Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Bush In Bed With Homosexuals

    Published: Tuesday, April 23, 2002

    By now, we have a clear record on the Bush administration in regard to homosexuality. The record reveals that President Bush is more than sympathetic to the homosexual agenda. One could even argue that Bush has become (or always was) a proud promoter of that agenda. Here is the record; you judge for yourself.

    1. Candidate George W. Bush appointed four openly homosexual, gay-rights advocates to his presidential campaign steering committee. According to the homosexual group, Log Cabin Republicans, "scores" of Bush state steering committee members and campaign volunteers were homosexuals.

    2. Perhaps this explains why hundreds of homosexuals gathered in Washington, D.C., last weekend to "celebrate the achievements and leadership of George W. Bush." It also helps to explain why Rich Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans, said, "We want the country to know that we are behind our president and administration."

    3. On Dec. 21, 2001, President Bush signed a historic bill, which "for the first time allows the District of Columbia government to fund a program that will give domestic partners of city employees access to health benefits." Remember, Bush insisted that openly homosexual Congressman Jim Kolbe of Arizona be given a prominent speaking role at the Republican National Convention. It was Kolbe who introduced the amendment lifting the ban on gay partner benefits in D.C.

    4. Bush named Scot Evertz, a prominent homosexual activist, to head the White House AIDS office even though he had absolutely no experience dealing with public health issues.

    5. Bush appointed another homosexual activist, Donald Cappoccia, to the U.S. Commission on Fine Arts.

    6. Bush appointed openly homosexual, Michael Guest, as Ambassador to Romania. Since then, Bush has decided to leave in place a Clinton policy that calls for supporting the "unmarried partners" of U.S. Foreign Service workers. This allows Guest's live-in lover to live in the U.S. Embassy in Bucharest and allows him to join Guest at official embassy functions.

    7. Bush presided over the appointment of homosexual activist, Stephen Herbits, to oversee the choice of civilian personnel at the Pentagon.

    8. Bush has not reversed a single pro-homosexual policy instituted by former president Bill Clinton. Not even one!

    9. The Bush administration posted a job for what is called a "gay and lesbian program specialist" at the Department of Agriculture.

    10. Bush appointed the ardently pro-homosexual Governor of Massachussetts, Paul Cellucci, as U.S. Ambassador to Canada.

    11. Bush appointed Lewis Eisenberg to become the new GOP chief fundraiser. Eisenberg has a long history of supporting pro-homosexual and pro-abortion candidates.

    12. Just yesterday, The Washington Times reported, "The Bush administration has joined European delegates to an upcoming U.N. summit on children in moving to recognize families 'in various forms,' including unmarried cohabiting couples and homosexual partners."

    Concerned Women for America is so concerned that it recently released a statement saying, "President George Bush is just another Bill Clinton on the homosexual-rights issue." Perhaps Log Cabin spokesman, Rich Tafel, best summarized the situation. He said, "He [Bush] has a vision of a different Republican Party." If homosexual activists such as Tafel can see the real George W. Bush, why cannot Christian conservatives?

    © Chuck Baldwin

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