Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    We Are All Amalekites

    Published: Thursday, March 27, 2025

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    Israeli leaders constantly refer to the Palestinian people as being “Amalekites.” But their Jewish supremacy goes even further than that. Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow Zionists constantly refer to the Palestinian people (the “Amalekites”) as “animals” and “subhuman” that can be mercilessly tortured and killed with moral and civil impunity.

    The Amalekites during the days of Moses were the descendants of Esau, the son of Isaac and brother of Jacob—so they were biologically the nephews and nieces of Jacob (renamed “Israel” by Jehovah). The point being, the Old Testament Scriptures make it clear that the Amalekites were people (human beings)—even kinsmen of the Israelites.

    The God of Abraham and Moses never regarded the Amalekites as anything other than people—wicked people, but people nonetheless. In fact, God dealt with the Amalekites with great longsuffering and grace, waiting over 400 years before bringing divine judgment upon them, thus giving the people of Amalek time to turn from their wickedness and find mercy and forgiveness with God. Why? Because God loves mankind, as we are all made in His image, conceived with an immortal soul. God gave His only begotten Son to die for the sins of mankind—clearly meaning that all mankind possesses an eternal soul.

    The greatest-of-all Bible commentators, Matthew Henry (1662 – 1714), wrote in his commentaries regarding the Old Covenant wars of Israel:

    In dealing with the worst of enemies, the laws of justice and honour must be observed.

    “The laws of justice and honour [the Laws of Nature] must be observed” because even one’s enemy is a human being made in God’s image and, therefore, is a candidate for God’s mercy and redemption.

    I invite readers to watch my first message in my series of messages entitled By What Authority Does Zionist Israel Commit Mass Murder Against Women And Children? A Clinical Study Of The Destruction Of The Amalekites And The Old Covenant Laws Of War.

    Watch it here.

    But the philosophy of the Donald Trump administration is that anyone can be designated as a Palestinian, meaning an Amalekite, undeserving of Natural or constitutional rights.

    “He’s not Jewish anymore. He’s a Palestinian.”

    With these words, US President Donald Trump did not merely insult Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer – he exposed something far more insidious. In Trump’s world, Palestinian is not just a nationality. It is an accusation, a sentence of exile, a mark of delegitimisation.

    Schumer’s crime was questioning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s increasingly authoritarian government. Schumer, a staunch Zionist who has long positioned himself as one of Israel’s most unwavering defenders, dared to suggest that Netanyahu’s extremism was harming Israel’s future.

    That alone was enough for Trump to strip him of his Jewishness, to brand him as something else – something meant to be demeaning.

    This is not the first time Trump has wielded the word “Palestinian” as a slur. He has used it against former President Joe Biden, against Schumer previously, and indeed against anyone who dares to question Israel’s policies.

    A Palestinian can be arrested for protesting, fired for speaking, or blacklisted for dissenting. And now, anyone can be treated as one.

    This is the real warning in Trump’s attack. You don’t have to be Palestinian to be punished like one. You don’t have to be Arab or Muslim. You only have to step out of line.

    Even Jewishness is no longer protection. Your identity has become conditional, your history disposable. You can be declared a traitor, an enemy within, someone who has forfeited their place.

    The moment you question Israel, you become Palestinian – not by birth, but by decree. Because in this world, a Palestinian has no rights, nor does anyone who defends them.


    Donald Trump is ushering in a new brand of authoritarianism, one marked by a single accusation—an accusation that is so broad it can be interpreted anyway the Trump Reich pleases: the accusation of antisemitism.

    Listen to Trump’s uber-Zionist Attorney General Pam Bondi:

    US attorney general labels pro-Palestine protesters ‘domestic terrorists.’

    US Attorney General Pam Bondi has described pro-Palestinian student protesters as “domestic terrorists,” warning that universities could lose federal funding if they fail to address anti-Semitism on campus.

    In February, the US Justice Department formed a multi-agency task force focused on combating anti-Semitism, with its top priority targeting harassment in schools and universities. Officials said the group would coordinate federal enforcement and “root out” anti-Semitic behavior on campuses nationwide.

    Protesters, including Jewish students, argue that criticism of Israeli policy does not constitute anti-Semitism. They say advocacy for Palestinian rights aligns with core American values.


    One would think that an attorney would have at least a rudimentary understanding of the First Amendment in our Bill of Rights:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    That’s pretty clear to me. The government cannot abridge the people’s right to the freedom of speech—even speech it doesn’t like—or the freedom to peaceably assemble (protest) and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    Folks, let’s understand what is at stake here. If we are not free to speak, we are not free!

    Candace Owens nailed it in this video clip:

    We just don’t see Muslims as human life. And to me, to speak about Gaza and talking about casinos and hotels, and these people just lost their entire families. It’s so far removed from humanity. And I have been very disappointed with Trump on his perspectives about Gaza. I think it’s wrong. And I’m tired of America being used as Israel’s piggy bank.

    For whatever reason, everyone can critique every other country for taking money from us, and then everyone’s blind when it comes to Israel.

