Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Trump And Musk Pushing America Toward A Mass Surveillance State Run By Technocrats?

    Published: Thursday, February 20, 2025

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    When it comes to Donald Trump, very few conservatives and evangelicals want to hear anything negative. And when they do hear it, they attack the messenger and disparage the message—without any consideration whatsoever as to the veracity of the message. It was this way with Trump 1; it was this way with the two terms of G.W. Bush; it will be this way when the next Republican is elected president. On the whole, conservatives and evangelicals are ALL about party, not about truth.

    Plus, the vast, vast majority of conservative pundits and evangelical pulpits will say absolutely nothing against Trump—no matter how unconstitutional or wicked his words, actions or policies might be.

    Due to this, I have high praise for those independent, objective-minded, truth-oriented lovers of freedom and constitutional government who are out there boldly proclaiming the truth about Trump.

    One such man is former FOX News anchor Clayton Morris. On his podcast recently he interviewed a genuine investigative reporter named Derrick Broze (yes, there are still a few of these brave journalistic warriors around) who has researched where Trump and Elon Musk are taking the U.S. in terms of an already burgeoning surveillance society (thanks to G.W. Bush).

    I am going to borrow heavily from this interview in today’s column. This message MUST get out!

    Clayton Morris: So why are so many people, the freedom-loving Americans, right now seemingly like turning a blind eye to the massive surveillance state in the United States of America, which could be rolled out with all of these sort of tech oligarchs? Remember, all of them were like standing behind President Trump during the inauguration and were sort of praising Elon Musk on one hand for all of this uncovering at DOGE. But are we turning a blind eye? Are we missing something here? Do we have a massive blind spot when it comes to the technocratic move and the massive surveillance state, which could be rolled out in the United States?

    One thing about DOGE: Why does Musk insist that he be given access to ALL of the tax records of the American people? I haven’t heard anyone tackle this subject. This would be a HUGE violation of the American people’s right to privacy. It’s bad enough that we already have a huge government bureaucracy like the IRS holding all of this sensitive information. Are we now going to give it to Technocrat-in-Chief Elon Musk? For what purpose does Musk need our private financial records?

    Morris: So, what's your biggest concern right now, as you look at the sort of technocratic landscape in this massive sort of bio surveillance state, which seems to be creeping its way into our lives?

    Derrick Broze: So, over the last two and a half months, I've written three articles at The Last American Vagabond, each of them kind of picking at this story.

    The first one you alluded to, Clayton, was focused on Elon Musk's contract. It's a $1.8 billion classified contract with a project called Starshield, which is basically the Military Industrial Complex intelligence network side of Starlink. Most people know Starlink is the satellite internet company that allows you to access the internet pretty much anywhere in the world. And it's done some great things, helping people in disaster situations as well as people in very low-bandwidth areas.

    But as I said, there's another angle to that, and that is that every time Elon Musk sends up one of those Falcon rockets, and people celebrate the space race has begun again, he's actually also sending out classified payloads for most likely the National Reconnaissance Office, which is the US government agency that was secret until the early 90s, which deals with satellites and surveillance from satellites.

    And so, SpaceX has partnered with the military, and the Starshield program is about creating the world's largest spy satellite network. And in my article at, I mentioned the head of the NRO, his name is Christopher Scolese. He actually gave a talk in late 2024 where he said, in his own words, “You can't hide.” Now, of course, he was referencing bad guys, terrorists, only criminals, and saying that that's what this is going to focus on. But I think it's something that many people may have overlooked as far as some of the things that you said; people are celebrating with DOGE and others that Elon Musk is still a Military Industrial Complex contractor, one of the largest.

    And so, many people maybe are just not ready to see what's really going on; that these same technocrats, the Peter Thiels (who has at least a dozen people in Trump's new administration, all going back to the PayPal Mafia), Elon Musk, of course, David Sacks, Peter Thiel, are connected to the Bilderberg Group. Peter Thiel is a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group, as well as his co-founder at Palantir, Alex Karp. People might be missing these details, if not purposely trying to ignore them.

