s Blessing?
    I constantly marvel at the thinking of today's professing Christians. The majority of them seem incapable of comprehending anything above the spoon-fed diet of religious and political propaganda that is daily disseminated from the ivory towers of "anointed" Christian institutions. In n...
    Published: Tuesday, February 3, 2004 :: Columns :: 2933 Views ::Article Rating
    Why I Write These Columns: An Open Letter To Christian Conservatives
    My purpose in writing these columns is to make people think, to confront current events and trends with an intense appreciation for truth. My desire is also to awaken a lethargic population to an ever increasing societal, cultural, political, and spiritual departure from America's historic Chris...
    Published: Friday, January 30, 2004 :: Columns :: 3781 Views ::Article Rating
    Time To Trade In The Republican Jalopy
    Listening to President Bush deliver his State of the Union speech reconfirmed to me that conservatism is dead within the national Republican Party. Of course, most Americans realize conservatism died within the Democratic Party years ago, but now it's time to face the fact that conservatism is a...
    Published: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 :: Columns :: 3169 Views ::Article Rating
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