Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Second Amendment Speech Now Online

    Published: Friday, December 2, 2005

    Back in February, 1994, I was invited by then Florida State Representative Robert Kerrigan to speak at a Second Amendment Rally which took place at the Pensacola Interstate Fairgrounds. At the time, both the federal government and Florida State government were threatening to severely restrict the freedom of honest people to keep and bear arms. Several notable conservatives, including Kerrigan, were attempting to mobilize people to resist such efforts.

    Attending the rally in Pensacola were several local and state dignitaries and more than a thousand concerned citizens from the states of Florida and Alabama. It was a balmy Sunday afternoon when I took the podium and spoke before this august gathering. The speech, just over seven minutes in length, was captured by a man in the crowd on his home video recorder. The reaction to that speech was electrifying!

    As a result of Representative Kerrigan's (and many others) efforts, the attempted usurpations of our Second Amendment freedoms were successfully rebuffed.

    Recently, several people have asked that I make that speech available on my web site. This has now been done.

    To view my Second Amendment speech, go to my web site at:

    While you are there, please feel free to view my video sermons and listen to my interview with Bob Barr regarding the dangers of the USA Patriot Act. Plus, there is a "ton" of very useful and informative material throughout the web site.

    My video speeches may be viewed using either a dial up or high speed modem and may be downloaded or saved on one's computer hard drive. And, as always, there is no charge to view or download these materials.

    Remember, too, that FREEDOM DOCUMENTS are currently available and are selling fast. Our supply will not last long, so if you want to order copies of this gigantic collection of over fifty of America's most important historical documents, ORDER NOW!

    Details are available on my web site. Please visit my web site and view the speech. And, once again, thank you for reading my commentaries.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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