    According to several reports, Elon Musk and several people in that circle told Donald Trump that J.D. Vance should be his vice-presidential candidate. And of course, J.D. Vance is one of these acolytes of Peter Thiel, who is largely funded and won his Senate race because of Peter Thiel's money and who has said that when he heard Peter Thiel speak at Yale, that was like a big inspirational moment for him. They started working, collaborating together.

    So, you have one steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group supporting Trump, one member supporting Harris in the 2024 election, and when it's all said and done though, they're both sort of aiming in the same direction. I think that's really what people should take note of as well.

    You can look more into Larry Ellison, look more into Sam Altman and what these people are about. These are the men sitting shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump as they announce AI, mRNA, cancer vaccines that are allegedly going to solve cancer. But you go back to Larry Ellison's January 2002 opinion piece for The New York Times written just months after 9-11, and he was calling for a complete surveillance state, calling for biometrics, calling for a national ID card, a digital ID card. . . . This is 20 years ago, and we're pretty close now. But he's been advocating for these ideas for some time and more recently speaking about the use of AI and facial recognition to keep citizens on their best behavior. He's of course the head of Oracle, and Sam Altman over at OpenAI; OpenAI right now under investigation for their whistleblower allegedly having killed himself despite signs to the contrary. 

    And these are the kind of people that are partnering with Trump to the tune of $500 billion for this new Stargate Project. And in addition to what I mentioned, there's at least a dozen Peter Thiel acolytes in the current Trump administration.

    Did you hear that? There’s at least a dozen Peter Thiel acolytes in Trump’s new administration. Everywhere you look in Trump’s administration, you find Zionists and globalists.

    Broze: I touched on J.D. Vance. There's obviously David Sacks, who's going back to the PayPal Mafia. He is the Crypto and AI Czar. You’ve got Howard Lutnick and the Commerce Secretary. He is connected to Peter Thiel as well, as well as funding Rumble. And Cantor Fitzgerald who was also a neighbor of Jeffrey Epstein at one point. And the list goes on.

    And there's also Ken Howery. I'll just mention him. One last thing on him. I think he's an important piece of this puzzle as well. He was appointed ambassador to Denmark. And some people are like, “Okay, big deal. Peter Thiel acolyte is being the ambassador to Denmark. He has no power, no influence.” He didn't just work with Peter Thiel one time though. He was part of his fellowship, part of the Thiel Foundation and organizations like that.

    Now read these next three paragraphs very carefully:

    Broze: But when you put this into context of Trump's calls for wanting to purchase or take Greenland and make it part of the United States, Greenland is under the kingdom of Denmark. So, Ken Howery, this Peter Thiel acolyte and associate, is now in a position to help negotiate or try to make that happen if that's really what Trump wants.

    And the other important piece of that is that if you go back to the original technocrats plan from the 1930s, the original technocracy movement, which said that we shouldn't have the political class, we shouldn't have the business class, that we should have technologists and engineers and the scientific elite basically micromanaging society using the machines, or what we would call AI now. Their original plan called for the tech native North America. And this included the United States, Canada, Panama and Greenland.

    So, what Trump is calling for is in fact very, very similar to what we heard almost 100 years ago from the original technocrat movement.

    This is eye-opening! Trump is not a madman talking out of his head; he is a controlled man meticulously following a carefully crafted script. 

    Morris: You've talked about in your piece, and I think if people are sitting there saying, “Wait a second, this sounds crazy,” just look at what's happening right now with the border wall and the idea that we will build some sort of a biometric border wall to keep people out, and it'll be done. This is how it always works.

    After 9-11, the Patriot Act: “It's for your safety,” they tell us, right? “So, you need to give up your civil liberties, you need to take off your shoes at the airport. And now everything will be scanned. You'll have a biometric system that the federal government will run. And Peter Thiel at Palantir and these guys, these acolytes, are going to be controlling all of this data and information. You have nothing to worry about.” I mean, that seems to be what's happening.

