Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    All My 2004 Columns Now Available On CD

    Published: Tuesday, February 15, 2005

    Because readers are constantly asking me if there is someplace where they can access my past columns, I have decided to put together a CD containing all of my columns for the year 2004. Therefore, with the able assistance of my staff, I am now able to make this CD available to my readers.

    You can now have all of my columns on a single CD, and perhaps best of all, the CD is formatted with word search capability. As a result, you will be able to find any article on the disk by simply searching for a given word. Any key word will instantly provide you with all the articles in which that word occurs.

    Here are twelve of the titles that are included on this 2004 CD:

    *Bush Immigration Plan Borders On Treason
    *Would You Vote For Nero Or Caligula As "The Lesser Of Two Evils?"
    *Republican Party Is Outspending Democrats
    *You Know Things Are In Bad Shape When Jay Leno Makes More Sense Than Either G. W. Bush Or John Kerry
    *"The Spirit Of Fear" Controls Many Christians
    *Trading A Constitutional Republic For Big Brother
    *President Bush Continues To Surrender U.S. Sovereignty To International Entities
    *Who Needs A Psychiatrist?
    *Have Evangelicals Abandoned Their Christian Convictions?
    *I Am A Conservative Christian, And The Religious Right Scares Me, Too
    *My Speech Delivered Before the State of Ohio Reform Party Annual Convention
    *America Has Lost A Real Hero

    These are just a few of the columns that are included on this CD. Again, all of the columns I wrote during the year 2004 are included on this CD. And remember, the CD has complete word search capability.

    The cost of this CD is $20.00 each or only $15.00 each if you order 2 or more. And these prices include shipping!

    Send checks or Money Orders (sorry, no credit cards) to:

    Chuck Baldwin Live
    P.O. Box 37070
    Pensacola, Florida 32526

    Our supply will not last long, so order today! And thanks for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

    This column is archived as

    *If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

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    I also have many books and DVDs available for purchase online. Go here:

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