Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Entries for 2012

    New Hampshire Officially Recognizes Jury Nullification
    One of the last (and very best) true investigative journalists is William Norman Grigg. I have admired his work for years. A report he recently wrote was covered by one of the very best (if not THE BEST) newspapers in the country, The Eau Claire (Wisconsin) Journal. Grigg writes, “When New Ham...
    Published: Wednesday, August 8, 2012 :: Columns :: 7032 Views ::Article Rating
    Thank You, Denny’s And Dan Cathy
    While most big-box chain stores and restaurants love to pander to leftist causes, two national restaurant chains recently dived into the public fray on the side of political incorrectness. Denny’s restaurant made a commercial extolling the right to keep and bear arms as part of America’s...
    Published: Thursday, August 2, 2012 :: Columns :: 4578 Views ::Article Rating
    Don’t Try That In Montana!
    By now, everybody in the country knows about the horrific shootings at a packed theater in the metro Denver area last week. Twelve people were killed and scores were wounded. Predictably, gun-control zealots nationwide are shouting for stricter gun control laws. Not only that, some are even calling ...
    Published: Thursday, July 26, 2012 :: Columns :: 5196 Views ::Article Rating
    “The Fear Of God Is Not In This Place”
    What in the world has happened to America? How has it come to this? The America that we currently see is unrecognizable from the America many of us grew up in. The America that many oppressed people risked their lives to escape to now more resembles the oppressed nations that those people fled. (I&r...
    Published: Thursday, July 19, 2012 :: Columns :: 7443 Views ::Article Rating
    A Look At How Democrats And Republicans Differ
    It is an absolute fact that no matter which of the two major parties in Washington, D.C., is in power, the freedoms and liberties of the American people continue to be eroded. However, this does NOT mean that there are not basic differences between the two parties. The two parties differ greatly on ...
    Published: Thursday, July 12, 2012 :: Columns :: 6895 Views ::Article Rating
    Founders Without Whom America Would Not Exist
    As we approach another Independence Day, I think it would be good to remind ourselves of who those men were that counted the cost and paid the price to bring this land of liberty into existence. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans today seem to have very little–if any–knowledge...
    Published: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 :: Columns :: 6098 Views ::Article Rating
    “Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”
    Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” WBBM News Radio has the story. “Using the lure of $100 gift cards, the Chicago Police Department is encouraging people to...
    Published: Thursday, June 28, 2012 :: Columns :: 6364 Views ::Article Rating
    Four For Freedom
    Given the choices for President that the two major parties have given us over the last couple of decades (including this year), it is a truism that it really doesn’t matter much whether the Democrat or the Republican nominee is elected. No, it really doesn’t. In fact, in many respects, t...
    Published: Thursday, June 21, 2012 :: Columns :: 4573 Views ::Article Rating
    A Perfect Gift For Independence Day
    A few years ago, I sadly discovered that it was next to impossible to find our nation’s great historic documents together in one volume, so we decided to fix that problem. It took us a full year to research and compile over 50 of our country’s greatest historical documents, but we did it...
    Published: Friday, June 15, 2012 :: Columns :: 2179 Views ::Article Rating
    The White House Secret Kill List
    In a recent column posted on, Judge Andrew Napolitano highlighted a recent New York Times investigative report that reveals how President Barack Obama is engaging in secret assassinations worldwide. Judge Napolitano begins, “The leader of the government regularly sits down with...
    Published: Thursday, June 7, 2012 :: Columns :: 7119 Views ::Article Rating
    One Nation Under Surveillance
    America prides itself in being called “the land of the free.” But, what, exactly, does it mean to be free? Does it mean owning a car and having a job? People in communist countries own a car and have a job. Does it mean going to a mall to shop. People in communist countries go to a mall ...
    Published: Thursday, May 31, 2012 :: Columns :: 6316 Views ::Article Rating
    Update On NDAA And Drones Flying Over The US
    In a stunning upset for the Obama administration and big-government zealots in general, a federal judge in New York has issued an injunction against the citizen detention portion of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Bob Unruh at World Net Daily has the story. “A district-court ju...
    Published: Thursday, May 24, 2012 :: Columns :: 6372 Views ::Article Rating
    Iron Ladies
    A recent movie starring Meryl Streep and depicting the life of Lady Margaret Thatcher was called “The Iron Lady.” And the movie was aptly titled, as Lady Thatcher’s grit and determination proved that she was indeed an “Iron Lady.” In fact, Streep won an Oscar award for ...
    Published: Thursday, May 17, 2012 :: Columns :: 6959 Views ::Article Rating
    What Will They Say To Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednego?
    Let me start with a story. A man who had survived the great Johnstown flood died and went to Heaven. And not long after, all of the inhabitants of Heaven were allowed to take center stage and tell everyone about the most significant event that had happened to them while on Earth. The man couldn&rsqu...
    Published: Thursday, May 10, 2012 :: Columns :: 7220 Views ::Article Rating
    The Man Who Should Succeed Ron Paul
    Anyone who has been reading my columns for any length time knows that I am a staunch supporter (and, yes, friend) of Texas Congressman Ron Paul. I have written previously on why I believe Dr. Paul is the man that should be elected President of the United States in 2012. I’ve devoted several co...
    Published: Thursday, April 26, 2012 :: Columns :: 3917 Views ::Article Rating
    The Man Who Fired The Shot Heard ’Round The World
    April 19, 1775, should be regarded as important a date to Americans as July 4, 1776. It’s a shame that we don’t celebrate it as enthusiastically as we do Independence Day. It’s even more shameful that many Americans don’t even remember what happened on this day back in 1775. ...
    Published: Thursday, April 19, 2012 :: Columns :: 22697 Views ::Article Rating
    The Man Who Should Be President
    Today, I am going to do something that I have never done: I am going to devote virtually my entire column to posting another man’s words. That man is the man who should be President of the United States: Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. The following is a written transcript of a speech Dr. Paul ...
    Published: Thursday, April 12, 2012 :: Columns :: 10489 Views ::Article Rating
    Hutaree Militiamen Cleared In Court
    Much to the chagrin of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a federal judge has cleared the members of a Michigan militia who were accused by federal law enforcement agents of conspiracy to commit sedition. Since you didn’t hear much about this ruling from the national press corps, here is one onl...
    Published: Thursday, April 5, 2012 :: Columns :: 5893 Views ::Article Rating
    What Many Churches And The SPLC Have In Common
    Those of us who believe in constitutional government, the Bill of Rights, personal liberty, and State autonomy are beginning to taste what German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer and pastor Martin Niemoller experienced back in 1930’s Germany. These two great lovers of God and freedom were ostrac...
    Published: Thursday, March 29, 2012 :: Columns :: 6465 Views ::Article Rating
    My Latest Suggested Reading List
    It’s time for my annual suggested reading list column. First, here are a couple of maxims about reading in general. “Leaders are readers.” And, “A man is the sum total of the people he associates with and the books he reads.” Accordingly, here are books that I have rece...
    Published: Thursday, March 22, 2012 :: Columns :: 5639 Views ::Article Rating
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