Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Video Sermons Now Online

    Published: Thursday, September 8, 2005

    For many years, readers have repeatedly asked me if I know of a church in this city or that city where they could hear the type of sermons that I regularly preach at Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. While I know of hundreds, even thousands, of churches that preach the Gospel, I know of very few that are not either totally disconnected from cultural and political issues or little more than lackeys for President Bush.

    Furthermore, since virtually all of the national TV preachers are merely cheerleaders and lap dogs for President Bush in particular and the Republican Party in general, there is a great void and vacuum for independent, trenchant preaching. Accordingly, I would like to invite my readers to go to my web site where they can view and even download my sermons.

    My video sermons can be viewed by using either a dial-up or high speed modem. They can also be downloaded and saved on one's computer hard drive.

    I've already heard from people who plan to download these sermons and play them during their home Bible studies or home church services. Many plan to put them on disk and give them to friends. There is no charge for these sermons. I offer them to my online friends for the purpose of helping spread the message of truth and objectivity in an age of compromise and appeasement.

    Currently, there are four sermons available. They include "Honoring Our Declaration Of Independence," "A Peculiar People," "No King But Jesus," and "Is God Judging America?" The last message was delivered Sunday, September 4. It is a Biblical analysis of Hurricane Katrina and other events which have recently plagued America.

    We will keep several sermons up on the page for people to view. And, of course, we will continually refresh the page with current sermons.

    To view my video sermons, go to my web page at:

    If you enjoy the sermons, will you please tell your friends? And once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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