Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    A Column Unlike Any I Have Written

    Published: Thursday, January 13, 2022

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    I have been writing this column for 21 years. The column was the outgrowth of my radio talk show, Chuck Baldwin Live, which began on a local station in the Florida Panhandle and then grew to national syndication with the Genesis Communications Network.

    For the first several years, this column and my radio talk show were what I was most noted for. As I traveled the country in 2008 as the presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, people would tell me that they were faithful readers of this column and listeners of that radio talk show.

    Back in those days, I could have never dreamed that my family would be leaving the balmy shores of the Gulf Coast for the winter wonderland of Montana. I could have never imagined that the congregation of Liberty Fellowship, which we founded in 2011, would grow into a worldwide outreach.

    I am sure that there are many readers of this column who are not followers of Liberty Fellowship, as I am sure there are many followers of Liberty Fellowship who do not subscribe to this column.

    For this one column, I am combining the two.

    This Sunday, January 16, 2022, Liberty Fellowship will celebrate its 11th anniversary. I have chosen this special day to deliver the 3rd message in my long-awaited Prophecy Series. I truly feel that the message this Sunday will be one of the most important messages I have delivered in over 46 years of preaching.

    The title of this message is God’s Chosen People, The Children Of Promise, The Israel Of God And Romans Chapter Eleven

    One of the most surprising developments in the second half of my life was the Holy Spirit illumination to the false doctrines of Christian Zionism aka Scofield Futurism. I never saw that coming.

    My Bible college training was immersed in dispensational eschatology. It was the commonly held belief system of all of my professors and peers. I had preached and taught it (better: regurgitated it) for over 30 years. I knew nothing else.

    When spiritual enlightenment came, it came directly from Heaven. I studied no books; watched no sermons; listened to no radio teachings; talked with no person. It was a mighty work of conviction in my heart from God that what I was teaching was Biblical error. This led to a seven-year intense investigative study of the Scriptures for answers.

    By 2014 I had learned enough truth to begin teaching it to my folks at Liberty Fellowship, including our massive online audience. After six years of teaching the foundational truths of the subject, I had finished the 3-set series of 31 messages entitled The Israel Package.

    I was finally ready to begin the series on Bible prophecy.

    On October 31, 2021 (Reformation Day), I delivered the first prophecy message. It is titled An Overview Of The Primary Eschatological Interpretations.

    On November 7, 2021, I delivered the second prophecy message. It is titled Daniel’s Seventy-Weeks Prophecy: Where Are The “Rapture” and “Seven-Year Tribulation”?

    Again, this Sunday, January 16, I will deliver the third message titled God’s Chosen People, The Children Of Promise, The Israel Of God And Romans Chapter Eleven.

    Two-thirds of the evangelical Christians in America today believe as I once believed: that the Zionist State of Israel in modern Palestine is the fulfillment of God’s “land” promise to Abraham, that Christians are obligated to “bless” Israel in order to have God’s blessing, that Jewish people are yet today “God’s Chosen People” and that prophetic events regarding the Second Coming of Christ are conditional to events in Israel.

    I understand this belief system very well; after all, I taught it for over 30 years.

    Now, of course, I understand that the entire narrative of dispensational eschatology is complete and total error. Not only is the fallacious teaching of Scofield Futurism bad from a theological perspective, it is a national and international scourge politically. And I do not use the word scourge lightly.

    Regardless, one hundred plus years of Scofield indoctrination via America’s Christian churches, colleges, universities, seminaries, television and radio broadcasts and books is not corrected overnight.

    But I firmly believe the correction has begun. Just in the last 7 years of my enlightened walk, I have seen thousands of Christians come to the light and understanding of Christ’s New Covenant. And that’s what this subject is all about. It is not about Israel; it is about Christ’s New Covenant. 

    I said all of that to say this: I believe that this third prophecy message that I will preach this Sunday will help thousands of Christians to see the truth of this vitally important subject. I truly believe that.

    That is, IF we can get them to watch.

    So, I am unapologetically asking you to help get as many people to watch this message as possible. Look at the title again:

    God’s Chosen People, The Children Of Promise, The Israel Of God And Romans Chapter Eleven.

    The title also serves as the outline of the message.

    Who are God’s Chosen People?

    Who are the Children of Promise?

    What is the Israel of God?

    And what did the Apostle Paul mean in Romans 11 when he said “all Israel shall be saved”?

    This message will be an in-depth, thorough investigation of the subject, supported by copious Scriptures.

    I know you know people who are either die-hard dispensationalists or who are, at least, confused and unsure of the subject. Please do your best to get both groups to watch. Please do your best to get them to watch this ONE message.

    We will begin the broadcast at approximately 2:30pm Mountain Time this Sunday afternoon, January 16.

    Here is the link to watch the livestream broadcast.

    Oh! I trust you will be watching too.

    And if you live close enough to drive to Kalispell this weekend or would be able to fly here, we would be honored to have you visit us on this very special day. A personal visit to Liberty Fellowship is an unforgettable experience—and that will be especially true THIS SUNDAY.

    © Chuck Baldwin 

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