Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    America’s Leaders Selling Our Country Out From Under Us

    Published: Friday, March 17, 2006

    The recent attempt by the Bush administration to turn at least six U.S. sea ports over to the control of the United Arab Emirates is only the latest example of how America's leaders are selling our country right out from under us.

    According to the March 8, 2006 edition of The Washington Times, "Homeland Security officials, who initially said there are about 850 terminals nationwide, now say there are 3,200 terminals, up to 80 percent of which are operated by foreign companies and countries."

    When pressed, Homeland Security officials admit that they do not even know exactly who controls our ports. As one Homeland Security officer put it, "It's as clear as mud."

    The Times report goes on to say, "Countries operating U.S. terminals include China and Singapore. Foreign businesses include companies from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, London and Denmark."

    By the way, readers need to be alert to the fact that the Dubai deal is anything but nixed. Newsday recently reported Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist as acknowledging "that if an American buyer is not found, and the Bush administration determines there are no security risks, a deal for DP World to manage and operate major U.S. ports still could go through."

    Frist told ABC's This Week, "If everything that the president, the administration has said, and that is that there is absolutely no threatening or jeopardy to our security and safety of the American people, I don't see how the deal would have to be canceled."

    Remember, too, as I reported in the previous article, the Bush administration is proceeding with plans to turn over at least nine military facilities to the United Arab Emirates. Interestingly enough, Congress has made absolutely no attempts to block this deal, and with the exception of a few newspapers, the major media has not even bothered to cover this story.

    Furthermore, let's not forget that the Communist Chinese Army now controls the Panama Canal and also controls port terminals in Seattle, Washington, and Long Beach, California.

    America's leaders are willfully and deliberately outsourcing every viable asset we have to foreign countries. Ever since President Bill Clinton and Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole collaborated to ram NAFTA and GATT down our throats, the rush to outsource America's jobs, industries, and even our security has been in full swing (and FTAA is just around the corner).

    Coincidentally, according to Human Events, Bob Dole and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright have both been agents for UAE government-owned Dubai Ports World. Dole as a Washington lobbyist and Albright on a recent trip to the People's Republic of China.

    Furthermore, Bush administration officials also have financial ties to Dubai Ports World. "[Treasury Secretary John] Snow was chairman of the CSX rail firm that sold its own international port operations to DP World for $1.5 billion in 2004, the year after Snow left for President Bush's cabinet." (Source: New York Daily News, Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 2006)

    Snow is not alone. New York Daily News also reports that David Sanborn, who was tapped by Bush to lead the U.S. Maritime Administration also runs DP World's European and Latin American operations.

    American industries are vanishing as are American jobs. Our public education system is so bad we cannot supply needed demands in our medical and science sectors. Even worse, we cannot even meet the recruiting demands of our military.

    One recent news report said that of all young people between the ages of 17 and 24 (who would be eligible for military recruitment) at least 75% were determined to be unqualified. They are either too fat, too dumb, or too undisciplined. The Army doesn't want them! Therefore, along with doctors, engineers, scientists, teachers, and laborers, we are importing soldiers!

    Speaking of our military, you do know that U.S. soldiers have now been put under foreign commanders in Afghanistan, don't you? Well, it's true. Just read the AP news wire dated Tuesday, March 14.

    Also, think about this: according to government statistics, foreigners own 65% or our metal ore mining industry, 65% of our database publishers, 62% of our cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum products, 57% of our engine, turbine, and power transmission equipment, 53% of our rubber products, 53% of our nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing, 52% of our plastics manufacturing, 50% of our oiler, tank, and shipping containers, 48% of our glass and glass products, 48% of our coal mining, 40% of our pharmaceuticals and medicines, and on and on. Here's more: there are more than 12 million illegal aliens living in America. 40% of these arrived after G.W. Bush became president in 2000. According to the Pew Hispanic Center, these "unauthorized migrants" comprise 24% of the labor force in farming, 17% in cleaning, 14% in construction, and 12% in food preparation. And those numbers are escalating rapidly!

    Does anyone actually believe that our elected officials in Washington, D.C., don't know what is going on? Does anyone believe that they are ignorant or naïve about these things? Get real! Our politicians know exactly what is happening, because they are actively participating in the whole debacle.

    Face it, folks: our leaders are selling our country right out from under us.

    © 2006 Chuck Baldwin - All Rights Reserved

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