Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    There Is A Conspiracy

    Published: Tuesday, February 19, 2002

    Once again, a reader's letter intrigues me. He writes, "I find everything you say about a coming New World Order and One World Government extremely difficult to believe. For one thing, while you yourself obviously display no hate towards anyone, most other conspiracy theorists are anti-Semites." He further wrote, "An intelligent man such as yourself would do well to distance yourself from these loony theories."

    I will quickly acknowledge that unfortunately there are a significant number of conspiracy theories promulgated by people with anti-Semitic tendencies. Furthermore, like my reader friend, I unequivocally repudiate such ideas. To think that a little nation the size of New Jersey could be responsible for the vast worldwide conspiracies attributed to it is ludicrous and laughable, to say the least. Such people are as paranoid as the Nazis were, and I want no part of such prejudice.

    However, just because certain conspiracy theories are advocated by people with personal agendas and extremist ideologies is not reason enough to automatically dismiss the facts that suggest there is a conspiracy to steal America's sovereignty and independence. These facts are plentiful and powerful. Only foolish people would dismiss them out-of-hand.

    As a Christian, I believe the Word of God to be my source of faith and practice. Therefore, I must take seriously the Word's admonition that, "There is a conspiracy" (Ezek. 22:25). In fact, the conspiracy to overthrow righteousness is ubiquitous. If one will study American history, he will note that our Founding Fathers firmly believed that a conspiracy of influential internationalists was behind many of the Draconian decisions of old King George. They said as much in the Declaration of Independence.

    In the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." If that isn't a clear reference to conspiracy, I don't know what is.

    As in British-controlled America 200 years ago, policies advanced by like-minded politicos today attempt to erode our constitutional laws and national independence. Only a naïve person would suggest that this is mere coincidence. I remind my readers that George Bush, Sr. first popularized the name "New World Order." However, he is not the only notable personality that has openly called for such an international order.

    Former newsman, Walter Cronkite, has openly called for world government. Others calling for world government include England's Prime Minister, Tony Blair; former Clinton cabinet member, Strobe Tolbert; and a variety of spokesmen for the United Nations, as well as leaders from various multinational corporations. To think that all of these people (whose numbers are multitudinous) should not be taken seriously is the height of idiocy.

    Yes, my friends, there is a conspiracy. No, it is not a Jewish conspiracy. It is a conspiracy of elitists from all races and ethnic backgrounds who deeply despise our constitutional form of government, our national independence, and our Christian heritage. Some are communists; others are socialists. Many are wealthy and well positioned to advance their utopian ideas. They teach in our nation's colleges and universities. They occupy powerful positions in the media and in our political institutions. Many of them are also found behind the pulpits of our churches.

    The promoters of internationalism may not conduct monthly meetings. They may not carry New World Order membership cards in their wallets, but collectively they form a credible conspiracy to rob America of its independence. Furthermore, as long as patriotic Americans refuse to acknowledge their existence, the more effective they are at accomplishing their oligarchic objectives.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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