Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    An Open Letter On The Covid Crisis From A Medical Doctor

    Published: Thursday, September 16, 2021

    99.9% Survival Rate Does Not Equate To A Crisis—You Are Not Following Science And Data By Forcing Masks On Children

    By Ann Bukacek, M.D.

    Attachments above share the CDC Montana data in July and September of this year. You can see the per capita survival in Montana is 99.9%, and the survival rate per Covid (+) person has actually improved in two months from 98.5% to 98.7%...How does this translate into a crisis?!?!

    Note from the data that the number of Montanans who tested (+) for Covid is < 13% of the population of Montana, even though more tests have been done than the stated population of Montana. Understand also that CDC data is always going to provide worst case scenario numbers that the public generally acknowledges is inflated.

    What some are claiming is a hospital crisis warrants a closer look.

    Spring 2020: A crisis was claimed. Articles in the paper of employees demanding more PPE, even though the hospital was close to empty and 600 employees were furloughed soon afterward.

    Fall 2020: A crisis was claimed.  Allegedly hospital was overrun with sick Covid patients. In reality, it was hospital/skilled nursing facility policies and low staffing that caused the hospital to be overrun. Patients who qualified for Remdesivir (an antiviral originally developed against Ebola, so decidedly is not specific for a novel corona virus) got 5 days of hospitalization added to get the antiviral medication, even if they were well enough to go home. Skilled nursing facilities and rehab facilities would not accept covid (+) patients—therefore, patients who weren’t well enough to go home but not sick enough to stay in the acute care hospital stayed in the acute care hospital further increasing the number of hospital beds filled.

    Current claim of crisis: Similar to Fall 2020, even though now we have out-patient antiviral medications available.

    The current fearmongering is leading people to get tested for COVID for even the most minor symptoms or exposures, driving up the number of tests being done, and that will always lead to more (+) tests that are called “cases,” even if the patients have minimal or no symptoms. Then the number of new so-called “cases” drives the fearmongering, leading to more testing, more (+) tests, continuing the cycle.

    Any seasoned physician who has worked through decades of cold and flu seasons knows that most people have mild symptoms, some severe enough to miss school or work, occasionally one is hospitalized and close to 100% survive. 2020 was no different. This summer cold/flu season, I saw more people sick with viral syndrome symptoms than probably in the last 10 years…nevertheless, the survival remains close to 100% and less than 5% hospitalized.

    I have already shared information about mask harms, the lack of proven efficacy of masks, inaccuracy of covid testing, the zero deaths and hospitalizations of Montana children with a covid (+) test. You are not following science and data by forcing masks on children.

    We’ve already taken a number of steps to supposedly protect us from Covid…but oh, the cost.

    Politicians are demanding we hunker down again. Can’t we do things a little smarter this time? Can we keep from punishing our citizens for the sake of conformity and style?

    Let’s do better this time. Below is a partial list of some examples of those who took the brunt of the suffering in the last mandates. Let’s find a way to do better for these people.

    1. Delayed and missed cancer diagnoses from delayed labs, radiologic studies, biopsies, etc.
    2. Prolonged suffering due to delayed surgeries or surgeries not done—Ex. People's joints grinding in pain.
    3. Old, sick Americans, productive people all their life, were destined to die alone, without the benefit of the comfort of friends or family.
    4. Seniors, already abandoned in long-term care facilities, placed in solitary confinement (normally used for punishment in prison).
    5. Hard-working couples, with their life savings and their mortgaged houses invested in their ma and pa small businesses, lost everything and were evicted from their foreclosed homes.
    6. One of the worst things mandates do is set Americans against Americans.


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