Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Judge Roy Moore Is Coming To Pensacola, Florida

    Published: Tuesday, October 7, 2003

    It is our honor and privilege at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida, to host Judge Roy Moore at our Tenth Annual God and Country Day celebration. The date is Sunday, November 2. The time is 10:00 am CST. Crossroad Church is located at 6800 Mobile Highway.

    Judge Moore will be the keynote speaker and will be joined by best-selling author, John Stormer, and patriotic soloist, Tim Davis. Dr. Stormer has authored several best-selling books including, None Dare Call It Treason, and None Dare Call It Education. He will speak during the evening service at 6:00 pm.

    Tim Davis is one of the outstanding young tenors in the country today. He has sung the National Anthem at several professional athletic contests including a NFL Jacksonville Jaguars game just recently. Tim will be providing special patriotic music during the event.

    Add to Tim Davis and John Stormer, hundreds of enthusiastic, flag-waving patriots, dozens of local dignitaries, and friends driving or flying in from all over the country, and you have one patriotic celebration you dare not miss!

    I am announcing this upcoming celebration with Judge Roy Moore to my readers now so those who would like to make plans to attend have time to do so. There are several good and yet inexpensive motels located just minutes away from the church.

    If you would like to receive information regarding lodging, directions, or anything else, please call 850-944-3544 during normal office hours. Remember, Pensacola is located on the Gulf of Mexico at the Western-most tip of the Florida Panhandle and is on Central Standard Time, not Eastern.

    To give you some directional reference points: Mobile, Alabama, is 50 miles due West. Montgomery, Alabama, is about 150 miles North, and Tallahassee, Florida, is about 200 miles due East.

    It is our intention to tell the media and all who will take notice that we support Judge Roy Moore's decision to erect a monument of the Ten Commandments in the Alabama Judicial Building and that we also support his decision to resist a federal judge's order to take it down. We further intend to give Judge Moore a generous financial contribution to his legal defense fund before he leaves.

    If you would like to participate in this giant God and Country Day celebration, and would like to show your support for Judge Roy Moore, come to Pensacola, Florida, on Sunday, November 2. When you do, be sure to introduce yourself to me and tell me you read my columns. I'd love to meet you. I hope to see you on November 2.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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