    To see those Palestinian children. And the images are seared into my brain. The screaming, the crying, the bleeding, the stuff that we saw on X for the first time, and really realizing how much we had been lied to about what was happening in that region. It was very easy for me to [speak out]. I have to be on the human side of things.

    As far as I know, Candace does not have a law degree, but she obviously has more understanding of the First Amendment than Trump’s attorney general.

    By the way, Trump and Bondi are in the process of implementing a national Red Flag gun confiscation law. Obviously, neither of them understand the Second Amendment either.

    And Trump and Bondi are deadly serious about expunging pro-Palestinian speech:

    President Trump's demand on Tuesday to ban masks at "illegal" anti-Israel protests came just one day after Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt issued the same demand at the ADL's "Never is Now" conference.


    Of course, banning masks at protests allows government surveillance to identify individual protesters so that they might be prosecuted afterward. That protesters feel compelled to wear masks shows that right now America cannot be truly defined as a free country.

    Trump calls anti-Israel protests “illegal.” But the First Amendment says they are not only “legal” but they are “protected.”

    It is painfully obvious that Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom or the rule of law. Everything about Donald Trump exudes authoritarianism.

    As long as I’m living in a world composed of morally and spiritually fallen men, I no more desire to be under right-wing authoritarianism than I do left-wing authoritarianism, theocratic authoritarianism or secular authoritarianism. In this world, authoritarianism of any kind is the enemy of Liberty.

    On April 18, 1775, in defiance of the soldiers of the British Crown, John Adams shouted, “We recognize no sovereign but God, and no king but Jesus!” This became the rallying cry and motto of our War for Independence.

    And speaking of our War for Independence, is Trump really planning to bring America back under the British Commonwealth? Did Trump learn anything about the Battle of Lexington, Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” speech or the Declaration of Independence? If he did, you sure can’t tell it.

    Trump says he “loves” King Charles. That’s no doubt because Trump loves the power of monarchy. And, as I have written here and here, Trump and Elon Musk are working arduously to bring America under the rule of a techno-monarchy. It is no coincidence that British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Canada’s current Prime Minister Mark Carney were both members of the globalist/technocratic Trilateral Commission.

    Read this very important article relevant to Trump’s possible decision to bring the U.S. under the British Commonwealth. This is all part of the Trump/Musk/Thiel plan to bring about global technocratic rule, which I have already written about.

    Trump also must love the British attack on free speech.

    Trump needs to read this report:

    I am a Holocaust survivor. UK police interviewed me for protesting genocide

    It’s vital for all of us in Britain to speak out now against our own government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide.

    I was seven years old when Germany invaded and occupied their unreliable ally, Hungary, in March 1944. This makes me 87 years old now. But my memories of hiding as a hunted Jew on false papers, and the utter devastation of the climactic fighting around us, between a trapped German Army and the Red Army, are still a crystal clear memory. I see the burnt-out cars, tanks, dead horses and human bodies, ammunition and helmets thrown about, burnt-out buildings, mountains of rubble and broken glass everywhere – just like tragically destroyed Gaza is looking today.

    For over a year now it’s been clear that Israel’s plan is to destroy Palestinian society in Gaza in order to force as many people as possible to leave. This policy has many differences from Nazi Germany’s plan to destroy Jewish society in Europe – but it also has many similarities. That is why, as a Holocaust survivor, I’ve felt compelled to join various pro-Palestine protests in London.

    We don’t know quite how far those in power intend to go with their restrictions on the right to protest. But we do know they want to portray London’s pro-Palestine demos as tainted with anti-Semitism. This is despite the fact that these protests have included thousands of Jews and that many Jews, including myself, have addressed the protesters from the stage.

    Most importantly, this whole campaign is an intentional distraction from the main issue, which is to stop the Gaza genocide now. As Israel resumes its indiscriminate bombing – murdering hundreds more civilians in Gaza – it’s vital for all of us in Britain to speak out now against our own government’s complicity in Israel’s genocide.

    Every time we hear a politician talk about Israel, they call it “America’s greatest friend and ally.” Really? What is their definition of friendship? Name one thing Israel has done FOR America. All Israel does is bleed America financially, morally, spiritually, culturally and politically—and drag America into its perpetual wars of aggression, which have ZERO national interests for the United States.

    When President Donald Trump and Attorney General Pam Bondi call the people of America “Palestinians” and “domestic terrorists,” they are regurgitating the Jewish supremacist/racist mantra of Benjamin Netanyahu and his fellow Zionists.

    Don’t believe me? Listen to what this very influential Jewish rabbi recently said:

    It really doesn’t matter if Donald Trump or Donald Duck wins the US elections. It really doesn’t matter if Kamala Harris or Kermit the Frog wins.

    When it comes to international affairs, anything that impinges on the future of this world, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris have no freedom of choice. They become like puppets. And who pulls the strings of those puppets? We do. The Jewish people.

    In other words, we are all Amalekites.

    P.S. My second message in the series By What Authority Does Zionist Israel Commit Mass Murder Against Women And Children? A Clinical Study Of The Destruction Of The Amalekites And The Old Covenant Laws Of War is now available on DVD with the subtitle Israel’s Laws Of War In General.

    Find it here.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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