Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dr. Baldwin's 8/07/19 Interview with Chuck Carlson on We Hold These Truths

    Published: Thursday, August 8, 2019

    Christian Zionist theology dwells with one foot in the Old Covenant and the other in the New Covenant resulting in spiritual blindness among millions of American Christians. Pastor Chuck Baldwin was taught and preached Christian Zionist theology for about 30 years before his awakening to its deceptive dogmas (see our podcast about his journey out of Christian Zionism theology: “Pastor Dr. Chuck Baldwin Rejects Christian Zionism").

    In this interview with Pastor Baldwin, his message, “The Old Covenant Is Abolished, And We Are Under A New, Better And Everlasting Covenant,” is discussed and analyzed. Pastor Baldwin uses the Bible to powerfully challenge Christian Zionist theology. In this 53 minute podcast, members of We Hold These Truths ask probing questions that give Pastor Baldwin an opportunity to discuss things like when Christian Zionism was first embraced by American Christians and how it has enriched some of the prominent evangelical leaders that he was on a first-name basis with from the start of his ministry in the late 1970s. Also, find out why Christian Zionists support wars to protect Israel. Another WHTT interview is “CHUCK BALDWIN ON TRUMP’S WALL & SWAMP CREATURES.” Chuck Baldwin’s website is:

    Listen to the interview here.


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