Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    The Depravity Of The Zionist Mind
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) I am absolutely convinced that until the U.S. Congress and America’s evangelical churches sever their ties with and devotion to the Zionist State of Israel, America will continue its societal, cultural, economic, spiritual and political collapse. I believe a strong case could be made for the proposition that Israel’s demise portends America’s demise—as the American government and Church have become surrogates of the Zionist state. As many Middle East experts—in and out of Israel—h...
    Published: Thursday, September 12, 2024 Read More

    Deep State Provoking War Worldwide
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) As I have said repeatedly, there is only one party in Washington, D.C., and it’s the War Party. Some people call it the Uniparty. There are two issues that most D.C. Democrats and Republicans will always agree on: War and Israel, but then I repeat myself. It was the United States, not Russia, that started the war in Ukraine back in 2014. It’s not the intent of this column to go into the details of this issue, but notable freedomists such as Judge Andrew Napolitano, Col. Douglas Macgregor, Clayton Morris,...
    Published: Thursday, September 5, 2024 Read More

    Could The Zionist State Of Israel Disappear Within A Year?
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) In a stunning interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano, former CIA Analyst Larry Johnson quotes high-level Israeli government officials as stating their concern that if Israel maintains its current warmongering ways, the Zionist State could disappear within one year. Johnson also describes the radical religious zealotry of many Israelis behind the nation’s infatuation with war. (A very similar zealotry exists within a majority of evangelical churches, by the way.) Johnson also explains why the miscreant Benjamin...
    Published: Thursday, August 29, 2024 Read More

    Is Trump Trying To Lose The Election?
    Download free computerized mp3 audio file of this column (To subscribe to my columns at no cost, click here.) Trump’s election in November should be a walk in the park. The Joe Biden/Kamala Harris White House was among the least popular president/vice president tandems in U.S. history, with Harris’ poll numbers sinking below Biden’s. America is in the midst of an undeclared recession. Most of the American people are fed up with Biden’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. And, believe it or not, most Americans do NOT want the U.S. fighting a war in defense of Israel. A large percentage of the U.S. popul...
    Published: Thursday, August 22, 2024 Read More

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