    Broze: Trump himself has already said there's going to be a biometric entry and exit process. This discussion about fixing the border crisis, or let's say solving voting, is unfortunately going to play right into the hands of the people who want to promote digital IDs, who want to promote facial recognition everywhere and AI. And it's going to be sold as the way to secure the elections, the way to secure the border to keep us safe. And that doesn't mean we shouldn't act or do anything in any way, but I do think we should, we ought to be careful of the solutions that are being put in front of us, and making sure we're not actually cheering for and celebrating our own enslavement.

    This is why I said from the very beginning of Trump’s announcement to “secure the border”: “I’m all for securing the border (it was a major plank in my platform back in 2008), but my concern is how exactly Trump plans to do it. With Trump, the antidote could be worse than the malady.”

    Morris: Right. That's what p****s me off. I think that's really what p****s me off from a lot of conservatives right now who, I don't know, they're just kind of quiet on this. They're just totally quiet on this particular issue.

    Clayton, they are quiet on ANY issue that might put Trump in a bad light.

    Natalie Morris: Well, that’s what’s called the Woke Right.

    Clayton Morris: They’re p****d off during the pandemic, and now they're quiet.

    Broze: When it's their team, it's okay. Yeah. I think that that speaks to the importance of consistency. And just anybody out there, don't be in a cold, whether that's a Trump cold, to Harris cold, Biden, Obama, or anybody. Follow the truth where it leads. I think this is something more of us need to remember, that this isn't team sport politics, that we cheer it on when it's our side, and we condemn it when it's the other side.

    Amen, Derrick, Clayton and Natalie! I’ve been shouting that message for decades, and I have the scars to prove it.

    These folks are touching the epicenter of this whole problem.

    The problem is the conservative/evangelical base: When “their” man is in office, they “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” But it’s actually worse than that. In practice, they help “their” man enact evil—evil things that if they are done by the opposite party, they would be screaming to the heavens about.


    I have no heartburn with conservatives and evangelicals supporting someone like Donald Trump who is running against someone like Kamala Harris—none at all. What galls me to no end is when those same conservatives and evangelicals turn a blind eye when their Republican hero violates his oath to the Constitution and further enables the abolishment of personal liberties protected in the Constitution. It bothers me when they refuse to even acknowledge the untoward behavior of the GOP standard-bearer, or worse, when they adjust the scales of justice and righteousness to accommodate and facilitate that untoward behavior.

    Christians, especially, should know better.

    A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight. (Proverbs 11:1)

    Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good. (Proverbs 20:23)

    The Trump/Musk/Thiel alliance is a HUGE red flag for freedom.

    Maybe what Musk’s little four-year-old boy seemingly told Trump in the Oval Office the other day is truer than any of us realize, when he ostensibly said, “You’re not the president.” Now, if the little tot actually said that (some say he didn’t), where do you think he heard it?

    In the video of Musk and his little brat in the Oval Office with Trump, I was struck by Trump’s body language. He gave the appearance of a man who was NOT in charge but who was sheepishly showing deference to the man in the room who was: Elon Musk.

    I am convinced that Vice President Dick Cheney was the real president, the man really calling the shots in the two G.W. Bush administrations. It appears that Elon Musk could be Trump’s Cheney. And if there is even a smidgen of truth to that supposition, the prospects for our future liberties are in dire straits.

    Remember that Republicans Bush and Cheney started America’s spiral into the abyss of a totalitarian surveillance state by creating the Department of Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, etc. The Covid tyranny could have never happened without the Bush/Cheney “war on terror” mantra that unleashed the surveillance apparatus of the U.S. government against the American citizenry. Fast forward to the technocrats of Trump and Musk running Washington, D.C., and Orwell’s technologically enforced utopian society could be on our doorstep.

    And to me, the really scary part of all of this is: Should the unholy trinity of Trump, Musk and Thiel actually attempt to enforce this technocratic tyranny on the United States, would conservatives and evangelicals even notice—or care? Because remember, this is a Republican administration, and most of them don’t notice anything untoward that Republicans do.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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