Chuck Baldwin (2021)
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    My Warning Regarding Illegal Immigration

    Published: Monday, March 27, 2006

    I wrote the following words on March 21, 2006, just days before hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens took to America's streets in massive protests.

    (To read the entire column, go to: )

    "America's illegal immigration problem is a time bomb with a lit fuse! And the fuse is getting short!

    "Did you know that of the more than 12 million (This is a very conservative estimate. The actual number is well over 20 million.) illegal aliens that currently reside in this country, almost half of them arrived here since G.W. Bush became president in 2000? The reported figure is 40%. (Source: The Washington Times)

    "Does anyone think that the dramatic increase of illegal aliens to America during the Bush administration is a coincidence? Only an imbecile could believe that! The reason that there are nearly 50% more illegal aliens in America (most of them crossing our southern border since Bush became president) is directly because of the policies and speeches President Bush has made that have created a climate extremely favorable to illegal aliens. Most of the millions of illegal aliens that have poured across our southern border during the last 5 years have done so with the expectation (clearly created by Bush) of receiving legal amnesty in this country.

    "How can any rational person take Bush seriously about his "war on terrorism," when he treats the problem of illegal immigration with such a cavalier attitude? Beyond that, how can they accept his continued encroachments upon the liberties of the American citizenry with such indifference? Do they not realize that President Bush is punishing law- abiding Americans while opening the door of potential terrorism even wider? Have the American people (and especially the Religious Right) lost their minds?"

    Our elected leaders have created a gigantic illegal alien nightmare that will plague this nation for decades to come. Rep. Tom Tancredo and a few others have tried to warn America for years of this impending disaster. Now, we are beginning to pay the price. We should give Rep. Tancredo all the help we can. Please contact your house members and senators immediately! The future of our country is at stake!

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