Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Republicans And Christians Are Becoming Increasingly Irrelevant

    Published: Friday, August 15, 2003

    Can anyone remember when conservative Christian groups and conservative Republicans actually stood for something? Can you remember when millions of motivated conservative Christians stood as one for less government, tax reductions, and more freedom? Why, I can even remember when conservatives championed the elimination of at least five federal departments, scores of federal agencies, and massive cuts in federal spending.

    Well, those days are gone, my friends. Today's conservative Christians and Republicans do not remotely resemble the principled conservatives of just a decade ago. In fact, one could even say that today's conservatives are more liberal than yesterday's liberals. It's disgusting!

    For example, the Republican Governor of Alabama Bob Riley has teamed up with the president of the Christian Coalition of America to spearhead a tax increase amounting to more than one billion dollars! Riley has even gone so far as to tell Christians within his state that it is their "Christian duty" to support this massive tax increase. The Christian Coalition agrees.

    What is wrong with these people? Are they ignorant, misinformed, or just plain stupid? Don't they know that increased taxes mean reduced freedom? Are they so naive that they don't realize this? Or, are they wolves in sheep's clothing and are only interested in using the proliferation of government to increase power unto themselves? Probably the latter is the real explanation.

    Things are so topsy-turvy these days that it is almost impossible to know who the good guys are. For example, the devilish ACLU is rightly opposing the so-called USA Patriot Act, while the saintly American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), Pat Robertson's legal counterpart to the ACLU, is busy promoting it! It this case, give stars to the ACLU and pitchforks to the ACLJ.

    This infatuation with big government has made conservative Christians and Republicans irrelevant. In truth, they have become carbon copy Democrats. The only difference is name and style; the results are the same. As far as being a voice and influence for true conservative principles, neither the notable Christian groups nor the Republican Party offers any solution. In fact, they are part of the problem!

    If one wants to find a platform to fight for less government and more freedom, he must look somewhere other than to the Republican Party or Christian Coalition of America. They might have done some good in their day, but that day is long gone! It's time for real conservatives to move on, too, because to stay on board the current ship is to sink into continued irrelevance.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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