Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Meet Me In West Palm Beach, Florida

    Published: Tuesday, August 16, 2005

    I would like to invite any and all readers who live within driving distance of West Palm Beach, Florida to join me for a special meeting on Thursday, August 18, at 7pm at the West Palm Beach Marriott Hotel. The hotel is located at 1001 Okeechobee Blvd., near City Place, I-95, Exit 70, East about a half mile. The meeting is being sponsored by the Constitution Party of Florida. Tickets are $10 and will be available at the door; the general public is welcome to attend. Jack McClain is the coordinator for the event and can be reached at 561-741-7592.

    I am often invited to speak at various meetings around the country and, sadly, am not always able to accept those invitations due to scheduling constraints. However, I am happy to be able to accept this invitation and look forward to being with my good friend Jack McClain and a host of friends who will join us at the West Palm Beach Marriott Hotel.

    I would especially enjoy meeting those people who read my weekly editorials. If you live close enough to attend this meeting, I would count it an honor to meet you personally. By all means, be sure to introduce yourself to me when you come, and let me know you read this column.

    The theme of the meeting in West Palm Beach is "Which Way America?" After my address, there will be a generous time allotted for questions.

    Again, I would like to invite my readers in South Florida to come and join me for this special meeting in West Palm Beach. See you there.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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