Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    Dubai Deal Is Dumb

    Published: Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    Let me get this straight. We are engaged in a war against Iraq and Afghanistan. We might be planning a war against Iran. We are fighting a war against terrorism. In order to effectively fight the war on terrorism, our federal government must spy on American citizens. This includes tapping our phone lines, capturing our emails, opening our mail, and seizing our bank and medical records. Furthermore, none of this federal spying and eavesdropping should be subject to court oversight, as it might jeopardize "national security."

    However, while the Bush administration is telling the American people that they need not be afraid their personal liberties are disappearing, it is giving its approval for the transfer of six major U.S. ports to a United Arab Emirates government-owned and operated company.

    President Bush assures the American people that the UAE is our ally in the war on terrorism. However, he fails to mention that at least two of the 9/11 hijackers were from there. He also doesn't mention the fact that the UAE was one of only three countries in the entire world to formally recognize the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Neither does he mention the fact that "investigators have found signs that money used to finance terrorism flowed through Dubai banks." (Source: New York Daily News)

    If Congress doesn't intervene, the UAE-owned company will soon take control of facilities in the ports of New York, New Jersey, New Orleans, Miami, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. To which Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma said, "Handing the keys to US strategic ports to a regime that recognized the Taliban is not a sound next step in our war against terror." That's putting it mildly.

    Coburn also warned that the Dubai Ports World agreement "could seriously undermine our national security." Indeed it could. Consider the fact that less than 5% of goods received at our nation's ports are inspected.

    A New York Representative was even more direct. Vito Fossella said, "We cannot cede control of strategic assets to foreign nations with spotty records on terrorism." He added, "The lack of transparency has left many questions unanswered as to why the UAE would be granted control of United States strategic assets." Amen.

    Add to the Dubai deal an outlandishly ludicrous policy regarding legal and illegal immigration and one must question not only the strategies of this White House but also the motives!

    For example, what has Bush done to deport the thousands of potential terrorists from known terrorist nations that currently reside in the United States? Nothing. Instead of subjecting the American people to unconstitutional abridgements of their liberties, he should be using the power of his office to rid America of people from terrorist nations that are walking freely in our country!

    It is a fact that Middle Eastern Muslims are living and working in the United States in gigantic numbers. Thousands of them are working in hi-tech, governmental, and manufacturing jobs. They are also found in our military and law enforcement agencies in large numbers. Thousands more are here on student visas, and many more are using marriages to American women to gain entry. In fact, only Hispanic numbers are growing faster.

    Walk just about anywhere in downtown Detroit, Michigan, and one will hear the bells of Mosques ringing out loudly and often. The same could be said for parts of many large American cities. One published report I read said that there are more Mosques currently being built in the United States than churches! This has long been true in Great Britain. Now it's occurring in America.

    Can you imagine the United States allowing Japanese and German people unrestricted access to America during World War II? In light of this, how can President Bush look the American people in the eye with a straight face and tell us he is fighting a war on terror? If it wasn't so serious, it would be hilarious!

    Furthermore, what has Bush done to stop the deluge of illegal aliens that are pouring across our borders? Nothing. Not only has he done nothing to stem the tide of illegal immigration, he has advanced policies that have induced the rapid expansion of illegal immigration!

    Instead of asking the American people to surrender their liberties, he should be doing everything he can to stop the entrance of potential terrorists into our country! It is absolutely ludicrous to send an army half way around the world to fight terrorists and leave our own borders wide open!

    And now President Bush wants to turn American ports over to Middle Eastern control. This is dumb. No, this is insane!

    I can already see Washington's response to the next terrorist attack: martial law declared against American citizens or actions to the same effect. But, of course, the welcome mat will still be out for illegal aliens and Middle Eastern Muslims.

    Never mind that it was Bush's policies and inactions (along with those of his predecessors) that allowed the 9/11 hijackers to legally enter and live in the United States. Never mind that it is his policies and inactions that continue to make America vulnerable to our enemies.

    It seems the only thing people in Washington, D.C., know how to do is squander tax dollars and expunge constitutional liberties. They seem inept at doing anything else!

    When will the American people wake up to what politicians of both parties are doing to them? At this point, I'm not sure they ever will.

    © Chuck Baldwin

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