Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    A Salute To Mom And Dad

    Published: Tuesday, June 2, 2009

    My youngest son is writing my column today in honor of Connie’s and my 36th wedding anniversary. Tim is a Florida attorney who graduated from law school at the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. He was a criminal prosecutor for the Florida State Attorney’s Office in the First District, and now owns his own law firm. He is 29 years old (soon to be 30) and is married to the former Miss Jennifer Hanssen. He is also the worship leader at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, and has authored a brand new book, Freedom for a Change, to be released this year by Agrapha Publishing. Take it away, Tim.

    It is fitting that I start out by saying it is truly an honor for me to write this article on behalf of my dad and mom in recognition of their 36th anniversary (knowing that either my sister or brother would also be happy to write this tribute), because if there is one thing that my parents reflect, reveal, and remind all of us (especially their children), it is that honor is worth more than all of the material considerations in this life: honor is worth pursuing and passing onto your posterity; honor is worth suffering for in the face of our adversaries; and honor is worth dying for–if that is the cost of keeping it.

    Knowing my parents the way I do; seeing them live their lives up close and personal; observing the conflicts and struggles that many people challenged my parents with; recognizing the truth of God that they instilled into the hearts of their children; and absorbing the love, care, instruction, discipline and guidance of Chuck and Connie Baldwin over the past 30 years of my life, the strongest phrase to describe the ability to write these facts and truths about my parents is: it is an honor to be the child of Chuck and Connie Baldwin, and it is my honor to tell the world that I love them with all of my heart and am thankful to God above all things that he gave me my parents.

    While most of you are familiar with the works of Chuck Baldwin (as he is most noted for being the 2008 Constitution Party Presidential Candidate, 2004 Constitution Party Vice-Presidential Candidate, radio talk show host, founder/pastor of Crossroad Baptist Church and syndicated columnist), the works of his wife and my mother, Connie Baldwin, are undoubtedly just as noteworthy, compelling, faithful and important, for it was the support she gave her husband and the love she gave her children that undergirded the Baldwin family for the past 36 years–and undoubtedly, it will be her presence in our family that will continue to guide our family in love and nurture in the future. Without Connie Baldwin, there would likely be no Chuck Baldwin as we know him, and all of the effects of his life and ministry would likely be unfelt. Moreover, without her, there would not be the closeness, bond, affection, and love of our family today. I have never seen a family demonstrate the closeness that our family has–a closeness gifted to us by God through the honored actions of Chuck and Connie Baldwin. Indeed, Connie Baldwin’s marriage to Chuck Baldwin and motherhood to her children have been honorable and worthy of utmost respect. Truly, God made Chuck Baldwin a stronger man through his marriage to my mom.

    As for Chuck Baldwin, I have observed him throughout my life in all of the different “arenas” of his life: in his personal life, in his pastoral life, in his political life, in his ministerial life, and in his family life. While many might attempt to criticize Chuck Baldwin on the positions he stands for, they can never criticize him for the honor he has displayed throughout his entire life. Many children of pastors flee from their father’s church as soon as they see the opportunity, only to treat their parents like distant relatives and their dad’s ministry with contempt. Yet, Chuck Baldwin’s life made a way not only for his children to grow in their love for their parents over the years, but also for us to join and support our dad in all the ways of his life. In fact, if you really want to judge a man’s life and character upon a single factor, look no further than his children. And most certainly when you analyze the life and character of Chuck Baldwin, his children’s love, respect, and admiration for him and their mom reveal the highest rating of quality in Chuck Baldwin. This would not be possible were it not for the honor that he has exemplified throughout his entire life as the husband to Connie and father to his children.

    I believe it is worth mentioning just a few of the honorable characteristics of Chuck Baldwin and telling you what is true about him: My dad is the same man of principle today that he was when I was 5 years old. He has never compromised the messages of truth contained in God’s natural and revealed laws for the sake of anyone, anything, or any political party. He preaches the same truths from the Word of God today as he did the day I received Jesus Christ as Savior in August 1985. He favors no one–not even his own children and wife–above the principles of truth in every area of life. He treats everyone with respect and yet cowers at no one’s threats or accusations. He gives “honor to whom honor” is due and yet is not afraid to blow the trumpet of warning against those who refuse to recognize and follow the truth of God. He never bases his opinion upon the popularity of those who could advance him personally, but only upon God’s natural and revealed laws. His much-needed and respected leadership has always been complimented by his humble spirit and loving heart. He loves people, loves his church, loves his country, and loves his family. He loves freedom, justice, and liberty, and is trying to secure and procure them for his posterity–and for anyone else who loves them. He believes that truth is worth living and dying for, and is willing to do just that. And even when he has had the ability, and even the “justification,” to be vengeful against those who were quick to attack his credibility and character, he never took the opportunity. Chuck Baldwin is an honorable man–a man worthy of respect and honor.

    Thus, when people look at my parents, or might look at the “politician” Chuck Baldwin, or the “pastor” Chuck Baldwin, with criticism, hatred, jealousy or contempt, I have to laugh because I know who Chuck and Connie Baldwin are. I know that without the effect of their lives upon my own, I would not be who I am today; I would not be married to the wonderful wife that I have today; I would not have come to know the Christ that I know today; I would not have the fire and passion to know truth today; I would not be a seeker of justice, righteousness, and freedom today. The same statement could be made, no doubt, by hundreds, if not thousands of people all across this world, who have been affected by the ministry and work of Chuck and Connie Baldwin.

    Given the uniqueness of the work of Chuck Baldwin, and given his effectiveness in restoring the honorable principles and truths of freedom (as understood by America’s Founders), it is crucial that those of us who believe in this message support it. Without your support, the message of truth and freedom cannot be broadcasted effectively. So, at this time, I want to make an appeal for your help to continue the work that Chuck Baldwin is doing on behalf of all freedom-loving Americans.

    Now, more than any time in American history, we need people like my dad, Chuck Baldwin, proclaiming the truth of liberty and freedom in our nation.

    Many of you read his columns regularly. Many of you forward his columns to your friends and family members all over America. May I please ask you to do one more thing: in honor of his 36th wedding anniversary, will you help my dad by sending him a generous donation to keep this column going out? Without the contributions of supporters such as you, these columns could not continue. If you can help, here is the link to use:

    I know Dad appreciates all of you in his “extended family”: readers of this column, those of you who are standing up for freedom and constitutional government, and the many brave and courageous patriots who have not yet “bowed the knee to Baal” (or the New World Order). He speaks of you often and with great affection. Thank you one and all for being a friend to my dad–and for being a friend to liberty.

    *If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

    © Chuck Baldwin


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